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Everything posted by Commander034

  1. There is already an educational game that lets you do this. It's called JFK Reloaded. The idea is stupid anyway and money shouldn't be spent on it. The difference is that Jack Thompson's never heard of JFK Reloaded and, even though he was disbarred before No Russian, I'll bet you dollars to donuts he knows all about it. Hell, NOBODY's heard of JFK Reloaded but JT's heard of Call of Duty and, even without a license to practice law he's still capable of causing a foul stench every once in a while that can be smelled as far away as out here in West Virginia. Still, it wouldn't be the first time Call of Duty repeated something. I'm given to understand there were at the very least three Soviet flags flying on the roof of the Reichstag by the time Berlin was under control. But it's extremely unlikely. What's more likely is that you play as the spotter if there is one. That or a Secret Service agent. As far as controversy goes, games SHOULD push the envelope, but something like sniping JFK in a game like this would be almost as bad as if one of the studio heads met the Pope, held him down, and teabagged him on international television. Not that it wouldn't be cool, but it would definitely be an unnecessarily suicidal risk for such a minor payoff. Seeing as "sometimes seeing is not believing," how much you wanna bet that in Black Ops, the President is actually JFK's double? I don't think JFK is going to be important. Oswald was a soviet spy though and it could be mentioned but I highly doubt that anything more than a mention of the assassination will occur. There are alot more substantial things they could focus on. Edit: On a side note, JFK Reloaded did cause some controversy, especially because it was built has an educational game.
  2. There is already an educational game that lets you do this. It's called JFK Reloaded. The idea is stupid anyway and money shouldn't be spent on it.
  3. gamerfan had already stated that Carbon and everyone else knows HL is fake. He should have already known and he shouldn't be posting if he doesn't know what was already found out.
  4. What ever is necessary.
  5. He means those little light lines. What he's saying is garbage anyway so it doesn't matter.
  6. That was from the live drop. I am pretty sure they found out "Freedom = 7" and something else. The freedom = 7 was from transmission 3 i believe, this shows something else. If we could get a clean copy of the tape, it would show whether or not this is important, so basically Carbon can we get a cleaner audio? Pretty Please? haha Carbon needs to connect the tape to a mic and connect the mic to his computer.
  7. They never told us. I don't think the tape was ever TFAed.
  8. Due to combined efforts from me,ajones19802, and xtastingjointx, there has been a few things found in the live drop's tape. This is the first TFA. If you look on the left you can see a 9(or maybe its a g) but it is a bit blurry. This is it sped up a bit. The 9 has become clearer and it looks like a "(" is before the 9 and a "k" after the 9. I did all the TFAs and speed it up. Ajones has suggested removing excess noise, the problem for me is that I don't know how to yet.
  9. Carbon, you have to connect the tape to a mic and connect the mic to the computer at same time. Then we would get a clear sound file to analyze.
  10. I don't mean to be rude but, correct grammar would help. Carbon has to do it. My friend told me he has to connect the tape recorder to a mic and connect the mic to the computer. Then we can get a prefect copy and the tape could be easily analyzed. Do you see any GKNOVA6 video or information mentioned about HENRY LANGHAMS? Or,do you see any GKNOVA2/0 mentioned about GKNOVA6/Treyarch? No right? (Because HL knew the copyright thing,if he put GKNOVA6,Treyarch can sue him)All the Black Ops trailer have showed the GKNOVA6 will play a big role in BlackOps,but they doesn't show a sh*t about GKNOVA2/0 or HL right? About the video made by HL "The Still",roflmao you guys actually believe this crap? A few pics of random soldiers taken from internet. I can find those pictures from google,example just type "japanese soldier",then boooooooooooooooom,a bunch of image of japanese soldier showing on your pc screen. AGAIN srm-trpr78,for some reason,I think you are making fun of HENRY LANGHAMS . HL is also just using youtube. If Treyarch has the money to register a site and has the ability to directly distribute info, there is no reason to use f%@king youtube. Anyone can do what HL has done with very minimal knowledge of computers in general.
  11. It allows us to get more out of the game's experience and there was plenty of stuff that pointed to zombies and we already know the old maps are returning.
  12. The baseball probably just means "Even if the Russians nuke us, the American way will live on." It seems like an okay piece of propaganda, but nothing more.
  13. We're not.
  14. Random conspiracies don't help. A message needs to be analyzed. The sounds were just what they are, sounds. They're meant to make a picture when analyzed and that's it.
  15. Is anyone even going to try to analyze the tape?
  16. It may end with the live drop but, there are still things that obviously need to be decoded and no one has said a thing about them. They may not get us anywhere yet but they have to tie into the plot of BO. yeah,but seems everyone is stopped That's what I'm trying to change.
  17. It may end with the live drop but, there are still things that obviously need to be decoded and no one has said a thing about them. They may not get us anywhere yet but they have to tie into the plot of BO.
  18. This is way old news. When he said "Hell is Purple" he was saying how to decode stuff.
  19. We've had all these clues from the live drop and it looks like no one has even tried to decode them. Why hasn't the tape been analyzed yet?
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