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Posts posted by NZheadshot1

  1. Key word: Should...

    Have you ever rape trained on die rise or nuketown, killed all of the zombies and then had that weird slow-down trippiness? That's because the engine is having trouble realizing the zombies are all dead and Respawning as new zombies.... It's bad enough to kill them one by one with the an94, or Blundergat blast... You try and take them all out in one click? Pewwwwwww goes the engine... It's sad.... But true... Trayarch is REALLY bad when it comes to innovating...

    So I took this post into consideration, and just felt like there was something wrong with what you said, and it just came to me a minute ago.

    In BO1, we never saw lag while using those mega-weapons, like the Thundergun or the Ray gun. But now in BO2, killing a whole horde with the Ray gun has become dangerous at best due to the lag. But here's where the problem comes in: In BO1, if you gathered up all the zombies and then ran them through a trap, BANG! massive lag spike. However, now that we have traps back with MotD, we aren't seing this problem at all. So what's going on here???

    why can't Treyarch figure out how to cut out the lag????? :x

  2. Now remember black ops 2's engine can't handel some weapons...

    The wave gun should be fine, and the wunder waffe should be fine, but the JGB23 babymaker and thundergun may be a bit hard to use considering the engine's capabilitys...


    Wave gun,



    Gersh device

    Winters howl

    flame thrower





    Other quick-to effect weapons

    What exactly is this supposed to mean?

    Black Ops 2 moved zombies to the multiplayer engine. It should be able to handle even MOAR now right?

  3. Just did this again, online this time. The videos rendering now, should be up in less than an hour.

    Something to note though is that on this particular run, the warden's key was on the shower side. By the time i got juggernog i had 1500 points and was able to buy the door to the generator room. When i powered jug, i also powered the fence to the oxygen tanks AND the generators to open the door to the engine in the Warden's office.

    This whole process took me about 8 minutes. Just so it doesn't feel like TranZit or Die Rise where setting up took FOREVER

  4. So I just read Stuckdizzle's post on how to build the shield on round 1 and decided that I would rather use his same strategy to get Juggernog. After some experimenting, I found that not only was this possible, but it wasn't all that hard either.

    So here's how I did it:

    1. At the beginning, grab the double points, shoot the zombies 4-6 times, knife, yadda yadda, leave one unharmed. - you should have around 22k-26k

    2. Open the doors and head toward the showers.

    3. If the key is there, that's good. If it isn't, you can still do this, but you'll need to find an extra 1000 points.

    If the key is there:

    a) Using your first afterlife, grab the key, open the door to the showers, and open the cell containing double points

    B) Run downstairs and open the door to the laundry machine

    c) tricky part - go back upstairs and use your afterlife. Run to the front of the cafeteria and jump up, so you're standing on the walkway. Now, if you look up toward the Infirmary, there is a slight break in the railway where you can strafe jump to. Once you're up, run past EC (charge it if you want), and charge the gondola

    d) While still in afterlife, sprint back past EC, run down into the showers, and power the laundry machine. I know this sounds like a lot of stuff to do, but it is possible.

    If the key isn't there:

    a) Open the door between where you are (near the showers) and the warden's office

    B) While standing near the warden's office, use your first afterlife, and get ready to run like crazy hell

    c) Zap the machine for the key (Don't worry about opening Warden's office, we'll get back to that

    d) Sprint over to the other side and open the showers and the jail cell for double points

    e)Revive yourself, then open the door to the laundry machine.

    f)Use your second afterlife near the MP5 and power the laundry machine

    g)While still in afterlife, run up the stairs toward the warden's office and use the strafe jump to get up to power the gondola and EC

    - at this point, you may choose to run all the way to the warden's office to open it, though it's extremely risky

    4. Now that you've gotten the key, opened the showers, the door to the laundry machine, the cell to the double points, and powered the gondola and EC, run downstairs and start the laundry machine.

    5. At this point, you may choose to run a loop in the showers, however, I think it is safer to just stand at the top of the stairs and wait for the barrier to disappear. If a zombie gets to close, just knife it.

    6. Grab double points and rack up as many kills as you can while it's active

    7. When double points ends, I like to run back through the spawn to where the first dog is, and feed some of the remaining zombies to him.

    8. Once you have 5250 points (which might be hard to do if you had to open that extra door), buy the door upstairs and ride the gondola

    9. At this point, you can unlock the door on the docks to the plane part and power Juggernog. The last few zombies can be used to begin feeding the dog

    And there you have it, Juggernog by the end of Round 1.

    Here's the video:


  5. Nice trick with the Showers in Round 1!

    I didn't calculate it through but would rather use this to get Jug asap. I guess there is one afterlife missing (1x key, 1x shower, 1x gondola) to get it in Rd 1, but at least can get it at the beginning of 2.

    I think you may actually be able to power the gondola with the same AL used to power the washing machine. I'm gonna go test this theory now. I'll post a video if it works.

  6. Ugh the bit int your post about the Doctor Who monsters was painful. Their eyes glowed GOLD, and the reason that they couldn't get into the church wasn't because they were satanic; they couldn't get into the church simply because it was an old building with a firm history. When Rose Tyler comes into physical contact with her infant self, the time paradox worsens, and the monster become powerful enough to get into the church.


    Sorry, I just got into Doctor Who and literally watched that episode no more than 3 weeks ago

    On the flip side, this is still a very intriguing way to look at it (whether the monsters/zombies be satanic or not).

    I'm not sure how I feel about them having broken a rift in time though. It seems like there can only be 1 past and 1 present, but many futures. If the 4 killed the guard, it was merely 1 of those possible futures, and should have just become the real past. It was 'Fate' so to speak. I don't understand how any of their actions could have broken any sort of time rift, or changed what was supposed to happen...

