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Posts posted by Jokerkillzya

  1. I think thats a good theory but instead of them switchin minds i believe that ric will betray them and there will be a new character, maybe the mexican that he was talking about in the radios in call of the dead or it could be maxis or an older sammantha :? :shock: :?: [brains]

  2. I was playin on solo and when i was using the mine cart i heard sam singing and dempsey said where is that song coming from, theres no children around here :? .i could hardly here wat she was singing because of the water, so wat do u think

  3. I was jus playing solo on acension when I decided to listen to the radios.When I was done I wanted to know what happened next,so I started looking for the last one.I looked at all of the places that I would hav been,then I remembered the one place that i always thought about.Right near the stamin up there's a whole through the wall that shows a lab destroyed and on top of the rubble is the last radio.It seems like the person who was in the one before beatrays his collegue and throws him into the guirsh device and then betrayed by Samantha and sucked in too.This is my first ever find that I was first to find so I'm really pumped :D

  4. There must be something wrong with Dempsey, because there's something wrong with him.When ever I pack a punch the characters sometimes say how everyday Dempsey is in a new world and doesn't remember a thing. Possibly the next map might hav American zombies again,because in the campaign when Mason is brain washed he was said to have gaps in his memory.Maybe the government brain washed him to follow some specific orders that he is probably fighting.On the othere hand Nikolai said once when I was pack a punching that Takeo is quiet and is up to something, probably when Dempsey was captured by the japanese,( as said in his bio) was brain washed to thinking that he killed his captives and was programed to probably kill the president :? .

  5. For awhile I've been thinking, that maybe someone will turn on the zombie characters.

    I have a feeling that it could be reichtofen,since he is most likely Edward and did kill sam and Dr.Maxis.

    Also he is obviously insane and keeps screaming" THE VOICES"!Then again it could also be the one thing I don't want to come out of the mystery box, the one and only TEDDY BEAR :twisted:

    There are many clues in some of the maps that say "Teddy is a liar" which leaves me to believe that the teddy is evil. Also the Teddy also might be involved with Reichtofens madness and problably brought him to the deep end! :lol:

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