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Everything posted by Zombiekiller794

  1. my vid must be shortened first srry
  2. the characters are supposed to be dead according to some but maybe Ritchofen and Takeo escaped and possibbly Tank or maybe just him and Nikolai died idk
  3. There is also a UVB-77
  4. i have to upload the vid on youtube first it will take a while and srry for the spam
  5. Ill try to get it
  6. me and my brother activated the fly trap and in this order tddy+bwyknife tddy+colt then monkey and we went to the box and we saw a red glowing ray gun like the pckupnch is blue it was red i dont know if its more powerful or not but it is harder to get than the wunderwaffe and i dont know if any1 else has found this :o
  7. they didnt make area 51 because the whole company is making black ops
  8. you didnt know that
  9. the song is possibly for sam from world at war
  10. Its a lullaby for possibly Sam from world at war the first email talked about the germans
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