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Lime dude

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Everything posted by Lime dude

  1. Dude they are the dumb ones because they are super flaming and half of them have "stop flaming" on there sig. Man, some people just dont get it. I posted something one time, people flamed, then carbon came in to place and shut them all up. ha ha . When Carbon tells the flamers off, everyone obeys .
  2. Well that could be possible but im not sure if I'd want that or not because ive never played the game, none the less, it hasn't even came out.
  3. I want this. I want that. What dont you want?!?! jk, good job, you put a lot of work into that it looks like. Brains for you!
  4. Whats your favorite upgraded weapon in nazi zombies waw??
  5. Hey carbon can i please have some??
  6. Ok ok! just trying to put some life into this website.
  7. http://www.cafepress.com/CoDzStore.4069 ... sicShopPDP
  8. lol, I dont even know what you just said.
  9. Dude get out of thread please if your going to be rude.
  10. Hey Carbon, I saw on twitter when you guys posted the thing about you guys selling T-shirts. I was just wondering if that money would go to this website because i am thinking of getting one, or if not a shirt, than maybe a coffee cup or something. Please reply, thanks :mrgreen:
  11. haha, that sucks. one time me and two of my friends were on round 29 and we were teliporting. We were at the catwalk, one of my friends were in the teliporter and me and my other friend were on the catwalk ready to jump down to teliport. We got in the teliporter, aaaaand... There were to many zombies crowded in the teliporter and it wouldnt teliport when we pressed X.
  13. are you on drugs? :shock: MAMA YA YA MAMA YA YA!!!! RIP RIP POW!!!! MAMA SOOSHEEE!!!!
  15. ya i never realy thought of that
  16. You can find them on Ebay all over the place.
  17. lol I know. It needed edited today anyways. :D
  18. From what I read when I posted I did say power ups and im pretty sure that I didnt say perks, but I might be wrong.
  19. Zombie power ups: ice cold-freezes all zombies for ten seconds smoke eater-makes all of the zombies blind and they can't see you for fifteen seconds sticky feet-zombies move at a slower pace for 20 seconds ammo release-gives you and your teamates unlimited ammo for ten seconds (no need 2 reload) electric reaction-turns on all electric bariers on for ten seconds extra extra-doubles your ammo autimatic semi-turn your semi auto weapon into fully autamatic gun (only for semi auto guns) for 20 seconds bombs away-get unlimited grenades for ten seconds
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