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Everything posted by KrazyCookies

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong (Since I don't own a Ipod) but on Shi No Numa didn't you have to do a Easter egg to get the Wunderwaffe? And if so, maybe they added in a easter egg you have to do to get the Ray Gun/ Thundergun?
  2. Couldn't find scans, but did find this good quality video showing the whole journal. Also note there is a ripped page at the end... could this mean there is more to Soap? 5Qad1-VSvS8
  3. Lol bring it... but it's impossible to get past 30 and up if you don't have Body armor, Riot Squad, and Sentries. If you didn't read the title already... This is thread for posting your highest rounds. Not to come it and complain how you don't like this game... Plus you've already posted in 2 or more threads about how you don't like this, I think we get it.
  4. So what's your highest wave so far on Survival? was it solo? what map? I'll go first, Solo on Resistance 31 Waves. Beat that!
  5. I just have to say this... after round 25 things get quite hard... I just made it to round 31 solo on Resistance, and ranked 2496 in the world!
  6. http://www.userbars.be/ That's another good site, just don't click on erotic... No I'm serious...
  7. Well why did you think I went back to Battlefield 3... I'm joking.. MW3 is great! Survival keeps me coming back.
  8. Thing is it was really dusty and so I cleaned it and now it works like a charm... Well except for the disk tray button not working. Yeah I'll eventually get a new one, although I'm leaning towards the Star Wars Xbox...
  9. I have a very old Xbox 360 that's (I believe) is 1st gen. and has been acting up lately, Not opening the tray when I press open, not reading discs in the tray, and saying games are damaged or dirty. And everytime I try to play MW3 on that Xbox it says, Reading then Open Tray. However I can go on my other Xbox and it works fine. And a note, I've had to send this Xbox in about 2-3 times for failures... So is my Xbox done and I need to get a new one, or MW3 doesn't work on 1st gen. Xbox's? Thanks! 8-) I just found this out.... all new games are made with a new format called XGD3 which means that the disc has an additional 1GB of data compared to the old games. this requires your laser to be more accurate, if you've had your xbox 360 for a while this is probably the problem. However my Xbox can run BF3 perfectly fine and that has the new format so i really don't know what's up... Well I spoke to soon I guess... Now it won't read BF3 either! :(
  10. Last night I was ranked 198th in the world for Solo survival on the 3rd map i think it's the Highway one... I got to like 28 or 32... But still... really fun! :D
  11. Here is my Nuke footage! And what I know about the M.O.A.B. is: -it's on every strike package by default, -You can only get it by getting 25 straight kills with your equipment/weapon -Only kills the enemy team -Doesn't end the game -Acts like a EMP RG1dXoy23i4
  12. Great cool... Going to just do a 1 time Veteran playthrough of the Campaign this weekend.
  13. This isn't spoilers at all... is Ghost anywhere mentioned or seen in the game? (I may or may not be a Ghost fan.... :? )
  14. Just got done playing with some friends on Domination and I was tearing it up and got a 35 Killstreak and it says: M.O.A.B. So I call it in and it goes into slow-mo and the nuke goes off but doesn't end the game... and the rest of the match is all Orange and nuke esque. I'll go into Theater and upload it tomorrow! So happy! (Also this was only my 4th game ever on multiplayer...) It's actually a 25 point streak, here's a example. pdLra_qKRYc
  15. There fixed the Youtube, And I actually did here that... I still don't think he's going to be in the game... rUenaveVupc
  16. Are you using Chrome? Because I'm using Firefox and has no missing images and Chrome seems to have the missing images.
  17. Troll face spotted! :lol:
  18. KrazyCookies

    Hey guys

    Welcome back... Take a cookie...
  19. Is there a reason why he left? :?
  20. The video was perfectly fine, You two must be blind if you cant see or watch that (God forbid he doesn't have a Capture Card *Gasp!*)Anyways, There's always going to be glitches. I've haven't had this one happen but I think Treyarch have already patched most of the Biodome ones so I'm sure this will get fix very soon.
  21. And by gay you mean happy right? Leave em' alone... The only type of people who call others gay because they're "Stupid" are just them youngsters who have no brains to tell the difference... also G.I.N.A.S.F.S Back on topic!
  22. Thanks for dealing with that Ibanez.
  23. I'm not going to go to his level anymore but if he isn't dealt with it's just going to get worse... hopefully he gets banned I reported this for his useless spam... And the page is wider because he decided to just bashing HAHA on his keyboard...
  24. Thanks for ruining the page you idiot! Really when through your thick skull will you get that everyone hates you and you post useless and annoying posts... It's people like you will make newcomers avoid the site because you have to act like a 5 year old. Now go take your nap and get a grip on reality. Also nice way to say you didn't brake the rules, yet you just posted a complete page of SPAM! Hypocrite... So get reported and maybe for once you can learn a lesson and shut the H3ll up you F-er....
  25. That wouldn't work... :cry: (Even how cool it sounds, So maybe just a school map) because ESRB won't allow killing kids/children... WAIT! lol... Can't you make your own maps with the mod tools for WaW? (Also like making my own items to put in, Lockers, Desks, etc.) because I would love to make a map like this if I ever get WaW for the PC.
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