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Posts posted by SHORTZ

  1. I cant remember exactly what happened coz it was ages back but i was playing SNN split screen at a mates house. We had made a crawler and were on like round 20 something and had been just mucking around on the map for like 20 minutes. I had ray gun and had just got MG42 - my friend also had good weapons. I needed juggernaut coz it was the only perk we hadnt got yet and it was in Comm room? which we hadnt opened. so while he was off doing something else at another point on the map i decided to go and open it... of course because we only had the crawler left, it slipped my mind that two or so zombies would spawn upon unlocking the door. I was just absent mindedly walking down the path when all of a sudden a zombie jumped the fence and sprinted at me and scared the crap out of me, and i cant remembered if i splashed myself with the ray gun (after missing first) or if he double swiped me, but i sat there downed on the floor feeling like a complete idiot. My friend was then like "hang on im coming to help" and somehow also got caught unaware...

    we just sat there and stared at the screen for a while :?

  2. I'm sorry but i love the throwing knife so much :D its just so satisfying when you hit someone with a freak lob or reflex shot (though i admit its kinda bulls*** that it kills people when it hits them in the foot or something) also akimbo G-18s look cool as, though they are kinda noobish in how much they spray.

    Seriously though


    ACR or Scar-H


    UMP45 (Hardly ever use it, but i prefer it to the other subs)





    Nooby or not i just like using these. i dont care if you agree or disagree - its just my opinion

  3. I just wanna add that you should inform people when you are going off to do something in the middle of a round for some reason, such as re-buying perks or getting more weapons, you should tell everyone. (If you are a complete idiot to not wait till the end of the round??? But believe me its happened to me before, when other people have just run off randomly :facepalm: ). that way you dont get stupidly downed or complain for help when you get absolutely pwned by zombies, and if needed someone can come with you to help protect you.

  4. I have to say that this post is the first decent post on this subject that i have read. Its certainly the first ive seen that actually has a rational argument. I agree that MW2 has some bad points but it still has some good points too. Every other post just has haters just slagging off the game and not explaining why or looking at all the sides. So great job mate ;) i agree almost 100% with you

  5. Upgraded PPSH defs. "The Reaper"? i havent played in ages so i cant remember the exact names. but its just so comforting to just hold down the trigger when a horde of zombies are running at you and it feels like it will never run out of ammo :P also sounds wicked

  6. its not like this one is hard to do or particularly funny. but the first time i played der riese we camped at the walkway at the bowie knife teleporter. we bettied the stairs and put betties at the window at the far end of the walkway. it was just hilarious shooting the hell hounds and watching them sprint up the stairs and fly past through the air into the betties :P good times.

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