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Posts posted by (V)

  1. LMAO. People still post on this thread? I hope you know, I was trolling HARD. :lol:

    Well I stand corrected. 'Tis a wee bit hard to gauge tone over the interwebz, well done.

    Either way my statement still stands for a lot of the threads on CODZ ;) .

  2. I think it will be interesting to see if the "paid content" like map packs etc. will be tied to your "elite" account and you have to continue to pay to use that content. If so, that would be utterly outrageous.

    Most of the stats and stuff the community mostly does anyway, but it's mainly for all the KDR so and so's I think. Unless the content is pretty special and worthwhile, complete waste of money. The map packs they release now days are hardly worth how much you pay.

    Just more dollars for Bobby and his investors.

    On a more positive note. The centralization of this may perhaps help the COD e-sports community, but I don't hold my breath for that.

  3. You have to realize that hardcore zombie players like ourselves are a minority, Treyarch are catering to the greater majority (which play MP the most). I too would love it if they released more zombie maps in the map packs, it sure would make it more worth the money for all of us here ;) .

    That's why MP is always the biggest focus really for the COD community when a new iteration (copy and paste more like it) is released. They're just following the scent of money.

    It's a shame that Treyarch doesn't work something out so PS3 and 360 users can't have access to some of the modding content that us PC users have (and will have with BLOPS when PCDev finally finishes and release our mod tools). There is some absolutely great community made zombie content out there for W@W.

    If only Activision cared enough about the community to allow access to such content for the console communities, but they're more interested in keeping things even more closed up for you guys so you get burned out by the older CODs so you can't wait to buy the next one or the DLC :( .

  4. New details regarding the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack have been revealed, via GAME Australia’s website. It’s difficult to garner too much info, but the pack in question is called ‘Escalation’ and looks to feature a new Zombies map, in addition to the new multiplayer arenas.

    Once again, a lot of mystery surrounding the next zombie map. I haven't played through Ascension yet so I'm unsure what direction they'll take it in.

    Let the speculation commence :ugeek: !


  5. lol, you dont need steam, all you have to do is buy the british version and not hook it up to steam, allthought that means no multiplayer

    I'm guessing Black Ops will be somewhat similar to MW2 in terms of Steam. If so, yes, you do need steam. You still have to be connected to Steam to play SP (which I'm not happy about). You have to connect your copy of Black Ops to your Steam account.

    Also, it said that every "European copy of Black Ops" is banned in Germany. The UK is in the Europe region no?

    I guess the Germans will be happy pirating exists ;) .

  6. I certainly hope it nothing that any of you have suggested (except maybe Fortunate Son ;) ), the Eminem song was bad enough.... I think they should use a song from the era of the cold war considering that it takes place predominately in that era.

    Unless it's a zombie trailer, then I think it should be another song sung my Elena Siegman.

    The best Trailers Treyarch have made in my opinion have been these ones linked below.

    COD:W@W Reveal Trailer

    COD:BO World Premiere Uncut Trailer

  7. Bad news for German PC players, it seems that European PC versions of Black Ops has been banned. Steam will only be authorizing localized version of Black Ops so it doesn't look like you'll be able to import a copy of Black Ops from other European countires either.


    One thing I really don't get is why it's only been reported that the PC version and not the console version has been banned. Surely they would both have the same content, unless the higher graphical settings of the PC was too much for the Censorsh... err.... Ratings board.

    The article also talks about a new trailer coming out on Sunday, but refer to this thread for discussion about it.

  8. But im still a bit skeptical about the dogs being a one hit-kill. It seems a bit overpowered in my opinion.

    The dogs just sound pretty much like they were in W@W but just at a higher killstreak required. They never seemed OP in W@W because there's nothing your trusty knife can't do ;) .

  9. I'm pretty sure JD confirmed on his Twitter during one of those #askJD sessions that the killstreak went to 11 and that was it. Which I am super happy with.... fewer lobbies with Campy McCampers going for that big 25 killstreak while we lose the objective.

    Ahh, ok. I don't bothering with Twitter so...

  10. Does anybody recall a while back when Treyarch said they will not have the Tactical Nuke in Black Ops MP, or any game ending Killstreak reward, but the highest killstreak reward they have is a 15 killstreak? I know IW only showed up to the 11 Killstreak with the AC-130 (I don't recall them showing the Chopper Gunner) in their MP reveal, and the Tac Nuke was a little surprise for players when they actually released the game.

