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Everything posted by NZheadshot1

  1. While I agree that this annoys the hell outta me, I think you're being a bit harsh. I mean seriously, getting banned for rage quitting? Treyarch should have just gotten the whole leaderboards things right the first time and then no one would care when the crappy players quit
  2. Can't tell if you're being serious or not, but... Greek - Hades Roman - Pluto Celtic - Samhain, Egyptian - Osiris Mayan - Yum Kimil Christian - Satan Buddhism - Yama Shinto - Shinigamis (multiple) Babylonian - Ereshkigal and Nergal Norse - Freyja Hinduism - Mara Islam - Azrael Etc, etc, etc.... Well, no one really knows how the zombies are controlled now when they have red eyes. It could be the origin and controlled by the Lord of the dead, depending on where you are. Just like there is different types of zombies. This is an interesting point, but the problem with it is that most religions by default claim that all other religions are fictitious, therefore only one of these deities could actually exist. The existence of one disproves the existence of all others
  3. Can't tell if you're being serious or not, but... Greek - Hades Roman - Pluto Celtic - Samhain, Egyptian - Osiris Mayan - Yum Kimil Christian - Satan Buddhism - Yama Shinto - Shinigamis (multiple) Babylonian - Ereshkigal and Nergal Norse - Freyja Hinduism - Mara Islam - Azrael Etc, etc, etc....
  4. Nix that. Just played a round. The language you were looking for is Russian. But this does bring up the point you mentioned before. Why is there Russian writing on a farm in California??
  5. lol hate to break it to ya pal, but Deustch is simply the German translation of the word "German" I'm gonna assume you mean Dutch. I'm pretty familiar with both languages. If you can get a pic and post it here or PM me, I could try translating it for you.
  6. Weird, I had this same thing happen to me in the same place at round 23 once...
  7. Honestly this is what they should have done from the get go. They said custom maps and I said Awesome!... but then I found out that they weren't really custom at all. In Black Ops 1 Multiplayer, you could change the SPEED at which players could move. You could set how much health players had, how quickly it regenerated (if at all), change weapon damage, and change explosive damage among a few other things. SO WHY DIDN'T WE SEE THESE KINDS OF THINGS IN THE SEQUEL??? *grumble* :(
  8. .... :| ... Don't think the bus driver would really stand a chance....
  9. Ummm.... is that the right video? I'm not sure I'm understanding what I'm watching... EDIT: OOPS. watched it with sound. Missed MK showing up on the side there...
  10. I find this to be disrespectful. Those artists have done amazing things for the music industry and to make fun of their names is uncalled for and unnecessary. Do it in somebody else's topic. As for Clark S. Nova, we haven't heard enough of him yet. And he improved greatly from TranZit to Die Rise. This forum is designed to discuss the Call of Duty's zombie mode. While your post DOES pertain to zombies, it is unnecessary to thrash these artists. Please keep it on topic
  11. Clearly you've never been stuck in the Buddha room late rounds without ammo. Seriously, the only thing you can do is jump over to where the power is and pray to god that one of the elevators is not only on that floor, but just about to go up as well. And I agree FULL-HEARTEDLY with wout Megaton said about pressing buttons. I mean seriously, all they had to do was make it cost 250 points like it did on Five and have it come straight to you
  12. Thought of another one - NO WAITING. I hated waiting for the bus on TranZit or waiting for the elevators on Die Rise. Those 2 elements practically forced you to leave zombie at the end of the round if you wanted to go hit the box/buy perks etc. I just want a fast action map like Kino, Der Riese, or Ascension.
  13. As just about every other post has said so far, DENIZENS. But aside from that, the only thing I really don't want to see is another side quest that REQUIRES you to have 4 players. I HATE trying to find 3 other players who 1) have mics, 2) can fend for themselves, and 3) know how to work as a team.
  14. Hate to be a downer, but he's a dude. Would he really play the voice of a woman?
  15. Assuming this DID happen, does anyone think it might have been some sort of glitch? Like the multi-gun glitches on WaW, when we didn't have the luxury of MK. Lol if you wanted 3 guns on der riese, you had to know the EXACT moment to pull your Betties while PaP'ing or you'd never get it
  16. Lol this is funny. Even though I disagree :?
  17. Hm. Well that's actually kinda disappointing...
  18. Look up Henry Langham. You'll get an entirely new perspective of Benn and his marketing scandals.
  19. I withdraw my argument. And thanks for that image btw. You couldn't happen to link me to the full post could ya? Like I said, I can't find it anymore...
  20. I would agree with you if you'd said something more like 40 or 50. At round 20 the ray gun still has substantial killing power, but late game, the only weapons worth carrying are weapons the don't make crawlers and are good for gathering points (for traps obviously...) Raygun kinda sucks at both of those things...
  21. Sorry murder, but the porter's is just as powerful as the normal raygun. They both do a maximum 1000 damage. This was shown in Duckcall's post, which I can't find anymore... Splash is reduced in general, not just to yourself, which makes it worse in some people's opinions It seems the only good reason to upgrade a raygun is to refill the ammo
  22. I'm quite certain the ray gun has always had that kind of power. Mathematically speaking, the ray gun does 1000 damage. By round 17, zombies have 2046 health. Therefore any round past 17 will take at least 3 shots to kill. (Zombie health - 100 at round 1; +100 per round til round 10, where they now have 1050; for each round, multiply the health from the previous round by 1.1)
  23. You aren't usually this cryptic Alpha, care to elaborate?
  24. I think you mean that the Tommy Gun actually looked like a PPsH. There's a post somewhere here (Pretty sure it's brought up in Flammen's analysis topic actually) that describes this in better detail, with pics that make it obvious. Either way though, we're either getting the PPsH back or we're getting the Tommy gun back. Win-win situation :mrgreen:
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