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Everything posted by Commander034

  1. You truly are a welcoming member of the forums. If you've ever looked at my posts then you would see I enjoy the game, just not as much as others, I tried to help understand the zombie storyline and the GKnova6 ARG. People like you, who for some unknown reason cannot understand criticism, that destroy discussion and ruin forums. If some one has a different belief than you, you do not flame them and down rate them for staunchly believing in it.
  2. Clips or it didn't happen. Also use correct grammar.
  3. It's more likely that the theater is just in a ghost town. The war would've forced everyone to leave and they probably got better lives, so they wouldn't go back.
  4. Well, I made a mistake with the title. What I wanted to say was that it was not part of any story at all. It is just a map for fun. The boards are reused textures to help make it look like the Pentagon. There could be zombies in the U.S. but not under a government building that is the head quarters for the military. If a mistake were to happen there then D.C. would be destroyed. I think you misheard Castro, show me a clip of him saying that.
  5. If that is the Berlin Wall then it is definitely east because the western side was covered in anti-communist graffiti.
  6. You're playing as Nixon, JFK, McNamara, & Castro! They all make political comments instead of anything zombie related. It's a joke. It is supposed to fill the gap between Kino, which was supposed to be in W@W, and the true first BO map. I believe the teleporters in the map are just a test for what and how the teleporters will be in the first map. I believe the pig shares the same purpose as the teleporters. @death0612 or whatever Why would you give me negative brains for this?
  7. The marine you play as in W@W. He goes home and lives a happy life.
  8. You need to select them from your fileshare and then select render. If after it finishes rendering it'll take a little bit for it to show up.
  9. I use ghost mainly and flak jacket just doesn't give me a lot of incentive to use it. Also if this is true then why don't they just add back grenade launchers for the begging of a match? It is the same problem anyway.
  10. I don't like flak jacket. It isn't useful for my strategies. Also you can't through back a semtex.
  11. I'm getting really annoyed by this. How could Treyarch not see this coming after blocking grenade launchers?
  12. What's the secret achievement?
  13. I don't feel anything can help it. It doesn't sound like a good game mode at all. Just by a flight sim if you really want to play a game like this.
  14. How am I supposed to say anything positive, when nothing can help it in my eyes. By just stating flaws I'm being greatly helpful. All criticism is helpful. Why do you people get so angry over a little discussion?
  15. No. That's makes the spawn problems even worse and it isn't even COD at that point.
  16. They had a huge amount of sleeper cells, it was shown at the end with all the buoys that were meant for sleeper cells all over the U.S.. Reznov's patriotism is what makes him lie. He is a devout communist, he would lie to Mason to help the USSR. Your explanation for Mason's escape, though probably true, is a stupid way to explain anything. Treyarch is starting to really get on my nerves.
  17. Why should I lie to him? If I tell him honestly he would be less hurt if someone else said it was a stupid idea. Why do you have to be so negative about everything? I'm only negative about what I think is bad.
  18. Render it again. I've had this happen before.
  19. And that is different from the multiplayer boundaries how? You're still in a confined space just like every where else. The only thing that they could possibly add is altitude controls, which I'm sure would suck because Treyarch doesn't make flight based games. Have you evenplayed the SP? The missions "Payback" and "Redemption" both have helicopter parts in them, and they work very well!!! So don't be dissing somebody's idea just cause its good! The altitude is auto controlled. You are just walking in a way that only looks like flying. It's like walking up a flight of invisible stairs. If the idea was good, I wouldn't be saying it's bad.
  20. The Pentagon is a military center. There would be something tested there. Also it is utter bull that the zombies would break out for any reason because of all the guards that would be every where. The map was created as a joke, that's why we're playing as politicians. The labs may be a test for what an Area 51 map might be like. That means nothing. That room is empty and just shows what the teleporter does. It may have been meant to do something earlier in development but it is nothing now. A lot of countries have space programs, and soviets were also making a lot of rockets, and if so, that explains the intro for NDU that shows boxes meant for China, Cuba, Russia, and Vietnam.
  21. And that is different from the multiplayer boundaries how? You're still in a confined space just like every where else. The only thing that they could possibly add is altitude controls, which I'm sure would suck because Treyarch doesn't make flight based games.
  22. The test facility wouldn't be in the Pentagon, and the tests wouldn't be happening during a meeting for the Cuban Missile Crisis. If there is an area 51 map, that's okay. The images in the teleporter mean nothing. I believe they are just part of the teleporter's standard animation, maybe they're meant for a future map.
  23. Okay... This is probably why the code says "Is he who he says he is?" I think he was working with the enemy. I suspected it all through the campaign before his apparent death, and as soon as I saw that he doesn't escape with you, I knew! :| This is the only possible explanation and even then, it was a stupid plan that they had made to use Mason. They knew he wasn't going to be a good sleeper agent from the start so why use him?
  24. Play a flight simulator if you want to do that. It sounds like if you stick to the sides you win, but unlike in multiplayer you don't have anything to stop you from seeing your opponent across the map. If buildings and mountains block your vision, then it is just multiplayer with helicopters, which doesn't sound interesting. @KNO1ATALL He asked for criticism, he got criticism.
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