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Everything posted by NZheadshot1

  1. What's interesting is that we haven't seen much of 935 at all, practically since WaW. It's strange that the group is suddenly becoming more important. And its details like this (referring to the time) that make an awesome map. Lol its JUST like the clock on Der Riese displaying 1:15 indefinitely
  2. coudln't read it, the big white wall of text blinded me momentarily...
  3. Yea didn't think about that. We'll that's at least a comforting though
  4. I think it was perfectlemonade who was saying that it was still going into the 70s
  5. You wouldn't happen to know how long it's a OHK would you?
  6. I love this song and this video is... how do you say, BAD IN ASS!
  7. Didn't actually think about it til you said it, but this is probably pretty accurate. Besides the infinite damage weapons, we've only seen one other weapon (scavenger) thats a OHK til 34. That makes the golden spork way more powerful than something like the ray gun... BTW has anyone ever figured out whether the Redeemer does infinite damage or not? That just seems a little OP since it doesn't go away..
  8. Really hope they fix this issue before it comes out for PS3... :?
  9. Cool didn't realize you could do this. But my only problem with this is the first couple of rounds are really meant for point-building. I think I'd rather use this to build it, but then just leave it setting there until I needed it so that I could have that extra weapon slot for an AK or a PDW.
  10. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is actually the definition of insanity (thank you far cry 3 ) But this is actually kinda awesome. I got chills while reading through the lyrics and noticing how well they lined up with die rise and mob of the dead
  11. This is an awesome thread. Keep it going so us PS3 players know how to start our matches lol
  12. They fixed this. Rounds don't freeze anymore. HOwever I agree that this whole "having to play public matches to get onto the leaderboards" thing is kinda ridiculous...
  13. I don't know about this. The first time (and only time) I had this happen to me was immediately after hitting round 42 on Die Rise (the first time I'd gone past 30) and when I came back I had this message and had been promoted to skull/knife...
  14. I think about it as having certain milestones. For example, rounds 1-10 are low rounds, because you still have zombies who aren't running. Rounds 10-40 are mid-rounds, because that's when the spawn rate is still mostly unpredictable, but the zombies movement speeds are all the same. Round 40 is when you officially hit the high rounds because that's when the spawn rate begins to level out. 64+ is nose-bleed high - that's when the spawn rate actually hits max
  15. Lol nah it's from Zombieland
  16. Yea I'll admit, I didn't read the other posts, sorry about that :oops: On the other hand, 30 minutes in Der Riese or Kino got me to about round 20~25 without having to do any crazy set ups. 30 minutes is too long to simply get set up. We should be mostly set up from the moment we set foot into the map
  17. I agree. Killing zombies in the sunshine is kinda gay...
  18. But the problem is that we're seeing "cool new concepts that haven't been seen before" (sic) with every new map, its just that none of them are actually cool. Buildables were an interesting idea, but after finding all the pieces for the first time, it just became routine. With things like the Pack-a-Punch and the teleporters, we got an immediate (and useful) return. Seriously, who actually used the electric trap on tranZit?? No one ever asked for the face-huggers or the fog. Or with Die Rise, I can see that they were trying to introduce a new idea for perks by putting them in the elevators, but did anyone actually enjoy running around juking out a single zombie for 5 minutes while waiting for the elevator with juggernog to arrive? (btw this isn't supposed to be a personal attack, your comment was just a good segway into what I wanted to say
  19. I thought that we decided that the whole zombies team switching with the campaign team for this DLC was just a rumor someone started? am I missing something?
  20. Rules: 1. Cardio 2. Doubletap anyone get the reference????
  21. It has to do with the whole rag-doll effect. This NEVER happened on WaW
  22. Regards, Mac I'm not certain I undertand :? Unless this is a weapon found in Black Ops 2? I'm not too familiar with multiplayer, and I haven't played MotD yet due to being a ps3er...
  23. lol. he thinks chopper's wrong. Hey everybody, this guy thinks chopper's wrong! Sorry BS, but I have to agree with him. I'm ps3 player and so I haven't gotten to pay this map yet, but based on tranZit and die rise, I can easily agree. It takes WAY TO DAMN LONG to get set up for a single game of zombies
  24. Semtex was introduced in Call of the Dead, I believe... Ah... Ok... Rewind... It IS odd this is the first zombies map to not have ANY type of buyable grenade... Where were they on tranZit? I'm sure they were there, I just can't seem to recall where...
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