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Everything posted by jc18378

  1. Campaign Demo at E3 is cool. I think I heard Michael Rooker. He is playing harper if I am correct. Watch the demo and check it out. I like Rooker so hopefully he is also back for Zombies :)
  2. Campaign Demo at E3 is cool. I think I heard Michael Rooker. He is playing harper if I am correct. Watch the demo and check it out. I like Rooker so hopefully he is also back for Zombies :)
  3. Pictures/video or it never happened? So if we don't have pictures of God or Jesus, they don't exist?? Ha ha although I do agree this is BS.
  4. Hey, I thought Romero was a great homage to zombies to the Zombie King. He always kept me on my toes plus it also added a boss type of gameplay to the game. I would love to see more like that. A boss that is always around just waiting to encounter you. They only problem I found with Call of the Dead characters was their dialogue. It was funny but nothing like Richtofen references to inappropriate matters. Richtofen reminds me of Stewie(from family guy), in the sense that what he says always has a shock value that you aren't expecting. If they could create a character that not only has as much mystery as Richtofen but just a witty and funny zombies would just get better. I have soooooo many character ideas but I guess they also have their own.
  5. Who cares who gets shot!!! Samantha is on the loose and you are worried about who got shot??!!?!
  6. How amazing would it be if instead of a single player mission, they would show zombie gameplay!!!
  7. On the G4 video, it pretty much says that players will be able to do 4v4 plus zombie horde and see what comes of it!
  8. www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/723989/c ... echnology/ :)
  9. They already have the barricades but they could do better with more than just windows with wood blocks. They can achieve this I am sure.
  10. I am guessing they might take the approach that Left 4 Dead took. Which is stay alive and have an objective in mind. Almost like an Easter Egg or Mission. This is as much of the new I could take. I'm guessing they would have the ability to populate more zombies meaning bigger maps, meaning more creative ways to kill zombies. I want guns everywhere, Buildings structures you can lock yourself in and hold down hordes. I want to be able to customize my "lock-down" spot by adding barricades, turrets, traps, and barriers!
  11. You know, Abraham Lincoln would make a great character. What if Tank, Takeo, Richtofen, and Nikki went back in time and met up with the founding fathers. This could lead into the idea of having more than four players in the game. I wouldn't mind seeing lincoln kicking ass
  12. Legalities and copyright issues? That's what contracts are for. I like the characters right now but I just feel like they could do better in the way of making some more badass characters like those in Expendables. As for Obama it's not a question of whether he is going to be in power for less than a year or whether he gets reelected, its about playing as America's first black president. Clinton would be great to play but as for Bush, I don't think the idea of an Idiot would be appealing besides the Idea of playing as an Idiot. I speak only as a fan therefore my opinion matters only to me. If I was them I would grow on the success they had behind bringing new characters in and political figures. But then again, they aren't really losing money are they :lol:
  13. See that's where you are wrong, I don't want the celebrities to be included but simply the characters they portray. I wouldn't mind playing as Obama :)
  14. Yeah but they are all a joke Especially Elite match-up.
  15. They are not going to have zombie or multiplayer information at all. You know better. They are saving it for XP.
  16. Having characters like that wouldn't change gameplay, all it would do is add the character. Danny trejo could be considered a action star but yet the game-play in Call of The Dead remained the same. Just like having a group of Navy Seals (Seal team six perhaps :roll:, for those who don't know. They killed Bin Laden) with only a pistol. They would find any type of weapon and use it to survive. They could have massive weapons but that does not mean that they would start out with those weapons. I just had another idea, They should have Seal Team Six!!! That's not the point I was trying to get across. I was trying to say lets stay away from the famous people and actually have characters we have to get use to in this post-apocalyptic world. I don't really like the idea of seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger shooting up zombies =/ I'm sorry but I do :lol:
  17. Having characters like that wouldn't change gameplay, all it would do is add the character. Danny trejo could be considered a action star but yet the game-play in Call of The Dead remained the same. Just like having a group of Navy Seals (Seal team six perhaps :roll:, for those who don't know. They killed Bin Laden) with only a pistol. They would find any type of weapon and use it to survive. They could have massive weapons but that does not mean that they would start out with those weapons. I just had another idea, They should have Seal Team Six!!!
  18. I doubt it too but the ideas for their characters would just be amazing!
  19. I do realize the hollywood talent in video games. Frankly it would be sad if you didn't know Reznov was played by Gary Oldman and Sgt. Roebuck was played by Keither Sutherland from 24. I honestly like the idea of Rambo, Chuck Norris, Jason's character from The Transporter movies.
  20. I completely agree with everyone but Milla, Resident Evil movies don't need more movies. Maybe a remake with a more interesting and compelling story but I don't think of her as an interesting character.
  21. Massive action movie stars are over rated? Okay :facepalm:
  22. Which I am sure can be done without spending tons of money (gameplay, graphics, and zombies) have had about 2 years of work so far, so they can afford to develop different ideas
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