I think people complain about Quickscoping WAYYYYYYYYYY to much.
Most of their arguements are:
1. Its unrealistic.
2. Broken Aim Assist.
3. To many people do it.
4. Thats not how a sniper is supposed to be used.
5. They yell at me for hardscoping
6. Montages dont show skill, they show luck.
Ok well here's my responce:
1. OK! Maybe it is unrealistic. But tell me something. Next time your Hardscoping, look at all the unrealistic things that are going on: You take no variables into considiration (Wind, Gravity, Etc.), For Thermal Scopes show that only HUMANS give off heat? whats with that? Almost everything in CoD is unrealistic except the names of the guns, get over it.
2. Its not like the Aim Assist is only giving quickscopers an advantage. Everyone's Aim Assist is F*** up unless they turn it off, which is rare. If quickscopers are only "1337" because they have an aim assist, then so is every Average Joe in the Game. INCLUDING YOU. (Unless of course you turn it off)
3. So what if to many people do it. Just kill them and take your points and go on your marry way.
4. Correction. Thats how you THINK a sniper shouldnt be used. Just because you believe that a sniper shouldnt be able to quickscope, doesnt mean that everyone believes that to.
5. Mute them.
6. Imagine if a Top 10 Football Plays segment on ESPN was made of all 10 yard runs. No one would want to watch it. Quickscoping is fun to watch. And if you disagree with that, fine, its your opinion, but its not everyones opinion.
Sorry I went on a rant. Feel free to reply.
And BTW: To clarify, zzirGrizz didnt invent quickscoping. No one did, it just came to be, although most people credit Doggy Treats (OpTic Dtreats) as the true "founder". zzirGrizz just found a way to make no scoping easier, which led to an extreme popularity of this style of sniping.