I recommend to follow some of these so other players don't rage quit. I will add an edit the list as time goes on.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Do not steal kills early on.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Stay at your own window in the beginning.
[*:1w7l5ufk]The two players with the most points open the first set of doors.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Don't board up another players window.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Do not rape the box in one round.
[*:1w7l5ufk]In some maps, boarding up the window all the way in the first round will only grant you 40 out of the full 60 points.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Do not use a flamethrower after level 10. (Unless insta-kill is active)
[*:1w7l5ufk]Do not use the flamethrower while camping or in a confined area. It blinds other players (Unless insta-kill is active)
[*:1w7l5ufk]Let everyone reload before getting max ammo to get the the highest amount of ammo available.
[*:1w7l5ufk]You are not Rambo.
[*:1w7l5ufk]If max ammo is not necessary do not get it.
[*:1w7l5ufk]If the nuke is not necessary at this time do not get it. you'll need it later.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Do not waste monkeys on dogs. They are not attracted to them.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Do not throw multiple monkeys simultaneously. If you need time wait until the first one detonated.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Der Reise - When the rear door is open (near quick revive) at least one person needs to be in that room or you get zombies from both sides.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Don't use the wunderwaffe in cramped conditions. You might kill yourself and teammates.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Don't use the wunderwaffe on stragglers. Use it on crowds.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Don't use the wunderwaffe when someone throws a monkey.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Der Reise - If all four players are on the catwalk it is not necessary for everyone to fire their weapon.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Der Reise - If all four players are on the catwalk form a phalanx formation. (Two in front crouching, two at rear standing)
[*:1w7l5ufk]Place betties at a fallback position not in a place to get kills.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Once again you are not Rambo
[*:1w7l5ufk]Der Reise - When someone is in the courtyard and the rear door is open do not throw monkeys behind them. (residuals will attack them from behind)
[*:1w7l5ufk]If you have a massive amount of points let others with less amounts get points so they too can rape zombies.
[*:1w7l5ufk]If you have a mic use it for it's original purpose. No singing or broadcasting your music.
[*:1w7l5ufk]If zombies are swarming and there is a nuke, let the guys with the least point kill a couple before grabbing the nuke.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Help others regain their Perks after being downed.
[*:1w7l5ufk]In a crunch? Need some more points to pack a punch? Go prone in front of a perk machine and crawl straight into it receiving around thirty points.
[*:1w7l5ufk]When someone says they're making a crawler and throws a monkey, that's all you need, not a massive ordinance drop.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Don't kill the crawler unless everybody is ready.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Ascension - Place claymores at the perk machines if you're not going to defend it yourself.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Consider you're survivability and the downed player's survivability before reviving someone. i.e The downed player is surrounded by a swarm of zombies and only has a pistol on level 20.
[*:1w7l5ufk]It's not necessary to get the nuke and max ammo every time it pops up, especially if you just used one.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Consider the downed player before getting the max ammo. He won't receive any ammo if you get it while he is downed.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Five - Yes there are six windows in the starting room but only four work.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Five - Leave one, easy to get to, Defcon switch off. One of the switches on the bottom of the war room. You won't need to go on the deathtrap catwalk and get assaulted from both sides.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Five - The defcon switches are to get to the Pack-a-Punch room.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Five - The zombies will congregate just outside the room. Be ready with a high powered weapon if the rounds isn't near completion.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Kino - It isn't necessary to turn the power on the second you get to the stage. Camp a few rounds with one person guarding the back window and three people on the open door and other window.
[*:1w7l5ufk]Kino - If using the above strategy don't open the door on the other side of the stage.