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Everything posted by jc18378

  1. See I just had a general thought about this and decided that it probably belonged in "general zombie discussion"
  2. What types of easter eggs would you want to see? What types of rewards? Unlucking weapons I believe would be a fun one, like WWII guns used in World at War. Or being able to play through different maps. Plus I have been thinking that Treyarch should release a two disc game this November. One with The campaign and multiplayer and another just for zombies. That way they could include a lot more into zombies if its own game.
  3. I believe anything that just gives the game more gameplay layers would make it more fun. Having the ability to actually user perks along with your weapons would be nice.
  4. trololol Under federal law and state law you should be able to shoot anyone that enters your premises without permission.
  5. There is a few documentaries on HAARP. Jessie Ventura did a good conspiracy theory episode on it. You should check that out.
  6. The reason why games like this succeed is because of their weapon innovation. If Treyarch can do that without making the game just a pointless shoot-them up that would be amazing. Another thing I have been thinking of would be something like a portable trap. Something that you can move around as you get in trouble. That I believe would allow for versatility of the map. I really liked what they did in moon, where it brought you to a new level but if they would expand that and make it bigger I think it would make the action a lot more exciting. Like in gun game, where every kill you advance to a new weapon, but instead it would be a new level where things get harder and enemies change along with your weapons. It can get pretty boring running trains in Kino at level 40 :lol:
  7. Zombies isnt about running damn trains. That is just a strategy. It's about surviving the horde anyway you can and that can be done in multiple ways. Not just by trains. Weapons allow for you to play the game in a different way. Not only making it harder but also more fun because of the challange. After a while running trains just gets boring and basically breaks the game. It's all about the guns and zombies. Upgrading the guns and zombie mechanics will allow you to change the map layout and all of those sort of things.
  8. If someone is rage quitting due to losing weapons that is kind of sad, but I guess it happens. People are going to quit regardless of them dying, its a game not the end of the world :)
  9. Have any of you played Resistance 3 or a Ratchet and Clank game? The guns in those games sort of remind me of The Super weapons in zombies. I would love Treyarch to tackle the idea of giving you a weapon and having you PaP once and then after that, have the weapon auto upgrade after you use it for a while. Like in Resistance the weapon becomes more lethal and also more fun. Zombies is fun because of the story as much as it is about the weapons. If they could somehow add the diversity of a weapon that is not only useful but fun to use like the Wave Gun, that would be great. What are your thoughts on how this would be good or bad?
  10. they are part of the story but in terms of a play mechanic nothing more
  11. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    No problem man, I cant play zombies while at work but I can check this site.
  12. That is just what I heard from one of the Beta testers that I met at best buy. He said that there were going to be releases a trailers sort of things kind of like the Kino music video except more of a CGI. The tester told me that sledgehammer was going to be doing a briefing on what dlc he was going to be testing out but that it would more like zombies then that wave mode they announced.
  13. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    Nobody is wasting your time, you dont have to read what I post Dumbass
  14. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    i will prove it and you will weep!
  15. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    That is so right, and then you all get Pancakes with bacon pieces.
  16. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    I will show you, I am already working with 3 others to find it tonight and put a picture of it out here. Doing a noclip wont work, because it is hidden within the framework of the map.
  17. That is the million dollar question, I am just going off of what I have seen on other forums. I know that 115 animates dead cells in dead bodies but in alive bodies it causes some side effects and sometimes death. I know there is a CGI trailer coming showing us where it all started and where it is all headed. It is rumored that Sledgehammer might be working on something
  18. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    You want me to share about something that I have found but dont know what it does. There is a floating pyramid that moves around in the atmosphere. That is it. I am trying to figure out if there is anything to it. But I will leave and never come back.
  19. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    I dont need helping looking for easter eggs, I prefer to work on my own. If I needed help I would just ask my actual friends, not people who I dont know. The pyramid does somthing that is what i am trying to figure out
  20. Perks have nothing to do with the story!!! Jesus is it that hard to understand. Its like saying that the pistol you get at the beginning have something to do with the story. There are just there for the fact that they make the game fun.
  21. Teleportation cause zombiefication, not the actual element itself.
  22. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    I dont care if I get a warning, I dont want a slap on the hand just because I am still trying to figure out what I found. I will reveal more when I figure it out
  23. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    Dude I am not trolling, its there!
  24. jc18378

    The Pyramid

    The pyramid in the atmosphere, Look at the comic at the beginning of moon. You can see the shri gala pyramid floating. Once you find that let me know.
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