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Everything posted by jc18378

  1. It has nothing to do with the perks, all the effects are from 115. Teleportation, perks, wonder weapons, and zombies all arise from 115
  2. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    When someone finds the Pyramid in Moon, let me know and I will let you in on a secret. Only message me, they have already taken my last Topic off
  3. Ha ha ha I was being a douche because you didn't do your homework before you go on to start your smart "Theories". Sorry to burst your bubble but a false fact will make you sound stupid no matter what.
  4. Are you guys stupid? The people from the G4 video aren't from Treyarch, It's Steven Johnson and some else. They were just goofing around and not being serious about it. So i highly doubt you can take this whole thing for real
  5. I completely agree with you on this A-51 theory. IF you look at the picture on A-51 you can see the zombie is an MP, or Military Police. There is no reason for MP to be on the moon but it makes sense that they are in A-51. The background of the picture also looks nothing like the moon map if you compare every other shot you see in the video.
  6. Just wanted to add, You guys know how the 4 characters get sent to "Paradise" at the end of the Easter egg. Well I was playing campaign today. I cannot recall the name of the mission but you are driving a boat and shooting shit up (Surprise). Once you are done doing all of the you continue to go this river by a bunch of temple ruins. There is a helicopter above and they guy in it says "Welcome to Paradise". I suppose this could me more prove that we are going to be in the jungle next game.
  7. People now days can sense sarcasm, I am making fun of the little bitch that posted this. I hate whiny bitches ;)
  8. This is such a troll!! That video is clearly fake. I know because I am a 9 year old bitch :)
  9. It's outside of the Bridge on the boat, someone has to knife it to knock it down and someone else has to be below to catch it. Otherwise it will break. I don't know the exact location though, but I know its by the power switch
  10. You get a bottle of Vodka and send them to them through a tube. After that you have to find a long golden rod
  11. Maybe this gun will work like the monkeys, where once you turn them into humans the other zombies will run after them.
  12. Maybe this gun will work like the monkeys, where once you turn them into humans the other zombies will run after them.
  13. That person you turn looks like Fox Mulder from the X-FILES
  14. It looks like Fox Mulder from the X-FILES. Correct me if I am wrong
  15. Ha ha I never said all the info came out of the server. The in game evidence is very incomplete and nothing in there is rock solid, just pure theories. Not that there is nothing wrong with theories but not going to fall for some that are completely stupid, like the Pentagon thief being in Aether. "Lolz" ha ha wow. Explain to me how the fuck he is trapped in Aether? Nothing in the game tells you that he is trapped in Aether. He is trapped in the broken Kassimir Mechanism hence why you repair it, not Aether. :facepalm:
  16. I trust only facts, never have I ever seen any Evidence on The Pentagon thief being or getting out of Aether. Give me so evidence then I will believe you. I am have gone through all the info and facts and there is no mention of the Pentagon thief or gersh being in Aether. Look it up on Dreamland server, nothing is found on there or anywhere else. My pea sized brain can make sense of it, but I am not one to believe shit without back up. STFU I was on this forum before you and followed it before joining.
  17. Hmmmm "Gerch" and the Pentagon thief got out? hmmmm okay that makes so much sense. There is a lot of evidencide that they were both in Aether. ha ha Dumb Dumb
  18. ha ha I meant would have escaped Aether, if samantha got out and is fucking shit up, he would of most definitely gotten, since he is not a little girl.
  19. I was going with his stupid theory of "Aether" Dumbass :facepalm:
  20. So samantha, Maxis, and Gersh are all in lymbo? I call shenanigans, if Maxis was in Aether, he could have attempted to escape or kill Richtofen for betraying him and the same goes for Samantha. Maybe they were all sent to Alduraan, where they all died due to the Death Stars power!
  21. I am not really going with any theory, just keeping my mind open. Most of the theories on here tend to be way off most of the time, although it's fun to speculate. We'll see what happens in the next map. I really think they should make a trailer of all the past maps and trying to explain all of their story line. I would be down with even a cartoon/comic version of it.
  22. Yeah I know he was at Shi No Numa, he talks about The meteor with 115 in the dreamland server. All the time traveling that they have added to this game makes it so much harder to make sense of it all.
  23. But anyway enough arguing about Peter. Is it just me or does anyone else want to see that whole zombie comic complete?
  24. Were you ever told not to use information from there, specially about zombies. Most of it is speculation or theory.
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