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About TheResearcher

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  1. Hello Members of CODZ. Anyone ever thought how Samantha saw everything we were doing? Saw where we were and where to send zombies to fight us? If you know this well done, but if you don't, feel free to read on. As you all know (or should know), the fantastic new map has been released (Moon). Anyone who has got close to finishing the Brilliant easter egg should know that Sam is on the moon. Now ALL OF US should know that Samantha controls all zombie movements, attacks, random weapon box etc. Wonder how she see's it all. Since the revolutionary zombie map 'der riese' was released, the moon has been placed in nearly every single map, even 'Shangri-La'. She watches us from the moon. Thats how she does it. Wherever we are teleported, though time or location the moon follows, and Samantha can see us all. She follows so she is in range of the zombies minds and our movements. I just thought it may be something interesting to know. So write your thoughts if you wish, because i believe this to be true.
  2. Wut about the front of the shirt with a picture of dempsey with a wunderwaffe on the left, takeo with freezegun on the right, and a hellhound in the middle. And on the back of the shirt, richtofen on the left with the thundergun and nickoli on the right with the ray gun and a zombie in the middle+ on the front shirt above dempsey and takeo in bold letters saying 'they' re ready...' And on the back of the shirt above richtofen and nickoli it says 'Are You?'
  3. Music that involves fighting to the death, last stands, staying alive, you know....Songs of encouragement 8-)
  4. I Understand
  5. Hello. I have studied the cod zombies for months now, maye a year, with my 2 partners. I have found some new info about one perticular thing. In the packages that Henry Langham sent, (i did not recieve one but i have gained info) i have discovered he included an Ace Of Spades. Now Does ANYONE remember the death cards of call of duty 5? Well, the ACE OF SPADES WAS THE CARD THAT TURNED THE SOLDIERS UNDEAD. Think thats it? No, im not finished. On the death cards discription it says exactly this... "Enemies regenerate health and appear zombiefied." Now...In COD5 Nazi zombies Iam Sure all of you know know that Doctor Maxis Used science and corpses to create his test subjects (Zombies). But...What if this next generation of zombies does not involve test subjects? What if...It involves living soldiers and people in COD BLACK OPS? If they can be turned into zombies that easily... A new development? Iam not 100% sure on this but IAM 100% sure that the ACE OF SPADES WAS THE DEATH CARD OF THE UNDEAD IN CALL OF DUTY 5 AND HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH BLACK OPS ZOMBIES. What do you think? And thank you for reading
  6. Wow, well done in discovering this information.
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