  7. for most maps you would have to go higher than 50 to consider it "beaten". Usually 100. But yeah, I don't think any round higher than 50 is necessary for Town or Farm.

    I disagree. Zombie spawn rates cap out at round 64, meaning that as long as you keep to your strategy, every single horde should be identical to the last past round 64. For that matter, its nearly impossible to see the difference between spawn rates at round 64 and rates at round 50. That's because of how spawn rates work.

    So for example, it might take a full horde to spawn in in 80 seconds on round 30 and then 75 seconds on round 40. Now say in that same game it takes the same horde 42 seconds to spawn in on round 50. On round 64, that same horde might spawn in at about 41.8 seconds

    I think Duckcall's post addresses this more fully if someone cares to find it :mrgreen:

  8. Speed Cola never helped you rebuild barriers in the first place. While the boards did come on to the window faster, the delay between boards was increased. It only appeared to help.

    This. Boards would fly toward the window faster, but then it took longer for the next one to appear. So even if Speed Cola still has this effect, it wouldn't really matter would it? :|

  9. THIS IS A FANTASTIC THREAD. for a while there I actually believed this(zombies and wonder weapons, re-aninmating dead cells) to be reality, lol.

    Lol i was the same way. I was reading thinking, wow this is really informative. Then i read the line

    "However, when 115 comes into contact with a dead organism, its electrical properties reanimate the dead cells in the body, creating a zombie."

    and was like :o WHAT?! :shock: this really happens??? Then I figured out you were talking about in game lolz

    Great thread though! Hope they go more in depth with this crazy purple rock

  10. So, great we have power on by round 3, the other skull decides to train in town, I'm busy collecting perks before I head back to Tunnel, and our double boners arrive at the power station (they were clinging to the bus)...What do they do? They turn off the power. Not a big deal, but definitely ::facepalm::
    *Snort* double boners... :lol:
  11. I just don't see any Reno to like them yet. As several others have pointed out, they aren't funny, and they aren't all gung-ho about killing zombies either. To that point, Samuel and Marlton just seem like cowards. I don't want it fight zombies with a character who is about to shit himself. I want to fight zombies with a character who is ready to jump out of the back of the van, guns blazing. Y'know, kinda like Tank Dempsey or Richtofen.

    The mobster on the other hand are AMAZING. Maybe a bit excessive on the language, but hey, they're mobsters.

    One quote that gets me every time is "Magic bullets? Sure I'll take yer magic bullets." :mrgreen:

    Pretty sure that's Finn when you pick up a max ammo

  12. It's actually not that difficult to get into a 2 or 3-person lobby. To create a 2-person game, for example, each player just logs into another dummy account; that way, the lobby is full with 4 players and no one can join. Then, everyone ready up, and when the countdown gets to 1, both of the dummy accounts sign out. This works every time.

    And obviously the reason why rounds do not count on leaderboards after a person leaves is because they have separate leaderboards for 1-4 players, unlike in Black Ops 1, when it was all just co-op leaderboards.

    No, when a player leaves the game the entire game is stopped at that round because they can't count it as a four person game as there are only 3 people and they can't count it as a 3 person game because there were 4 people earlier...

    This plan of yours requires one of two things:

    A second controller

    And, but not neccisarily,

    A second account linked to Xbox-live with a paid account...

    A privlige not everyone has...

    unless you're PS3 :twisted:

    Lol sorry xboxers. Not tryin to start a war :D

  13. This one bothers the crap outta me:

    Crawling while you're downed makes you bleed out faster

    Now I tend to be very good at reviving my teammates, but I hate it when they are intentionally making it MORE difficult for me :evil:

  14. yeah I think it was a mistake to have multiple spots for the Uzi & MP5. I savor at the thought of what could have been...

    I would've liked to have seen the PDW back on the wall. Or the 74u. Oh well. I love this map. I won't complain. I think it's my favorite map yet to be honest. Feels like the perfect mix between a vintage WaW map and a retrofuturistic BO2 map.

    The 74u isn't on this map?!?!?

    :o :o :o

  15. The only people that are past 99 on the leader boards have gotten 214 rounds. I think this is the "hacked number" and is the only one past 99

    yea that sounds about right. it was 2147 in WaW. The number 2,147,483,647 is the same as 2^31 - 1. Its the number of bits of memory a process can use on a 32-bit system. Since the xBox uses a 32-bit CP, it also uses that many bits total for certain processes.

  16. quality of map = time spent on map x infinity

    Therefore, time is irrelevant. All Zombies maps are amazing. All are awesome. Therefore quality is a constant. I love Zombies. A Zombies map taking place in poop would be wonderful. Yes, dare I say it!

    Your math is a bit off. Assuming that quality = time x infinity would also assume that quality = infinity, meaning that no matter how much time they took on a map, it would be infinitely good lolz.

    But aside from that, i agree that time really isn't a factor. Tranzit was terrible, they had a full year to work on it. MotD is amazing, and hey did it in just a few short months

  17. I haven't yet played the map, but I have noticed that there are multiple places to buy the same gun off the wall (I've seen at least 2 aces to buy both tye mp5 and the Uzi). While I think this is awesome, since we don't have to run halfway across the map to refill our weapons, it also means that some of those spots could have been used for other weapons...

    Hmm... I guess ill have to play the map before I can say anything else on the matter...

  18. I just hope they do something like last time for the hardened edition people. I would've felt pretty ripped off if I had to pay for the classic maps TWICE. And here we are with Bo2 and I'm already feeling pretty ripped off. And I bought the season pass to so unless they refund us for some of that their isn't really much hope on that...

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