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Phazer Effect

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Everything posted by Phazer Effect

  1. Activision removing the vid= possibility if it being true good thing i saw the vid a while ago so i know all the details.
  2. It looks like maxis had infected himself with 115 because at the end he says perhaps 115 is affecting my mind and also looks like he didnt like richtofen that much. [brains]
  3. 1. yes but not random I dont want to spend 2000 on a red dot sight and i dont like to see pap'd weapons with attatchments or akimbo 2. pro perks should be in the game but not in the pack a punch machine 3. yes new traps 4. I dont think the "dont disturb" is a good idea because players might be in seperate rooms and someone dies and cant get revived :shock: and being invincible or having more health just doesnt seem like a power up 5. Sprint-aid is good but what's spy eye :?: 6. yes and yes 7. RC XD machine (like perk machine) but since everything is exaggerated in zombies how bout an RC MONSTERTUCK :D
  4. Damn the panic center looks so badass thats why zombies needs its own campaign mode or spec ops like mode as well.
  5. I tried it it also worked but sometimes it didnt work though.
  6. Agreed especially on what you said about the windows
  7. M60 YES PPSH-41 YES but the black ops model to me its better just like how they used the MP40 from the campaign Ammo Matic YES but its gonna have to cost a lot IMO OR just have a scavenger perk and zombies drop something when killed and collect 15 or something and get your ammo replenished.
  8. yeah he did and I saw ur vid but it looked different when i played it kinda looked like jfk was holding a ballistic knife but it looked a little different.
  9. Has this happened to anyone else? So the round before the thief I died on the bottom floor and my friend (who was playing on the same TV as me we were playing split screen online) goes to the second floor and finishes the round and then you hear the thief round start so i rush to get the MP5 but was too late and he steals my pistol and I was left with a knife with barely 300 points-_-. When my friend looked at my character (JFK) all he had was a knife but it was floating and when I moved it looked all glitchy. We died the next round and i was last alive so we had no choice.
  10. Doesnt it seem pretty weird that this guy and D BLOCK both joined this website on the same day???? And that this account was created later than D BLOCKS's????
  11. Seems cool now all we need is a teaser or something but it seems so weird hearing about the new COD when black ops just came out.
  12. 22 with 4 players 23 solo
  13. Also you and the other dude have different pics of the rooms
  14. wow from the pictures you took the map looks so boring I hope im wrong
  15. I want to believe this dude but theres not any evidence sorry
  16. There isn't a forth clip only 3 clips and 2 bonus radios. Only 3 will spawn on random rooms and one will be left out.
  17. I always thought those clocks were going to be the DLC zombie maps locations but then there would need to be 4 map packs.
  18. That pic probably is the BETA version of "Five"
  19. When i got them all nothing happened i even looked for a 4th clip but i found nothing.
  20. I hate how the MP40 in zombies is the only weapon that is not the same as its original from world at war. I wish every gun was started from scratch also you can tell they used the same gun because the movement of the guns from the walls are different than the mystery box ones (except for the ray gun) also if you dive to prone it will look differently as well. The movement for the wall guns when moving forward all pull back and sway side to side while the new weapons just move side to side.
  21. Dempsey also says he wishes he can replace Richtofen with a women cause he's getting awfully lonely remember?
  22. Isn't it pretty obvious that "Beware the 6" refers to the nova6 gas that comes out of the gas zombies?
  23. Yea happens to me also on PS3
  24. Isn't it pretty obvious that the 6 refers to the nova 6 gas that comes out of the zombies its not referring to dogs because i have played in round 6 fighting regular zombies.
  25. Ok I dont own an xbox so i can't judge the graphics but the graphics to me on the PS3 look superb AND i dislike the sound effects of the power ups on the 360 the PS3 sound effects sound so much better.
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