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Everything posted by Zombiekiller794

  1. I saw that two and other stuff like some stuff about generation the sentences that curl around like this @________________ but the other way and a whole lot more symbols the buildings at the bottom and a bunch more sayings and stuff
  2. WOW has noone been listening to me about this WOW :facepalm:
  3. i just know the tele by the power switch always sends you up to the board room or war room
  4. Zombiekiller794


    wait wait wait how do you go into first person???
  5. its a special glitch you hear them when theyre not there but in Kino playing 2-3 ive herd some like spetznaz guy and it isnt Nikolai or Takeo etc. anyway you normally get special quotes
  6. i will be using mostly smgs and sniper rifles but we cant pick 2 things so im also looking forward to using the (death machine) minigun
  7. i am locking/deleting this topic if i can
  8. search up on youtbe henrys channel recording 3 in it they say "A LIE IS A LIE" and it repeats and in other vids of his it talks about one of the packages, Dr Maxis and Group 935 and also GK so theres your proof carbon but anyway GKNOVA0 is now at gknova2.co and it says "do we play tricks on you?" :D
  9. Since Carbon locked the other one here is a new topic
  10. a new thing for GKN0
  11. its for the sog it even says SOG
  12. i agree and there is so much un-discovered
  13. did u get the double sided poster
  14. The website is ready now for those of u who have the code
  15. there is another base i nevada where the military vehicles go underground through a small hill
  16. That is wrong he is not tied to a chair he is simply squating or crouching in a tunnel like in the Vietnamise tunnel you go through in a level or he is preparing for a stealth attack
  17. to see the pics go ,to codz home and search on Der Riese the teleporter pics and look for the orange zombie with a stick covering its eyes and fire around it
  18. No I pre-ordered for the 2 sided poster and i asked for the code and got it let me check the website www.gamestop.com/CODBlackOps its still the same keep checking though :)
  19. i took some pictures but cant get them on here but the burning zombie pic for BO there is a zoomed teleporter pic of the same thing
  20. has anyone pre-ordered BO, I have and cant use my avatar code link gamestops website wont show the redemtion link does anybody else have this problem :x
  21. Did any1 notice on GKN6 ther are 2 more buttons so that might mean there are 2 more transmissions think about it...
  22. u fly and shoot the lower=co-pilot spots and uses a hvy mg the upper=u/pilot shoots and flies
  23. A lie is a lie, Just because they write it down and call it history doesnt make it the truth that is a key quote for black ops and all of the historical papers
  24. well when i saw the gun it looked like a normal PaP gun in the box try other orders that was just what i showed my brother Bwy Colt then the monkey and we both saw PaP ray gun in the box and remember sometimes it can be other guns hey i remember it being the box being where it first spawns so try to get it by the power and lookif u dont believe me u dont but i know what i saw it had the PaP design in it
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