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Posts posted by ThreeProphets

  1. Ok listen. it isn't DEFIANTLY Clarke at all and i find you extremely arrogant to think so. yes he has the numbers on his face but this doesn't prove beyond a doubt it's him. Clarke wasn't the only person working on the numbers, and although it looks very slightly like him and could be him, i think you saying it defiantly is is a bit too far. It doesn't look all that much like Clarke and how is he alive again? he doesn't seem to be a zombie. I mean come on man, people have only just started accepting that Edward is Rhictofen even though that was TOTALLY obvious and you're hoping to convince them with this? I'm going to be honest and say i don't know who the thief is and have a suspicion that FIVE is just for fun and there is no real back story. So listen I'm not saying it isn't Clarke because in all fairness it could be (although i suspect it's Doctor Emmet Brown off back to the future :lol: ) but you really can't say that it is defiantly him when it can't be totally proved.

    I don't know, Five is a really random map. btw, I haven't played through the campaign yet, so I could be missing something.

  2. I heard it a long time ago, on Solo with a crawler, same place, it freaked me out so I looked it up. Apparently if you get close to the power generator, you can hear children singing, although it's really faint, and you might have to tinker with the volume levels to hear it clearer.

    Here's the only video I could find,

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsNX15q6 ... re=related

    May not be what you're looking for, and if it's not sorry, but it's kinda what it sounds like.

    That's one of the things you can hear in Samantha's room on Kino! I wonder if that was there before, it's an obvious Sam reference.

  3. lol, good one one, made me laugh. Nice sig by the way. Back on topic, thanks, guys, I was really surprised to find that many biblical references, and this has been brought up before with all the IG documents, wouldn't that offend Jews? It's already a brutal game, but when are you crossing the line? It's interesting, and I wonder what Treyarch could be hinting at here.

  4. I've been thinking about Kino's story lately, and I thought I'd share my ideas. It seems like Samantha has either been murdered by Fluffy, or somehow faced him down and turned :twisted: . In her room(night), we can see a lot of bloody teddy bears and a Faust poster. The poster implies Hell, and there are a lot of other references throughout the game, so it seems like she might have turned :twisted: . However there are blood stains leading out the window, and a bunch of bloody teddy bears, and it looks like a hellhound attacked her. The teddies seem to represent Samantha, and they're all really fucked up. Also, in either the morning or afternoon room, I can't remember which, there's a game board with the heroes on it, which makes it seem like she's either controlling them, or controlling the zombies and not only trying to kill them, but make them fight to the death ans long as they can, just to fuck with them, which would be really creepy.

    Now onto Elena Siegman's new song 115. This can be found in Kino by pressing X/Square on three rocks containing 115, which you probably already know. Listen to it here.


    No one can see me

    and I've lost all feeling

    and I know I won't die alone.

    I'll stop you from breathing

    and all your deceiving

    and this house is not my home.


    No forgiveness


    and the reason is

    I know I wont die alone.

    I have returned

    And everyone dies and

    everyone lies

    They're waiting for the second coming again

    Everyone tries to hold onto their lives

    When no one's alive

    Bring me 115

    You stand for nothing

    and overlooked something

    I'll bring you down all on my own.

    I'm the end I can taste it

    I'll justify hatred

    I am the chosen one

    left hand of all that's sacred.


    No forgiveness


    I'll bring you death and pestilence

    I'll bring you down on my own

    I have returned

    and everything dies

    look to the skies

    To see the end of all creation again

    See with your eyes

    my army of flies

    When no one's alive

    Bring me 115

    I've lost all form and unity

    Where has my life gone

    I'll bring you doom that you can see

    and bring you down to see you bleed.

    and everyone dies

    and everyone lies

    They're waiting for the second coming again

    Everyone tries to hold onto their lives

    When no one's alive

    Bring me 115

    and everything dies

    look to the skies

    To see the end of all creation again

    See with your eyes

    my army of flies

    When no one's alive

    Bring me 115

    and nobody cries

    when everyone dies

    and no one survives

    Bring me 115

    So here's what I think the lyrics mean.

