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Mr. Satan

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Everything posted by Mr. Satan

  1. Sabotage: 7 kill streak - Gives your team all the killstreaks that the enemy team has had up to that point in the match. If free-for-all, gives you all the killstreaks that all your enemies have had. ZOMG: 3 kill streak - Launches a flying toilet at a random enemy. Homing, unavoidable. Toast: 2 kill streak - Replaces your teams knifes with nice buttered toast, and gives the enemy burnt toast. I'll post more if I think of any :P
  2. Does anyone remember that solid feeling that you get in WaW when you shot someone? You could feel that you were hitting them? I don't have that feeling in MW2, and that's what I hate. The way matches can get so onesided is a little annoying too. You know, where you're doing the best on your team and you have 6 kills? On Team Deathmatch? Yeah, I hate that...
  3. Mr. Satan

    Verteran rank?

    I was just curious as to what it is for. I was a member of the old forums for awhile and I've been away for a long time, so I thought I'd come back and see what's going on. (Doubt anyone remembers me though.)
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