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Everything posted by Phillips455

  1. Would you kindly add in the link to the website, thank you this is interseting, its not in britian, not in russia, but an abandonde, light house with shipd run arownd with russian zombies coming from the sea and ship o.O
  2. kk il join in just tell me teh times GT: PHILLIPS455
  3. . BEST. IDEA. EVER or have some random guy inside and block the doors so he/she cant get out :P
  4. Danke now, what i would love to do is put a sentry and a claymore in the lift, and someone presses the button ;)
  5. This not just an ordenary Call Of Duty: Black Ops Map Pack This is a: Multiplayer filed, ZOMBIES tempted, Call Of Duty: Black Ops Map Pack
  6. well, ive never heared of a Spike tv channel so no...
  7. Wheres the link to the gttv tRAiler? them link you hav e is for the promo :/
  8. We all know what happened last time (First Strike) Nothing I remember that- We were all in the chat like ready for some amazing gameplay and zombies info, and then we got 30 seconds of gameplay from MP and then the Ascension gameplay from the already shown First Strike trailer. This new episode of GTTV tonight BETTER include some legitimate gameplay, or I am going to rage... wait, is it tomorrow at 9am? cause if it is.... ill be either asleep because its a bank holiday for me , or so tiered...
  9. from what is see there is: ES3T ???
  10. See scotlands coasts in the winter...
  11. Fake, just a clip from the fakeywakey Salad man, that that guy even took to the trouble of stealing for PTG for That Guy
  12. dont forget about the scottish me anyway, i want this so badly to be in the uk, or nbear, like scotland in the winter :P
  13. NO problem. You should apply for UK Zombie if you are UK possibly not in the uk, he might be in portugal ;P
  14. have you even read all of the theorys and reasons onto why he istn dead? didnt think so
  15. till be mainly multiplayer, but lets hope theres atleast 10 seconds of zombies, characters/weapons ect
  16. wait.... This means that only one plaer hears Sam screaming? I never knew! plus: players[rand] proves that each player is assigned a numerical value. You could thus find the numerical value for each character and altar this code so that the screaming always plays through your player! Neato! dempsey = plr0 nikolai = plr1 takeo = plr2 richtofen = plr3 lol, id thought tank would be plr1, not plr0
  17. you don't get it do you? he is making fun of all of the people making stuff like this but claim that it is 100% real, and no sarcasim....
  18. so, If youv'e been here for a day, you have the rep power of 0.1 brains every post will add 0.1 brains to that, If someone where to give you a brain, then it would add 0.1 to it, If you stay another day, you add on 0.1 brains power so lets say you have been here for 2 days, have 3 post and 10 brains so its 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.1 so if you thumbs up a person, then they would get 6 brains, or +0.6 thats is shown on the post
  19. trolling salad man story....
  20. Maybe theres two wee n00bs hanging around, only eating salad asking for "WhErERs hEEENNNRRY!>>? We trYyyyy Toooooo coNN pEopLEoUT Of THERZ pOints!!!!"
  21. well its not really the xbox getting it a month early. Its all the other platforms getting it a month or 2 (pc) late :/ but the maps are being rushed out early, so techniqally ps3 is getting them at the write time, xbox gets all the glitches and the pc's get f**kd
  22. have you EVER been to scotland in the winter.... i know how this is, so it might be in scotlansd, or one of the shetland island
  23. We can play as James Bond FTW no, we can be a welsh man, irish man, scottish man, english man >:]
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