    No one can see me

    Reference to her around the map to her being alive, like the knocking on the door, but we can't actually find her.

    and I've lost all feeling

    Seems to support the evil theory, like she has no remorse for the characters This song is supposedly sung from the viewpoint of Samantha.

    I'll stop you from breathing

    and all your deceiving

    This is sung very demonically, like she has two sides to her now. This seems to be her swearing to kill Richthofen.

    and this house is not my home.

    Not sure about this one, seems to be referring to Samantha's room and **** please report this topic, post **** that you can teleport to.

    No forgiveness

    Samantha never forgiving Richthofen for locking her in with Fluffy.

    and the reason is

    I know I wont die alone.

    Not sure, but it's sung continuously throughout the song, so it's got to be important.

    I have returned

    Back from the dead? Or just returned in general?

    And everyone dies

    and everyone lies

    Seems somewhat forgiving actually, like everyone lies at some point in their lives.

    They're waiting for the second coming again

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Second ... %28poem%29

    Really interesting find about an apocalypse, this probably means a lot more than more zombies. Here's the original poem.


    We should see if we can find that or anything by William Butler Yeats in the terminal.

    Everyone tries to hold onto their lives

    When no one's alive

    The team fighting for survival

    Bring me 115

    There was another thread on this, Samantha needs 115 for some reason, possibly to resurrect her.

    You stand for nothing,

    :twisted: Samantha doesn't believe in the heroes cause, survival.

    and overlooked something

    Perhaps Richtofen didn't see a way Samantha could have survived after being locked in with Fluffy. Could have something to do with the Fly Trap

    I'm the end I can taste it

    The end of what? The heroes survival maybe.

    I'll justify hatred

    Having a good reason for killing the heroes

    I am the chosen one


    Every possible interpretation of The Chosen One. Most likely a reference to Jesus Christ. See below, also the Faust and Grim Reapers.

    left hand of all that's sacred.

    Archangel Gabriel was called the “Left hand of God”


    I'll bring you death and pestilence

    Two of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse.


    Yet another biblical reference

    look to the skies

    To see the end of all creation again


    Another biblical reference! Also could mean the roof on Kino, It seems like there's something big up there, more threads on that.

    See with your eyes

    my army of flies

    http://books.google.com/books?id=Wk8_AA ... 22&f=false

    Reference to the plague of flies, or maybe the Flytrap, or that Samantha could be controlling the zombies.

    I've lost all form of unity

    Like she died, so she's scattered.

    Where has my life gone?

    Again, seems like she died.

    I'll bring you doom that you can see,

    Samantha controlling the zombies.

    and bring you down to see you bleed.

    Enjoying the pain of the survivors.

    and nobody cries

    when everyone dies

    and no one survives

    This is an interesting concept. There's a quote from Joseph Stalin, “The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”

    That's all for now, I've got some new finds to check out, haven't been on in a while.

  5. Good thinking, now you researched it. This probably doesn't have anything to do with a boss, but the story. Something like Samantha was murdered and went to Hell, supported by the blood stained teddies. Or Samantha has gone evil because of Richthofen. I don't know, I think I'll start a thread on that.

  6. Maybe it's a teaser of Bungie's new game? They are signed with Activision, after all.

    no halo and CoD are rivals MICROSOFT not bungie is signed and thats just for CoD map packs

    Before you rip on me, keep in mind that Bungie already announced a partnership with Activision to release their next game. Bungie is done with Halo and is making something new. That something is going to be published by Activision.

    Once again, this could be the new Bungie game (notice I didn't say Halo).

    My friend has an uncle at Bungie, and he says there making another Myth. Now I don't know anything about Myth, so I don't know if the time frame matches or not.

  7. Been saying this on a lot of forums, six is a really consistent pattern, we've got Nova-6, six power boxes, dogs every six rounds, Six Grim Reaper things on Project Nova, and I'm sure i'm missing something else. Manhatan(exact spelling) down is reference to the Manhattan Project, also Hatan, is Hebrew for six.

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