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Everything posted by Nathaniel.WV4

  1. fridays tommorow but thats 2222222 longgg lmao!
  2. 50 levels per prestige? i thought it would be 70 again.... and has anyone found the emblem in the trailer?
  3. NJcfmnSVIUQ please comment!
  4. i think you missed the point totally....
  5. has anyone watched this recently? http://www.gknova6.com/index.php it might be the same, but the videos look totally different to me, mass amount of zombies and a guy owning them all? also there is a scientist putting a very groggy man into a gas mask, im so confused has this all bin seen?
  6. every game mode is gunna blow away any other game mode alike, and night vision goggles was in MW1 did anyone ever use them then?
  7. i think people watched it live, ive not seen it not sure if it is evan up yet?
  8. im not trying to start a flame war or anything alike, but most of ur post's dude fail.... you make uneccesary comments and think you know more then most. just leave it man.
  9. i have pinnacle studio and can record from my ps3 gameplay so if you need me just let me know !
  10. zombies on halloween is such a neet idea, you all cuss and hate teyarch BUT your all on here and now waiting for the next video so they win really.
  11. the things treyarch do are unberlieveable, there is so many ways that black ops is gunna out do MW2 that i cant count them, can you belive after all this time its less then a month away OMG!
  12. no because you seen a man on fire and said he was a zombiee.
  13. they already fixed it cuz it has to be PRIMARY weapon.... so you lose alot of stuff to wield a shotty!
  14. at the end of the MP video mark lamia says its out on november the 9th do america get it early?
  15. models was only ever good because they were overpowerd as soon as mw balanced them out they where never used!
  16. yeh i dont think treyarch would ruin black ops like this!
  18. PSN: NathanieLxWV4 have another acc but not useing it YET!
  19. J-Tag basically means MODDED lol
  20. training confirmed makes it a whole new game.
  21. they say these idea's come from the commuinity so could be you ;)
  22. Hey, i think ive confused everyone, ive had broken PC's and hacked console accounts so my name keeps changeing would just like to say im I SgT GeneRaL I a.k.a XbOxPreDaToR a.k.a NathanielXWv4 aka Nathaniel.WV4 but thats it now this is my main account and i just wanna say sorry and im back.
  23. that is pretty awesome... if i could afford to just spend like i wanted, i would try my damnd-est to get it lol.
  24. yeh i think this is a good idea BUT, 30 thousand + still play MW1 ?
  25. sory bro i think u hit the ball out the park, there is gunna be a theater mode so its not impossible but you cant get that from one sign.
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