    Do you think Treyarch have a nice little surprise in store for us, and what do you think the 15 Killstreak reward might be?

  11. Are they serious?! Hell,there even used to be a game where if you shoot them in the arm,leg or even the head with one shot,they're limb would just pop off like if it happens everyday. And Activision published it.

    What game was that and how old is it? Now just stop and really read what the news item says. Games these days having only really started using the latest motion capture technology. It wasn't about the gore and gimping. What Treyarch is saying is that they're able to capture so much detail in the faces that it was just a tad too realistic.

    Please read the article on hand and think about it before we have another redundant post in a thread.

  12. Yes i know, what im saying is that you can stab members of the ISA aswell who dont wear masks. Of course you are going to see the facial expressions. I think slitting the throat is violent enough. Might be the reason why it was taken out of GTA4 even though it was present in GTA:SA.

    Ahh ok. I didn't know you could do that. I'm enlightened now ;) . I don't play on any console so I have no knowledge as to the details of most console exclusive titles.

    GTA is a stand up that almost ANY game should be passable. With being able to get BJ's and what not in your car from... well you know who.... :roll:

  13. I came across this interesting bit of news whilst visiting one of my usual gaming websites, and it looks to be perhaps that Sam Worthington will be voicing the character Mason. Surely we should all know who Sam Worthington by now (you know that little film called Avatar ;) ).

    Although Treyarch has yet to announced it offically, still rather cool that they seemed to of grabbed another big name, and an Aussie to boot :mrgreen: .

    Edit: To back up the rumour/ unofficial confirmation, if you note that Black Ops on IMDB hasn't listed as to who is voicing Mason might be a clear indicator. Perhaps Treyarch waiting to announce it pretty soon to get some more hype in before release.

  14. That's just stupid reviewing MP before the greater masses have touched it. IE: the people who will really delve into it to try cheat the system. You can't just buy the developer's promises of "cheat free multiplayer". Just look at MW2......

    Reviewing SP is fine, so long as they didn't add any spoilers... But I rarely don't give a toss about such reviews, most are redundant as to whether I purchase a game or not. The Community is a much better gauge whether to buy a game or not.

  15. First thing's first. You missed the "C" in excited :P . I just had to be a bit of a grammar nazi there.

    Well look at Nazi Zombies from W@W. Each map pack they continued to evolve it. Adding in perks, new traps, more expansive levels, pack a punch, the storyline, the turing on of power to make other things work. If map pack 4 did become a reality then you would bet that it would've added more, and people would've enjoyed it. Updating GFX is always a nice addition, but yes, if the gameplay is rubbish then GFX doesn't save a game. You don't want them to steer too far away from the original W@W zombies, because otherwise it might not be the zombies Treyarch created that we've come to love and enjoy. That's my thought anyways. Either way, Treyarch will continue to evolve the way their zombies will be played.

    I see everyone getting pumped and everything. I doubt i'm going to get Black Ops, Treyarch hasn't released any info yet, GKNova6, IMO has been badly handled and I was disappointed by how Treyarch gave up when MW2 came out, they could've done Map Pack 4 or atleast finished Der Riese. We were left alone, the zombie peoples, wondering why?

    First off, the pulling of Map Pack 4 may not of been Treyarch's choice. Activision (you know, the guys who pay for the game's budget and have the final say in all things Call of Duty :evil: ) could of said not to release it because it might hurt MW2 sales. Usually it's the publisher that do those sort of things.

  16. UndeadWolfy did you read my second post at all?!?

    The enemies in Killzone 3 have helmets on covering their faces. You're not seeing a human face and the facial expressions and emotions on that face behind the helmets covering their face. That is what Treyarch is saying. With the motion capture technology they used (same as Avatar's as we all should know by now) that can really get almost every little expression and detail the face of the actor could make, it was too realistic.

    There's a big difference between a human face and a mask covering it. That is the point I'm trying to get across with your Killzone 3 vs. Black Ops violence arguement, which renders it invalid.

    There is still a stigma with violence within and video games. People still think that video games are played by only kids, but in reality they're not as much anymore. Here in Australia we still don't have a R18+ rating for video games, even though a great deal of the 18+ gaming community has been lobbying for it, myself included.

    In the long run Treyarch knows that all the 14-15 year olds love Call of Duty and want it to still be available to you.

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