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Everything posted by Endless

  1. It slipped, fell down and then you saw 'ebola'? Yeah right, nice try mate.
  2. How can somebody be too bald to swing a banhammer? Just sayin Don't take it literally hurr
  3. Can't wait for my blackbird in search. Public search is quite easy after playing alot competitive games, and with a blackbird it'll be total rape.
  4. This is bullocks. It got rated mature, the maxiumum rating, so why tone down the violence for the 10-year olds?
  5. For the last time, JD_2020 (Josh Olin) confirmed SP is completely seperate from co-op.
  6. There's no BBcode here with swf's, so you can't post it here.
  7. I think the hybrid thing is a monky.
  8. The fourth one will be the zombie trailer yes. :)
  9. Dear God I hope it isn't, it looks awful.
  10. Why would there be a Juggernog on Verrückt? Nobody cares, it's fun.
  11. Probably a different region. Europe has other stuff than America in the dashboard for example.
  12. Nothing new, I saved the old version and put them next to eachother.
  13. Practically what Treyarch does is that they keep telling us things we know already. They've only shown a glimpse of a SP mission and a new map. Dissapointment much?
  14. This night ;)
  15. MLG sort of logo, but instead of a controller, put a raygun in it. Or do something with the perk machines :/
  16. Maybe that's how the new zombies look. If they do, they look rubbish :/
  17. Endless

    The GK Nova

    May be a connection there, but remember, everything can be connected to everything.
  18. ^ But that was just a ported version of cod 2.
  19. I wouldn't mind that actually.
  20. ^ Ah, I was wondering about what that gun was.
  21. Okay, so if I smoke weed today, it's okay because I did it earlier? lol
  22. Can't wait to play on those :)
  23. Thank you codz staff! :p
  24. David Vonderhaar posted on the official cod forums that it's SP only. It's a single experience in only that mission.
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