Good day zombie lovers, i have just registered to this site a few minutes ago, but don't worry, i've been a guest for months and know the rules.
i joined just to encourage you all not to give up.
first thing is i remember reading through this thread and on page 3 this guy (sog sean) was talking about that second panel infront of the pack a punch machine is like the one you shoot at the fly trap, but "broken". could someone post a picture of both panels side by side? maybe try shooting it after you shoot the flytrap panel?
another thing someone should check, is simple to check, and a possible solution to the "broken" panel, it's right when you start at the mainframe on the sides, where the zombies can climb up, look for a black wire on one side that's got a gap in it? why is it not conected? and someone should get picture of that?
another thing that we need to look into is when someone told us "the answer is right in front of us", well what's right in front is the pap machine, or it could be always infront of us, what happens when you use the pack a punch? your gun gets that gray decall stuff, well has anyone used a different player and looked at the guns with a ptrs? there could be symbols/clues on them.
ok last thing is from a tv show that also has a youtube video of the flytrap and an object (the bell) flying around in the flytrap, which looked like the pack a punch machine. and isn't it a coincedance that all four players can stand in it.
the main idea is to look into somehow getting the pap to the flytrap?, and the rest of der riese opened, someone said der riese is only 95% done. so keep searching.
what's stopping treyarch from updating nightfire when you downloaded der riese? there's no limit for what treyarch can do, and what if they hired miomoto to hide that secret stuff in der riese, if he hid that we're gonna be looking forever, he's the master at hiding things and crazy stuff like that.
i hope this gives people new ideas and helps us get closer to the secret of der riese.
btw congrats Carbonfibah for being close to 10000 brains.