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Everything posted by HalfSwiss

  1. Maybe make a separate forum for the 360'ers? I dunno. No Acension is impossible on here.
  2. I'd like to see a "Double tap X/square" feature instead of holding down X/square that costs 1500 points to get a random weapon guarantee not to be a sniper, pistol, launcher, etc.
  3. + [brains] Something I can actually agree with.
  4. If you haven't noticed that's what the whole thread is about, lol.
  5. IGN is a huge gaming website. They wouldn't release fake information without stating that it's a rumor.
  6. Just wondering how does it seem legit? It's 100% legit.
  7. The first one we've already noticed a ton of times, even before the game came out. The second... I've never heard about this? Same with the third.
  8. This all reminds me of a great Gorillaz CD, Laika Come Home.
  9. Launch, anyone? Anyway, what says we can launch a rocket in Ascension?
  10. I like your bowie knife strategy, aegisknight. Pretty unique, I'll try it.
  11. The dog rounds will probably have cosmic silverbacks, as the first guy with the info said.
  12. #1. That's doesn't immediately single it out.. #2. Zombies are pretty much non-canon to the story, which is based on history. #3. When did he say he made the pictures? #4. I'm pretty sure we proved D-Block a liar?
  13. In pretty much every-zombie related piece of media, zombies need a brain to operate and one can only become a zombie by being bitten before death. However, I don't really believe that the thief is a zombie. I mean, he doesn't have any wound marks that I can recall. no, apart from a small blood stain and slight rip on his shirt pocket there is no wounds To add, wasn't it assumed that FIVE takes place around the same time as Kino? 1963? Clarke died in 1968 according to the COD Wiki.
  14. In pretty much every-zombie related piece of media, zombies need a brain to operate and one can only become a zombie by being bitten before death. However, I don't really believe that the thief is a zombie. I mean, he doesn't have any wound marks that I can recall.
  15. He was in some of the messages. When it talks about the ray gun they mention that H. Porter is currently designing his version of it, a better version, aka the PaP'd one. I don't think its the PaP'd version, but rather the Winters Howl. Which makes more sense because its only in Five. But the Winter's Howl is also in Veruckt for the Hardended Edition.
  16. http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html Don't know if this will help, but just in case...
  17. Here's definitions for abracadaver, which has one spelling difference. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz= ... d=0CBMQkAE
  18. it would be good tho it would take the point out of crawlers as they do less dammage than normal zombies. or prehaps i would just take off the blur I actually wish they took out the crawlers all together. They're just annoying to me.
  19. The one nicolas1998 posted. You should probably read the first post of every thread.
  20. I definitely don't see it.
  21. Then you'd have to die on purpose...
  22. He was in some of the messages. When it talks about the ray gun they mention that H. Porter is currently designing his version of it, a better version, aka the PaP'd one. So possibly he's making the PaP'd weapons?
  23. M115, kinda like most weapons in the game. I dunno... And Lightweight could be an energy drink, I guess.
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