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Everything posted by fruito

  1. Hello, I am looking to help anyone with the EE as my friends have no interest what so ever in doing it. My GT is Fruito96 So if anyone needs an extra person or anyone want to do the EE with me just post a comment or message me on XBOX saying your from here.
  2. Im thinking that there is a part of tranzit no one has accessed yet, because there should be zombies with hospital gowns (like in the trailer), but we have yet to find them. Maybe we are able to access verruckt at some point if the ee is continued.
  3. Riot shields look interesting, and it seems like the bus takes you from place to place and each new area gets more difficult
  4. HERE IT IS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH_9GzaU ... plpp_video
  5. Thanks for adding more solid info! I did not know you could do that.
  6. I was thinking the same thing, but when they released the preview, there were still 3 private vids, so Im thinking they are more audios but with treyarch who knows!
  7. So here is my proof, when 3arch released the zombie preview, I decided to check out their black ops 2 playlist, and i had noticed that 3 videos were still private. Well I got off work today and saw that the released a new audio called "Death". I went back to the playlist and seen that there are now 2 videos still private. Link to playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7CD8C2AABB7A0532 I wonder what these audios will be.
  8. dude should've stuck with being new, wouldve gotten off with the new member slide. Dude, I made a mistake, i should have searched for the topic, ill admit that, we all make mistakes,
  9. This map is going to be huge, no doubt about it, but do you think that treyarch changed the way that they are doing the EE. Will it be like Call of the Dead EE were you can have four,three or two people to do the EE. I personally hope it will only require 2 or 3, because finding 4 people to do a huge EE like this is a pain in the butt. DISCUSS!
  10. I've been on is site before you dumbshits, I made a mistake, a reaction post to something I thought was new, we all make mistakes so before you go all mighty and act like your better then me, rethink that you've made mistakes to, and don't appreciate being yelled at or bitched at.. Rant over
  11. OMG THERe ARE FUCKInG 4 OTHER POSTS ABOUT THIS PLEASE PlEASE PlEASE SEARCH BEFORE YOU POST! Sorry for caps but I hate new people that don't search before you post. I made a post just like this with a poll, a video, and 2 paragraphs of info. Just check before you post. Sorry for not searching yes I should have done that my bad but new people I've been on this site before you dipshit, I am sorry for not searching that was my bad.
  12. When you go to zombie leader boards, and you go to moon, you can press the right bumper to go to a section called no mans land.. And on that leader board it has kills, headshots and it has time survived, no round time survived, what do u guys think,? EDIT "I SHOULD HAVE SEARCHED FOR THREADS ON THIS" MADE A MISTAKE SORRY, we all make mistakes, do not troll or GTFO
  13. What do you guys think we will have to use it for?
  14. This Is just a theory so bear with me. In shangri la the shrink gun was used to shrink the meteor, and now we have this wave gun that enlarges zombies, I believe that the wave gun will have something to do with the EE, just not sure what yet
  15. I made the mistake and I edited my post, it's just a theory now, a reasonable one, but a theory nun the less
  16. You don't need to be a douche about it, I could be mistaken, I thought there was a treyarch employee. Talking along with the G4 people I will re watch vid and if your right I'll edit post, if you think I'm wrong or see something wrong don't say are you guys stupid, makes you sound like a dick... Just saying
  17. Hey thanks! And thanks for the [brains] to me this theory sounded reasonable, it all ties together but with treyarch who knows
  18. in the G4TV moon gameplay one of the writers talks about how there could be aliens in the moon at first I thought he'll no but, now that i think about it, remember how there was an alien looking skull in the shrine at shangri la? i think Richtofen's grand scheme is that he uses the items hes gathered and summons and alien or something along those lines. this would also explain why there are excavators on the moon, they are looking for a buried alien, or something along those lines just a theory, thanks for reading! and if you are looking for a good zombie player to help solve the moon EE send a Friend request to F4T J3BUS
  19. fruito

    EE help!!

    Need help with EE plz send message to f4t j3bus
  20. fruito

    The monkeys

    When you kill the monkeys if they don't take your power up you get 500 points but if it's double you get 1000 is rather helpful though I'd share that tid bit
  21. Do you have anyone interested that would play?
  22. Plz post yourngt here, I am looking for intelligent people tonhelp me Witt this, Tha you
  23. That's why I edited and said in the grenade room, the room that is opened up by bying the door near the spikey claymores
  24. My theory on the moving statue is that when you tun the power in, and look at the statue, you stand on a panel that has and 8sided star, and a death skull, these panels are throughout the map, so my theory is that you have to step on these panels in the right order, and it will turn the statues, maybe something to do with focusing stone **when you step on a panel, that isn't right it stops all moving panels and you have to wait till next Round**
  25. This achievement is rather easy too, to get it kill the napalm zombie on solo, but be far away, because as it gets close to you, your screen glows orange, telling you are to close to it, so make sure you are far away when you kill it, same thing with blinded by the fright, but this time reverse, do it on solo, let it blind you and kill it, make sure younhave jugg tho. K thanks!
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