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Posts posted by codestuffz174

  1. i dont want it to outsell MW2, that means the same, and even more of the cheaters, and 10 year olds are getting the game.

    I'm 13...does that count? :)

    If you're an annoying little

    A$$HOLE hacker then yes.

    If you don't act like a prick online then no.

  2. Ok so you know how one acheivement says "Return from the past" well maybe you go back to Der Reise and help Dempsey and gang stop the zombies and that's how they tie up the 'Nazi' zombie section of the zombie story. Or better yet you go back and help but then Tank and gang come back with you. But as we see from the Ipod version of NDU Richtofen changes and starts eating people to start the 'Commie' Zombie part of the story.

  3. I dont reckon it is 'broken' or anything. I agree, it is a very fun game, and it probably will be until black ops comes out then i will never go back. Well, for some reason, i know some of you will take offense to this but Americans use cheaper things to kill way more often.

    For example. In Australia, where i live, you occasionally get danger close noobtuber. I dont think i have ever seen OMA and danger close noobtube RPG'r. I very rarely see commando knifers. I have only ever seen 1 booster, which was my mate (whom i got very pissed at, but its all good now). The only bad things are stupid spawns sometimes and campers sometimes

    Now, i played search and destroy with Triixster, and he lives in USA. In the game lobby, 6/10 people had the spinning tenth prestige emblem. In Aus, i have seen that about 3 times. I reported them all and they got banned. Anyway, while playing search and destroy, there were knivers, campers, OMA tubers and all of that.

    What i am trying to get to is that i rarely see what some people complain about, so this is still a very fun game for me. Wow, that was a big one...

    I think we have more of that crap here in the US because we have more people that play it. Also the average maturity level of kids in the United States is a lot lower than in Aus.,for some reason the kids here feel they have to be cheap to get kills, they all want to be "1337". If they would just play the game legit it would be more fun for everybody. But all the spoiled little assholes who get their parents to buy them Jtags, or modded controllershave to ruin it. Throughout my experience I haven't really played against a lot of ppl. from Aus. but the ones I have played against seem pretty straight like you said.

    Now I think there are quite a few things broken with the game, most of which have been listed already.

  4. Like Shoreyo said 115 caused the zombies. They wouldn't take the reasons the zombies came, out of the games. As for people being affected after "all this time", the Cold War started in 1947, and WWII ended in 1945. That's really not a lot of time, considering zombies don't unless they are shot in the head or given a high dose of electricity (in the game anyway). And there was nothing in WaW that says the zombies were all gone, so its quite possible the zombies stayed "alive" for two year, and killed more people.

  5. if ebola is wat cause the death then what causes them to return to life or did they never die.

    This could be taking the 28 Days Later route and treating it more as an infection than the true undead zombies. 28 Days Later is considered a "zombie movie" despite the zombies not ever dying. It was just a mutated rabies-esque virus called Rage.

    Other than the name "Nacht Der Untoten", nothing that we've seen has said that they died before turning (I think). Therefore, a mutated ebola virus could be quite plausible rather than a solanum-esque virus where a person medically dies before reanimation.

    The game mode is called "Nazi ZOMBIES" do you need more proof then that, I'm pretty sure they are zombies.

  6. if ebola is wat cause the death then what causes them to return to life or did they never die.

    this would also destroy most of our theorys on how the orignal zombies became zombies and a ebola epidemic didnt happen in ww2.

    im really confused about this but rember this is only the begining of what we have more will come

    Exactly what I was thinking. All ebola epidemics happen in the middle of Africa. Nobody in Russia has ever died from Ebola.

  7. I think this is a really good idea but I had another idea.

    3/9/1947 was when a paper was published about an oxygen meter that was used in WW2 planes and subs, obviously to monitor he levels of oxygen. Well 1947 is post war and the paper is about how the meter could monitor the amount of differet gases used in anesthetics(

    Anyway its just a guess, but who knows.

    I will work on getting a link, I'm on my phone right now.

    Link to newspaper clipping about he paper. Sorry about the copy and paste.

    http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/speci ... 70309.html

  8. On xbox if you hit the middle 'X' button on the controller (like the middle buton on a PS3 controller) you can go to the screen you get when you first turn on your xbox. By doing this your stats are not saved, so people that are continuously killed when boosing nukes are not penalized.

    Sorry if this is hard to understand maybe some one else can explain it better.

  9. COD4: Hc Search on Crossfire. I killed the last guy across the map from the bottom of the hill up to the back building with a Deagle.

    COD5: I put a Betty on one of those X things that barbed wire goes on and it flew across the map and killed someone on Seelow. Hc Search

    MW2: Favela Reg.Search I was on the spawn on top of the hill, and threw a throwing knife over the buildigs at spawn and got a kill.

  10. Is this a clue i found a picture in the black

    ops ucut world primeire trailer copy and past this in a new tab C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\IMAG0403.jpg

    We can't see something that is on the C drive of your computer. Post it on Wikipedia or something then give us a link.

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