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Posts posted by ThreeProphets

  1. I almost cried when Dmitri died. I had played through World at War, and the story in that, although light, actually does matter. It was so different from other deaths, like Roach's, where you were playing the character the whole time. But in this, you saw the character you were playing as before die in front of your eyes, and then had to move on and continue to follow orders. If I was Reznov, I would have killed Dragovich right there. Best campaign ever.

  2. Interesting, I'll take a look as to what they say. We'd need someone to test if anything happens when you hit them. It could be a Pentagon reference I'm not getting. There was a thread similar to this about some objects that seem to relate to the characters.

  3. I think it's just a reference to the nickname "Dirty Sally", hence "Sally likes blood". The M1911 has always been a pretty important weapon since CoD4, especially now that the campaign is so character focused. I haven't played it yet, so I don't know.

  4. Let's get this thread back up, there's good stuff here. Tiger, are you working on some more transcription? I haven't actually managed to get the game yet, saving up for Hardened or Prestige, so that's important. And for Verruckt, try SMOKEY, with what I don't know. It's possible that there is no possible password, and you have to use some sort of DOS hacking technique. Upon researching that I found the following.

    http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/topic/20 ... s-hacking/



    That's all I got, it could possibly help, It's not above Treyarch to do something like that.

  5. I read on another site that Discovery was a WWII research station in Antarctica. Maybe a future zombie map with The Bell.

    It was said that Hitler possibly survived and went to a Nazi base in Antarctica! Just a a thought...

  6. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    That was really confusing, are you saying that when looking down the sight of the AUG, in some rooms you see different rooms? If so, that's really weird. Try it on splitscreen, there have been some differences.

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