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Everything posted by PokeDanny10

  1. Guys, LUNA in spanish and other languages is MOON! Could this hint to a space station on the moon? I really hated a map in the moon, but it could make sense, and btw in the real moon, there are some buildings! Not man made buildings, when Armstrong got to the moon, they found an UFO following them and some buildings in the moon!
  2. In zombies, everything can happen, and you are the dumb guy OMG dont rule out facts! And about dreamland theory...its just a FREAKING THEORY! You even say that! And, Der Riese AND Kino were equally active for the timeline before Richtoffen did all of that. i dont think Maxis is alive btw...
  3. That's a better answer. Well, it's sad I didn't found something awesome, but at least we have a more possible answer. :)
  4. UkcLemEvBPM Around 3:34 Nikolai says: "I feel like Dragovich is hoggin up all of these kills!!!" What could this mean?? Maybe Nikolai knew all about the Ascension group, and maybe even knew Dragovich!!
  5. Sorry to bump an old topic, but Treyarch did include wager matches, COD points and new equipment. And IGN says: Familiar multiplayer... Say IGN, if black ops didnt include this new awesome things, it will still be bad, just like COD 4 and MW2 didnt had familiar multiplayer right?
  6. I know, its sounds like damned, but remember all game over song didnt sound as the ones we now listen Maybe the piano thing from damned is mixed with the song :)
  7. Well, I was seeing a video in youtube, and in a comment a dude said this: 'The name of this map's song may be called "Abracadavre", because on PC the Game Over music filename is "mus_gameover_abracadavre".' I searched if this was true, and I saw a video of full exploration in the games files, and I saw the file! I hope this is true!
  8. so, I can upload whatever video I want, for example, a theory? Montages? Tutorials?
  9. Can you make an oxidated (like wholes and cracks) group 935 logo with blood behind, and PokeDanny10 below? Thanks in advance! BTW, congrats on being UOTM!
  10. I know some quotes: JFK- "Forgive your enemies, but NEVER, EVER FORGET THEIR NAMES!!!" "Do not pray for easy lives, my friends, pray to be stronger men." "Lock and load, gentlemen." "But I want it!" Fidel Castro "I'll kill you, zombie pta" (add a u between p and t, its a spanish bad word, so I wont say it) "Hahaha, Coñ (o at the end), I missed that! (when revived) And others ill post later
  11. Trixxter, undeadwolfy and me My mind has created awesome theories, but to be as helpful as possible, I'm trying to implement them to the nazi zombie story. :mrgreen:
  12. All wager matches are awesome...But I love Stick and Stones better than the other ones! But I have a sad moment... I went to Pro Gambler (I always play on Weekend Gambler) and I was first, and 10 seconds were left...and I got Tomahawk'd I felt soooo angry and sad. I lost all of my money, but I gained it afterwards (later...)
  13. :facepalm: HENRY LANGHAM WAS PROVEN A FREAKING HOAX! JD SAID SO HIMSELF! :evil: Didnt you read carbon's topic about GKNOVA0 proven a hoax?! Srly, im surprised!
  14. I mean, 8.5?!?!? Modern warfail 2 got an 9.5. SRLY, IGN?! I think IGN hates Treyarch, because W@W was awesome, better than MW. IGN, you fail!
  15. Its weekend now, tomorrow i have school and i wish time goes super fast, but i also want time go slooooow :cry: Its sunday, i want to be in my house not worrying about homework, reputation, ANYTHING! I just want play in my ps3 ALL DAY LOONG. But, then, mw2 gets boring after a while, and LBP, well, i feel like a noob when i know the LBP2 beta is out there, and when i am trying to find out what can i play, i remember we are close to black ops, so i get to my pc. When i get to the pc, check the site for news, check google for news... Nothing. Then i check facebook, and a friend told me to check an awesome picture he made...of black ops :x Then i check youtube... Recent activity is spamed of videos like this: This dude favorited black ops LEAK!!!11. Suscriptions: Mw2 last montage, black ops speculation, music remixes, etc. This is the time i get bored...again. So, i dont know what to do. until i see my favorites... Black Ops trailers... And i download them. After that, I say, why did i downloaded them?! And i remembered: to make a fan made trailer. I was not in the mood, so i just kept them. After that, i opened photoshop to try and make something...but got bored, so im here trying to find what to do till the next two days. School will keep me bored, but keep my mind entertained. Until then, i dont know what i will do, im just so freaking pumped that i cant think of something else >.
  16. I can join PSN: PokeDanny10 But im curious, why older than 13? I am older than 13, but i dont get it [brains]
  17. Ill play zombies after finishing campaign in black ops...in veteran. and then ill join you :3 PSN: PokeDanny10
  18. About those numbers in the GKNOVA6 pencil, original site, and other things (include the new zombie site), are those numbers related to something, maybe those are the numbers Mason has to give, but he doesnt remember. He probably torture the man in the mission Numbers, to retrive those exact numbers. Could this mean anything? Cordinates, telephone number, codes, dates? What could they mean? :? Also, who is this DragonLady? btw, i know its 3 days till release, but i just want to uncover these things, once and for all.
  19. Coincidentally, the rumors point to October 31st for a zombie trailer, the new Bonus Round in gttv comes out in October 31st AND this 'new' reveal trailer everyone talks about comes out on Sunday, October 31st, in Halloween. 1 trailer/confirmation is enough, but why can't we give Treyarch an opportunity to surprise us again, three times in a row? The new trailer could be a zombies one, mainly because of Halloween. The GTTV bonus round episode will air on Halloween, too, but talk mainly about zombies (i feel it). And GKNOVA6 could update the last time before launch, depicting gameplay, scenes, crawler things and such. This October 31st, Halloween, has just got another reason to celebrate, well 3 reasons. :D
  20. An outbreak trying to cure a disease...familiar...
  21. If you respawn like that (near the enemy) people will begin to rant :roll: Anyway I hope that will get fixed (I know it will)... Black Ops will entertain me while I wait for LBP2 in January D:
  22. I dont understand :S
  23. So, they are showing the FULL multiplayer... all the features, right? So, isnt nazi zombies in W@W online?? Possibly in September 1st, Treyarch could, COULD announce zombies??
  24. Mmmm...rocket launchers, and maybe grenade launchers (or just less powered). CAMPERS! Better maps, and just the four W@W zombie maps. btw if by saying zombies are back and just having the original maps with redesigned graphics and such, all the wait will be in vain.
  25. Everything is in my signature... I love nazi zombies even though i dont have them haha. I play Modern Warfare 2 and Little Big Planet. Sometimes I play other games, but those two are just ADDICTING!
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