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Everything posted by oggethealmighty

  1. it wasnt in cod 4,5,mw2 thats why.... Imagine you are playing search and destroy and they have 4 members left nd u are the last on ur team alive, they have 2 turrets garding A, so you sneak up with ninja and what not hack both turrets and then plant the bomb, the game has totally turned around in your favour. it is AMAZING>!! i thought that ninja and hacker where on the same tier? though id like second chance on search and destroy cuz then you could team up with ur friends and they could also have second chance so that you could rez eachothers when ur in second chance
  2. link pls
  3. Ok guys i havent seen any topics about the CoD points system and i have noticed some confusion around the currency system so i thought id clear it up. First of all, this information is seen from videos that i have seen and from the cod black ops app for andriod. This information might get changed in the fully completed game but this is what i have seen. All the assault rifles i have seen cost About 1000 CoD points though i dont know about the classified weapons cuz they are classified The attachments also cost CoD points and the most expensive once are flamethrower, grenade launcher and the supressor and they cost 1000 CoD points I have seen that there is 3 X 9 emblems and there are 21 pages and they all cost 100 CoD points or it was 500 but im not quite sure. The contracts cost from 50 CoD points and up too 500 CoD points from what I have seen though you are rewarded with about twice the cost and on those who cost 200 and more you get 500 CoD points and 500 xp too and they will come with new contracts every day. There are a time limit on the contracts and they go from like 20 minutes to 24 hours After you have completed a contract it has a timer so that you can apply it again after a certain ammount of time. also i expect that you get like 1500 CoD points after every level so that you can buy a new emblem and maybe a new camo and a new gun. When you rank up you unlock new guns so that you can buy them with CoD points. So you still have to rank up to get the good guns. I have seen that there are facepaints that cost about 250 CoD points and i think there are 21 facepaints. You can also buy layers too your emblem editor and i think you start with 3 and there are another 9 buyable. You can also buy new outfits for your soldier though i havent seen any and i dont know how much they cost though ive heard that there are about 10 or 12 All perks cost 2000 CoD points and the blue perks make your soldier look different so if you have the ghost perk you get a sniper outfit and the flack jacket makes you have a thick armor on you. though i dont know if these move slower or faster and i dont know if they replace your bought outfit but i certanly dont hope so. This was all from me i hope you found this information helpful and please dont get mad about my spelling cuz i am 14 years old and im from sweden :roll:
  4. well as everybody already said you can report players by sending the video where you captured the boosters to treyarch and they will look it up and bann them from xbox live/psn also you get CoD points when you level up and from contracts but im not sure if you get a little CoD point from killing btw you can also get xp from some contratcts and just so you know the cost for an assault rifle is 1000 CoD points and the cost for a tac insertion is 2500 CoD and the grenade launcher attachment is 1000 CoD points I also heard a rumor that you have too choose from having either a leathal,tactical, or equipment but im sure thats not true. I have a lot of information about the Black ops currency system.
  5. ok so i never used sit rep cuz it sucked and sit rep pro was also kinda sucky id rather use ninja (wich i always does) but i never really understood what hacker pro does. does it booby trap the enemy care package so that it blows up ehrn an enemy opens it up or is it booby trapped so when an enemy opens the care package and places the (for example sentry gun) out it turns over to your side or does it do so that the enemy cant use it? pls explain btw i did use bombsquad in cod 4 and w@w cuz the bouncing betties were hard to see and the claymores where also harder to see than in mw2 for some strange reson
  6. i wonder who you play as in the zombie mode? it would be cool if tank nikolai and those guys like teleported into the future and found reznow in a bit of a trouble with some zombies somewhere
  7. well they do actually reload slower but only like 1 second longer so you dont notice it.
  8. mine is oggethealmighty
  9. I forced myself to register becouse i had to post a reply here. Treyarch have said that the whole Treyarch team are working with black ops in 3 groups 1 group works with the multiplayer one team works with the single player and one team works with co-op and now the revealed co-op parts are online splitscreen and the combat training and that is not much too work with so i think that the co-op group is working with some kind of zombie mode. And treyarch would be really stupid if they wont have zombie mode in black ops.
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