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Everything posted by Endless

  1. This THIS c-c-c-ombo breaker! I think it's a built-in arcade game like in GTA, as someone mentioned.
  2. Not sure. I think it looks more like a '9' indeed.
  3. It may be a tiny part of the story, and after that you unlock Zombie Mode.
  4. Great find! Too be completely honest I don't know what to think of it. What's that 'return trough aether' by the way?
  5. It's an old update, nothing new.
  6. "More readable" ? Not at all lol.
  7. Voted for wolfy, he's a helpful guy.
  8. Thanks for the additional proof!
  9. Thanks for the replies, I'll try to discover more things.
  10. I don't know about you guys, but me (and I'm sure many others) loved the gold camo. And it returns, as seen in the custimization trailer! http://bit.ly/df7lIs Follow me on twitter @Rubenvwijk
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