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Everything posted by Pandaman5797

  1. Hey guys, it's not necessary to ask Alpha to not flame all the time...he's had to put up with a lot of shit lately on his hard-thought out threads and theories, and it's mostly been the blunt comments as seen up at the top. As long as you put at least some evidence to irrefute his theory, he won't flame for criticism... The Panda's out...
  2. I just hope this won't turn out to be like the Winter's Howl and Wunderwaffe on Ascension The Panda's out...
  3. Very ... The Panda's out...
  4. I don't understand why you guys are treating Alpha like a n00b (sorry n00battack3r lol) because this thread is very well thought out, it makes sense, and the email Mason received from Mr. X CLEARLY states Wood's is alive...honestly, how can people believe Reznov is alive but not Woods? The Panda's out...
  5. Now that it is confirmed to be in the arctic (arctic conditions rather), i believe the name Call of the Dead is a play on words for Call of the Wild (by Jack London)...but that's just me... The Panda's out...
  6. Strwrsbob already has one...:/ The Panda's out...
  7. dude you dont need to be so negative...we kinda know almost all hope is lost now, but this thread is pretty old, it was just bumped, that's all The Panda's out...
  8. Hey, I'm up for a little WaW...been wanting to mix it up for a while The Panda's out... *Edit* OMG 400 Posts !
  9. no need to minus brain him :facepalm:
  10. Dude that's awesome! And maybe for Bob's tournament, if they become a regular (once a month or something?) maybe we can give the winners Kontrol Freaks!
  11. Oh, lol, sorry to laugh but somebody posted a topic like this a while back with almost the EXACT same wording...idk how to help, but I don't think treyarch will help, considering they are considerably more focused with Black Ops than they are WaW now...sorry I couldn't be more help :oops: The Panda's Out...
  12. yeah solo gets VERY boring, especially with the loops, because you get everything you need sooner or later and the loops take away the feeling that you're running for your life... The Panda's out...
  13. I agree with your points, but I have one ting to add: Black Ops had one damn good campaign too The Panda's out...
  14. that just gave me a boner :D
  15. Well, just because we haven't found anything in 2 months doesn't mean its over...honestly, ive never seen anyone try the raster egg like this...and please keep flaming to a minimum! Just because this seems implausible (is that a word?) to some people doesn't mean it shouldn't garner any attention...then again, all these "big Easter eggs" that treyarch has come up with have had pretty lame rewards...nuketown poppin mannequin heads=song from campaign...fly trap=you guys know the story ...who knows, maybe the Easter egg is done, but try to be open minded...my newest motto is "I'm a devout optimist...I don't accept defeat until it spits me in the eye" same thing applies here... The Panda's out...
  16. That is very true...the Richtofen books are even in Verruckt...right now, I'd probably rate the likeliness of Nuketown being a zombie map a 4 out of 10, but there are enough pieces in place for at least some parts of the map to be reused should treyarch wish to make it into somewhat of a zombie map... The Panda's out...
  17. Remember how Nuketown is in a desert? Well, it could possibly be the next destination for a zombie-fest, especially if our next zombie map takes us to Area 51/Groom Lake...as many of us know by now, there have been many hints and clues to an Area 51 map...by Nuketown being the next map, I don't necessarily mean Zombies breaking in through the Yellow house or whatever, but Area 51 could simply be partially based off of Nuketown, like Ascension was based off of Launch, or Der Riese based off of Nightfire, stuff like that...while there aren't many things in the background of Nuketown to suggest it being a zombie map, Richtofen's books there are already something to build off of as thinking of nuketown as a possible map...I know there aren't many strong things to support it other than the Richtofen books, but I put 2 and 2 together seeing as Area 51/Groom Lake is in Nevada, and Nuketown is in a desert that looks somewhat like nevada (I would know, I lived there for 11 years)...Please share your thought, and remember, no Trolling! The Panda's out...
  18. thats what I thought, WaW was an upgraded CoD4 engine though
  19. My only reservations for using the BO engine (at least for the PS3 game) is that by round 25 or so for 4 players (on Ascension) zombies lags A LOT! if they can fix this, Treyarch will permanently be my favorite CoD company :D
  20. Yeah, there are a couple of jerks on CoDz, but there are also many people willing to help, like Triix, Bob, MrRoflWaflles, Phillips, Cj, Carbon, UndeadWolfy, Alphasnake, yours truly and so many more (these were just the ones i remember off the top of my head, I know there are many others out there, so I'm sorry if I forgot your name )
  21. Where's the love for Dmitri? IDG3rjpYZ6I after dmitri's death, I put Ghost and Roach, and for number three, I put Polonsky/Roebuck (whoever you save in WaW)
  22. I love sniping, and quickscoping in Black Ops just gives me a bigger challenge :twisted:. I also like the "traditional" way of sniping, which is finding those high, well concealed, points on the map and forcing players to avoid my line of sight. Snipers FTW! (For the win, not F*** the world )
  23. I think we should just forget about the Node Easter Egg...it's completely distracting us from any other easter eggs that may be present in Ascension, so if anyone stumbles along something that LEGITIMATELY sounds plausible towards continuing a step in the easter egg, we should just look for different things...
  24. i think the commando is the best AR, but I KNOW the FAMAS is the best :/
  25. Actually, he posted this over a month ago, when the vid came out, so he wasn't late and, I'll save you some reading snake, it was confirmed a glitch, sorry man :/
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