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Everything posted by jc18378

  1. Peter is not dead, Peter was at Der Riese. He couldn't be dead if he was at Der Riese, look up the info he sent to the US. Dempsy was never at NDU, you can also look that up. First read the Dreamland server and then let me know if any of what you just said makes sense. On the other hand Peter can't be at Shi No Numa when the message he sent to Shi No Numa was embedded at Area-51 since you hear the coordinates where it came from.
  2. I know for sure that they had an American Spy in group 935, it could be Richtofen. You also see a picture of Richtofen in the Pentagon along with Dempsey, maybe pertaining that Richtofen was the spy.
  3. The Dreamland server tells you that Richtofen was testing Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikoli(spelling). Their minds were wiped but they retained memories from before they met Richtofen. Look it up. Peter was under cover and was a U.S. spy, which only leaves richtofen left as the choice for it. Also if you pay attention to that recording that is left for Peter the guy talking is the guy that does the Voice work for Richtofen. Nolan North, try listening to the recording from Shi No Numa and then listen to Nolan North talk.
  4. The Pentagon Theft? Ha ha you mean thief. Peter- Peter is actually Richtofen, he is an American CIA agent. Maxis- is dead McNamara- You play as him in "Five" Clarke- He is dead and has nothing to do with zombies, he is in campaign. Yuri- Russian who got trapped by samantha Gersch- Killed/sucked into blackhole. I believe he might be the scientist behind the creation of the Winter's Howl and the teleporters at Five.
  5. Whatever it is I am sure it's going to be awesome, if not I will make sure I blog about my dislike for it like a Teenage girl on her period :)
  6. Well since it's a video game it might be different than that. You do not see all the actors in Black ops listed just because of the simple issue of revealing things that are supposed to stay hidden.
  7. Danny Trejo just dropped a bomb on his facebook account. He is working with Treyarch for a upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie map (Map Pack 2?).The new characters to be featured are Danny Trejo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael Rooker, and Robert Englund.Danny was at the House of Moves doing motion capture for the upcoming Zombie Map. The information below is from Danny Trejo's Official Facebook page.Danny Trejo: Right Now I'am at The House of Moves with Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael Rooker, and Robert Englund, I'am Wearing A Suit Full of Lights Awaiting To Fight Zombies For The Hit Video Game CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS by ActivisionThis is The suit I Wore To produce My Character in CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS As you all know, Danny Trejo played Machete in the hit film of the same name. Now for those not of this Earth, Robert Englund played the original Freddy Kruger in the Nightmare on Elm Street films and Sarah Michelle Gellar played Buffy the vampire slayer in the TV series.For those unfamiliar with Michael Rooker, he played the lead character in Henry: Protrait of a Serial Killer and also played Merle Dixon in Season One of The Walking Dead.No official word from Activision or Treyarch, but it is safe to say that this is true if Danny is posting pictures of himself in a motion capture suit.I also doubt anybody would say Machete is telling a bogus story.
  8. I would have to agree with you there!
  9. I don't need to read any theory's to know he is dead. Hudson said it himself that he is dead. If he wasn't dead why wasn't he taking revenge on the people that had him captured. No where is there any evidence in the game to prove that he is alive. You see him at the end of the escape and then he is gone. You never hear from him again.
  10. At the end of the preview they show an picture of one of the Dev's turned into a zombie. I don't have a picture of it but I am sure most of you have seen it. What if the new characters are some of the Developers from Treyarch, hence the hint at the end of the video. If that is the case then I hope they elaborated enough as to what each of their characters are like. No offense but most of those developers don't seem badass enough for zombies. What do you guys think? Is this the direction they might go with this or something different. This is just a theory
  11. He is dead. He was killed during the escape. Mason just sees him because of the MK Ultra memory wipe.
  12. Sam is just one crazy bitch who ran out of Mydol.
  13. why the stupid obsession with how good you are at something that wont help you out in real life. It's just a game!
  14. If there is going to be more people allowed in I think they should treat it like multiplayer. You are allowed to drop in or out and able to join a friends game. It would be a good idea only then. They really need to add more story to it other than just killing zombies. Don't get me wrong I love killing zombies but adding an extra layer of story would make it more interesting to try and survive for longer.
  15. I think it would be a cool Idea, having almost like a multiplayer version of it where it is a true Zombie Apocalypse. 12 people fighting to stay alive in a huge horde would be interesting. I see your point though, it wouldn't feel as intimate in terms of objectivity.
  16. I really think Treyarch could be a little more forthcoming on the story. They have a lot of plot holes and they are almost impossible to fill without anyone sounding completely stupid ha ha Oh well I still enjoy killing some "meat-bags"
  17. I really think they are going to make this new map more like Left 4 dead. Bigger and badder! Maybe you will even be able to play with more people
  18. Yuri was talking about scientists working here bringing their toys, but this brings up a good point. Was Samantha there? Did she leave them there, and if so was there a particular reason for it? What would Sam be doing there? She would have no reason to be there. Granted they have element 115. She is also older than what she used to be. This may seem like just a little Easter egg but it really brings up a lot when you have these dolls appear on the radio recordings. Yuri said that he didn't know why children's toys were there. He didn't mean that scientists brought them there. Someone Samantha got there and made a mess of things. I want to know what drives her to attack, is it just a game for her or is there more to it.
  19. I know they do that. What I am saying is that could they be there for another reason besides saying quotes according to their characters. In one of the radios in Ascension you hear Yuri or Gersh talk about there being Matryoshka dolls there. Could the dolls we see in the game be those who he saw? Thoughts or ideas?
  20. You see then every time you play, but what is their purpose. Has anyone tried anything on those dolls. They are really there for a reason. Does anyone have any idea?
  21. I hate it because of the fact that you waste bullets on bringing an enemy down. It really suck to keep shooting them and them still going on second chance
  22. Sir it is merely a set piece. When you shoot them or throw a grenade at them it makes a pretty explosion. Gets you alll excited about you blowing stuff. It makes everything look more real
  23. She didn't erased their memories. When they were all being test with Element 115 they had a side effect of forgetting everything. It has nothing to do with sam, but Richtofen knows what happened. He is the one behind all of it.
  24. that would make sense but the "team" has been experimented on before for a super soldier program and they showed no effects of turning. They are the complete opposite of zombies. They can't be turned. Edward was sent to watch them. He also erased their memories :)
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