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Posts posted by TheDrizzle-0

  1. The game started with 4, by round 15 somebody went down and we couldnt revive him so he left...then It was just 3 and I kid you not it was real boring. I trained on the spawn got bored, camped by the lander by stamin-up, defended by the sickle and it was really boring. I usually have fun in ascension, and to make matters worse I was 1 round away from passing my highest round and the game kicks me and I get a message saying "I must be sign into the Playstation Network"

  2. You think theyll have that come back? I think playing co-op will work with how they describe the strike force missions....

    Probably not, sadly. I saw in an interview about Black Ops II a Treyarch rep said that Zombies was their "co-op mode", implying that it's the ONLY co-op mode in the game.

    Darn I really enjoyed co-op campaign in W@W, and I was really bummed when they didnt include it in BLOPS

  3. Ill try and play on the 28th and other play dates, Saturday's and Sunday's are good cuz I don't have to work. Hopefully this is better than 115 day cuz nobody was really playing or they kept leaving.

    Psn:TheDrizzle-0|Availiabilty: 7pm-10pm or later PST (weekends)|Maps: All(verruckt!!)|Team: any

  4. I do this every time I play shangri-la. It seems really easy to do in this map. Me and my friends always hold down the power room until round 20ish, and im always planting my spikemores in a place where they wont off. Then every time we have a crawler I pick em up and move em. Last time I played I put them ALL around the map, the only thing is if you do this then you really have to watch the crawler and if it turns to a walker.

  5. hey guys does Zombie Lab look like what was on GKNOVA?

    Yea, it actually does... Interesting thought. Had they planned all this out from the beggining? I was under the assumption that they created the story as they went along, lol.

    I totally think its GKNOVA but it also looks like the level of revelations from campaign. Also on GKNOVA that facility was over run by Zombies too, and I think at the End of this video it shows on of the experiments going wrong

  6. Not only campers die, but Dragovich, Kravchenko, and Steiner, ALL must DIE....

    The only time I camp is when im trying to snipe, because I cant just run around with a sniper rifle and try to snipe. But when I do my assault rifle class I run around and play the game.

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