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About KarlMc89

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  1. Maybe we are looking at a PHD 2.0? or something like that?
  2. Work *Yawn* I'd Rather Be Killing Freakbags

  3. Awesome I'm totally up for some clan operations! :D
  4. I've unlocked diamond camo for my launchers I'm going for diamond camo for assault rifles next ;)
  5. Whoa! leaks already........ WWaLxFIVX1s cbeR6uYxU50
  6. Its the diner area :)
  7. 1:04 Speed Cola
  8. 1:15 Max Ammo Drop! :D
  9. the first time I watched the trailer and saw the guy with the glasses I Immediately thought he looked like a younger George A Romero..... :?
  10. Welcome! :D
  11. Just googled the lyrics found a link to this site with them on it: http://www.lyricspremiere.com/avenged-sevenfold-carry-on-lyrics.html Here they are in full: Some people live that selfish desire Some choose to shout when they speak and they’ll be the start Caught in the flame of those deep in fire Seeking out those with a voice One for tomorrow They say we’ve lost our minds, we’ve just gained control Search endlessly, fight till we’re free Fly past the edge of the sea No bended knee, no mockery, Somehow we still carry on Silence your fear, we’ve got to move higher, High like the stars in the sky Guarding us all Battle the will of those who consṗire, Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow Destroys their perfect crime, watch the power fold Search endlessly, fight till we’re free Fly past the edge of the sea No bended knee, no mockery, Somehow we still carry on Search endlessly, fight till we’re free Fly past the edge of the sea No bended knee, no mockery, Somehow we still carry on Carry on :D
  12. Your personal favorite map? I would probably say Der Riese is my favorite map because its a fairly big map with a great layout and The deeply hidden story and small clues that lead to bigger clues made it even more epic. Least favorite map? Ascension for the same reasons as Jay Best part of Black Ops? The evolution of zombies Best designed? Shangri-La for sure, the narrow corridors make it challenging Funniest Moment? Seeing the astronaut do the dance and glitch and chase you whilst with friends drunk Favorite challenge? Wall guns only challenge or the shotgun challenge Most annoying boss preventing success? George Romero he's just annoying :? Creepiest place? Verruckt need I say more :shock:
  13. Just had a quick attempt at the lyrics as well and this is what I got, feel free to correct them if there wrong: Some people live in selfish desire Some choose to shout when they speak And ????? in the start Caught in the flame, of those deep in fire Seeking out those with a voice Who want for tomorrow (?) (Growly voice): They say we've lost our minds, we've just gained control (Normal): Search endlessly, fight till we're free Love, as the edge of, the sea No friend in me, no one to free (?) Somehow we still carry on Something to fear with gods that blow fire (???) Unlike (Or) Unlock the stars in the sky Man of the will (?), of those that can fight her Take back the passion that leads, that leads to sorrow (Growly Voice): Destroy their perfect crime Watch the power fall (Normal): Search endlessly, fight till we're free Love, as the edge of, the sea No friend in me, no one to free (?) Somehow we still carry on Search endlessly, fight till we're free Love, as the edge of, the sea No friend in me, no one to free (?) Somehow we still carry on Carry Onnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Oh btw cheers Waffles your lyrics helped me out ALOT :D
  14. As MrRoflWaffles said in one of his videos the bus driver is most likely automated and similar to the johnny cab from the original total recall
  15. One of the first things I noticed was that the song being played from the bus is a child's nursery rhyme "The wheels on the bus" LOL :lol:
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