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Everything posted by ccm404e

  1. Yeah. But then I thought of a witty response to the title. So I posted that instead.
  2. Maps arrive this week lads. Let's get us some Shangri-La behind us :)
  3. Nikolai isn't a Zombie. He's just drunk.
  4. I've seen this happen in MrRoflWaffle's videos of Shangri La. When you shoot, the far right perk seems to flash. I think this is just a graphical glitch though. Nothing more.
  5. Ah. Okey Dokey. Damn all this online terminology :x
  6. So Carbon has tweeted this?
  7. Dude, you can't just be "Zombified". You need to earn your status. And honestly i'm a massive fan of Quickscoping. If you're gunna make Sniping "Real Sniping" make the maps possible to snipe on. You have to be pretty aggressive with the Sniper if you're going to use it on the maps in all the Call Of Duty games. The only reason "Real Sniping" works on Battlefield is because the maps are huge and have very wide open spaces. But the gameplay and map style don't fit that sort of gameplay, therefor rendering the snipers... Not useless, but impractical. As Hutch said "I don't feel safe wondering around with a Sniper in Black Ops".
  8. There are some good posts in the info section to help you out with working CoDZ' many features.
  9. Being a complete Twitter newbie... explain?
  10. Then apply to become a UK Zombie and wait until you get accepted
  11. Sorry for being a complete N00B, but could you explain "RT @CCM404E"
  12. AWESOME-ER ENDING: The Map Packs come out on PS3 & PC first and PS3 & PC players get a free cookie! COOKIES FTW!
  13. Bumpetty Bump Bump
  14. There are always gunna be people who are like "Fake. Sooo fake" and others who are like "OMGIT'SSOREALOK!STFU" We'll only truly know when we get conformation from Treyarch via a trailer or a post. If this has been leaked though, it should only be a week or so before we get conformation.
  15. Thanks buddy.
  16. Brilliant. Thanks buddy. This is what I was hoping for this thread. Other members adding little bits to a guide to being a good CoDZ user.
  17. A little guide on how to become a well known, respected member of the CoDZ Community. I'll put some of the obvious and basic things to get yourself looking professional and like a good user. Also a handy guide on how to get [brains] faster. Be nice! Very simple, try and be a nice person. Respect other people's ideas and don't hate on things. Get a decent Avatar. Something that represents you and is relevant. Mine's a brilliant example. My name and a picture of a Zombie. MrRoflWaffles is also a great example. A Waffle, Rofl-ing... Have a relevant signature. Pictures if you like. Quotes, Your highest round on different Maps. Whatever. Just make sure it gives relevant information. Links to random websites and pictures of Ice Cream, however awesome Ice Cream is, isn't really relevant. Try and get into a usergroup. I've found that if you're in a usergroup, and your name is a bit bolder and in a bright colour, people will tend to look at your posts more. There are usergroups for quite a few things, so look through the list and find one you fall into. Write good posts and theories. If you're posting good, well thought through and interesting theories, people will take interest in you and give your posts [brains] . Always try to research your theories and think them through as much as you can. Once you think they're good enough to post, post it. Make sure it has a good point or question, backed up with hard evidence. Title your thread appropriately. You'll get much more helpful responses when your title is appropriate. Posting in the right Forum Section. This is crucial. Use the search button to determine if a topic has been made before making a new thread to avoid repeat topics. Large Posts. Try to make one large post that has a brilliant theory and very good evidence that users will attribute to you. WWK. The WWK group is a great group for writers, not sure if it is open right now. Report Button. Reporting spam and hate threads is a good way to get more onto the mods side. But remember, don't report something just because you disagree with it. The thread should be either spam or just a completely pointless thread. Such as "RAY GUN IS MAXIS IN DISGUISE" or something that is created just to inflame. There are many, many more things that make a good and respected CoDZ User. Post your own ideas below and i'll add them into this post. Let's try and make this a good guide on how to become a better CoDZ User.
  18. Because that's just the bonus Treyarch chose to give us for Egg completion
  19. Interesting...
  20. The vodka step is skipped on Solo. Think about it. How can you knife and catch the vodka yourself?
  21. Honorable Mention FTW! :lol:
  22. Make sure you're aiming for the glowing red bit on top. It's those you have to hit. Frags can be a little unpredictable so I advise going for the Crossbow or the Scavenger. Semtex is better than frags, but try for Bow or Scav
  23. ccm404e

    hitler doll

    YES! This is the most brilliant, yet racist, thread I have ever read. Mistaking a Japanese guy for Adolph Hitler! THAT'S AMAZING! I'm giving brains because I love you so much :mrgreen:
  24. The contract isn't anything to do with Treyarch. It's Activision's fault. They see the $ signs, they get the money from Microsoft. It's their doing. And they don't care about people on PS3 who refuse to buy it. Microsoft are paying them millions for this. They're gaining money. On a better note, I'm so glad we're finally getting the maps. Hazard looks absolutely brilliant, and Shangri La... I cannot wait for that piece of badass!
  25. 102 kd? That would mean getting over 100 kills in one match without dying!
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