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Everything posted by codestuffz174

  1. Did you finish the whole match? If not then that's why, it won't get the whole game, or any of it, if you don't complete the match.
  2. I can't post a picture right now, but ill describe it for you. Will post picture later. Purple bunny with a matching crown, one red eye, a blue ninja sword, angel wings, and a black boat anchor tattoo.
  3. Can someone post a link, I can't watch embedded media on my phone.
  4. The only time I've had to play on xbox live was last weekend, and I didn't experience most of the problems some of you guys are complaining about. The only problem I ran into was the long search time, but other than that it seemed pretty solid too me. I played long enough to get to a 42, so I think I would have experienced more of these problems. It doesn't really seem any harder than MW2. It is nice however, that I'm not getting tubed right and left. On the topic of quick scoping think about this, if you are going to use a sniper, you have to realize it is a specialist gun. Snipers are for long range only. Saying that you should be able to quickscope to protect yourself at close range, is like someone using a shotgun saying that their shotgun should be able to shoot across the map too, because the people with snipers are killing them ,and their gun can't reach. If you want a gun to shoot long range, and be good at short range use a assault rifle.
  5. I don't have Xbox Live right now, but I think you just have to click on their playercard.
  6. You realize that you can report them for an offensive emblem, right?
  7. As far as I'm concerned the people who don't like the game can get rid of it, and never play it again. Less people on the servers mean less lag for me. And I don't have to listen to them bitch when I stick em' with my crossbow. The only problem I've had with the game is minor hit detection problems when someone is using the RC-XD. Anyone else have this problem?
  8. 'Beware of 6' means 'Beware of Nova 6 gas'
  9. Someone should get a team together to try this out. I won't be on Xbox lIve till Friday night, so I can't, but someone should.
  10. Its alright, I can see how my post could be kind of dickish. Don't worry about it.
  11. Thanks for the post, I did use the search bar but couldn't find it.. So please don't be so high on you horse before you find out whether I knew about it. I wasn't trying to be a jerk just trying to help out.
  12. Already posted, please use the search bar next time. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2500&p=38649&hilit=how+do+you+feel+about+leaked+info#p38649
  13. Could just be that the person using it was a good player. I saw that video to, on Summit if I remember right. I'm sure if it is viewed as overpowered by Treyarch, they will fix it. It doesn't look any more overpowered than the MP5K, IMO.
  14. I'm going to play MP more, that's why I buy Call of Duty games. Just playing zombies would be like having a cupcake, and only eating the frosting. Ok, maybe a bad analogy, but you know what I mean.
  15. I'm taking your credibility badge away from you forever. Ride the Lightning is far from Metallica's best song, much less the best song ever. On topic: Hopefully, something original (Elena Seigmann, anybody?). Someone said Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch. I like that idea, but for the novelty, I would suggest the original. That's your opinion not fact.
  16. Bodies-Drowing Pool Fortunate Son- CCR Or just because its the best song ever: Ride the Lightning- Metallica
  17. This is what Vahn had to say in reply to the question: Why can't PS3 have dual online accounts on split screen? DavidVonderhaar @Sun730 I am working on that with engineering. Going to take some time. Suspect it is a PSN thing but need to research it. about 17 hours ago in reply to Sun730 I don't own a PS3, but it sounds like they are working on maybe getting it patched in for you guys.
  18. XP will level you up, and as you level up you unlock a group of guns you can buy. I think that you unlock all perks at lvl.4 and all killstreaks at lvl.10. Then you use your CP to buy anything you want. As for Classified guns, you have to buy ever gun of that type to be able to get e.g. buy all the Assult Rifles then you can buy the G11.
  19. 1. Yes SoH pro is a little cheap, that's the perk not quick-scoping, and that works with every single gun...not just snipers, and that's returning to BO, but guess what? It doesn't work for snipers, that is gimping enough right there. 2. It's a game....you can't make it that realistic, if you do, it absolutely WILL not sell, it would be incredibly boring. If you are going to use realism in your argument, then how about you play it like this: buy the game, go home, turn it on, join a game, get a couple kills, die, then throw the game in the trash, because if you are going for realism, you can't respawn...that's just ridiculous. 3. If the hit detection isn't bad...then it can't be exploited. MW2 quickscoping is EASIER than other call of duty games, it is absolutely NOT cheap, you can't call something that gets you less kills, more deaths, and is harder to do, cheap. I'm sorry, but I just cannot agree on this subject, in my mind it is absolutely ridiculous to call it cheap, call it easy, then I'm fine with it, call if easier than SMG's or AR's then I WON'T be fine. Because it is untrue. And let me make this straight, I LIKE the fact that they are making it harder to quickscope, I'm not saying I don't, it will just show that people have more skill if they can still do it. I just don't agree with the fact that Josh, and other people, calls it cheap. 3. Hit detection is bad. I said that because hit detection is bad for every gun, but is exploited when QS.
  20. 1. Ok I can understand that 2. COD4 and WaW were more realistic than MW2. MW2was made to cater to the casual gamer, not the hardcore fans. 3. How can you not see the exploitation? Everytime the game winning killcam on SnD comes up and its a QS, the bullet doesn't even hit the person who killed it just goes close to them.
  21. I play SnD mostly so when I get killed by something cheap like QS, and have to sit for 2 minutes watching the rest of my team completely fail at doing somethig so easy I get pissed off. In domination, TDM,etc. it doesn't bother me as much, but its still annoying as hell. My question is HOW is it cheap...when it is 100 times harder to kill people with it than UMP, ACR, FAMAS, noob-toob, commando...the list goes on and on I agree those other things are also cheap, the difference is you can actually do those in real life with exception to commando(and noob-toobing to a certain extent) Reasons QS is cheap: 1. Sleight of Hand Pro 2. Unrealistic in so many ways 3. Hit Detection (not that fact that its bad, the fact that its exploited by quick scoping). Just a few off the top of my head. It all comes down to MW2 being a flawed game. I'm not a fanboy for either developer, but MW2 seemed really rushed. Who knows we might get the same thing with Black ops.
  22. I play SnD mostly so when I get killed by something cheap like QS, and have to sit for 2 minutes watching the rest of my team completely fail at doing somethig so easy I get pissed off. In domination, TDM,etc. it doesn't bother me as much, but its still annoying as hell.
  23. I meant MW2 for the most part. COD:4 took some skill, but WaW took a lot IMO.
  24. The .50 cal. Is a one shot kill because it will put a football sized whole in your back after it goes through your chest. See that's being realistic, like games should be(to certain extent). And btw you calling other people 'kiddies' is making you sound like an immature little kid, maybe you should grow up. Just face it your obviously in the minority or else they wouldn't be trying to stop quick scoping. Obviously its still going to happen, but this time it will take skill. If I get killed by a quick scoper in Black ops I won't be upset because atleast it will take some skill.
  25. I really hope you're talking about the video game here, if not you have no right to call anybody an 8 year old. If you're going to base all of your arguments on a video game you sir should GTFO. What else would i be talking about? Its in the COD: Black Ops section. So your basing your arguments soley on knowledge you obtained from a video game. You don't think there should be any realism in a video game based on a war that actually happened? Quickscoping is completely unrealistic. What does it being in the Black ops section have anything to do with anything?
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