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Posts posted by codestuffz174

  1. Power ups:

    Adventure Time- All doors are opened for 1 minute, and Finn and Jake come and fight zombies with you. If you get stuck in a room when the times up, you must buy your way out, or be killed.

    Butter Feet/Banana Peel- Every player has glide sprint for 30 seconds.

    Make-up- All the zombies get clown faces and become disoriented for 30 seconds.

    Cornerstone- Every player is invincible, but cannot move for 30 seconds.


    X-ray-soda- See where zombies are through walls.

    Elastic-ale- You can jump higher than normal

    Bandolier- Hold extra bullets, greanades, and monkies.

    I have many more ideas, but admittedly most of these are pretty stupid.

  2. Translation: I feel like Treyarch is screwing us over, maybe its just me, but the more I hear about the First Strike map pack, the more I feel that Treyarch is gearing it toward multiplayer maps, and not the zombie map. One reason I feel this way is because in WaW the multiplayer maps were ok, but we didn't buy the map packs for multiplayer maps, we bought them for the zombie map.

    Now don't get me wrong Ascension sounds like a fun map, but it really doesn't seem like it ties into the main zombie story. It feels as though the characters on this map would be JFK and crew, not our original four heroes.

  3. I never said you shouldn't be mad, but there is nothing we can do for you. You have to try an get yourself un-reset. But if you don't you can still get to 15th prestige and say that you actually got 28 prestiges. Not many people can say that. Treyarch doesn't reset/ban people for no reason, they obviously thought you did something wrong. If you actually did nothing wrong then you should be able to get it fixed.

  4. Flak Jacket can be good if used properly, its good for planting bombs, ghost can be too, but often times there is a claymore guarding the bomb. Flack Jacket can also be good on smaller grenade spam maps, you can't hide from grenades even with ghost.

    If you play like 90% of the community, you can hide with ghost, you find find yourself a nice corner, set down a claymore/Motion sensor and grenades wont find you anywhere.

    Counters to all of this:

    Hardline with Counter Spy Plane and a blackbird

    Hacker Pro

    Use a jammer and when you find a motion sensor with your Hacker pro the throw it down.

    Warlord Pro with flash or stuns and just throw one around every corner you come too.

    So if your really tired of ghost, but don't want to use ghost I suggest this class:

    AK-74u w/Grip and Extended Mags

    Perk 1- Hardline(Pro)

    Perk 2- Warlord Pro

    Perk 3- Hacker Pro

    Equipment- Jammer

    Lethal Grenade- Frag

    Tactical Grenade- Stun or Flash

  5. Here is my problem, They had 2 years to make this game, and there have been 4 title updates since release, around 40 days ago. But (now dont flame me on this point) Bungie had less than 2 years I believe, and guess what? No title updates to patch the Online since September launch. Because there was a Beta, no select group of people can test a game and react as if they were the community.


    You're completely right, the problems should have been solved by release, and a beta would have aided this. The reality is that there was no beta, and we just have to deal with it. Like I said just try to make the best of it.

  6. The whole game is overpowered! There now does everyone feel better. You paid $60 or more for the game, deal with it. Try to have fun until all of your complaints get fixed.

    There have been 4 title updates and the game has been out 43 days not to mention numerous hotfixes. Their working on it give them a break.

    P.S. Legend I gave your brains back because I don't feel you deserved to lose them.

    EDIT: It won't let me give you brains and I don't know why?

  7. Like: Currency system

    Like: Wager Matches

    Like: Best CoD Campaign ever

    Like: Crossbow

    Like: Theater mode, if you don't like it go play MW2, oh that's right it didn't have one.

    Like: Zombies

    Like: Customization, if its not enough for you go play MW2, oh that's right it only had titles and emblems.

    Like: Balance

    Like: Maps that aren't boxes

    Like: No bad perks e.g. Juggernaut, danger close, OMA etc.

    Like: No OP killstreaks

    Dislike: Knife

    Dislike: Time it takes to get into a match.

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