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Everything posted by TheOneAndOnly

  1. Good point! Would be interesting what they could do with 'future' (aka 2025) zombies. Perhaps missiles sent from Moon largely eradicated zombie threat and BO2 focuses on the return of the outbreak or something?!
  2. First of all; hello everyone! Seems like an age since I have posted. Hope to be much more involved again here in Codz in run up to BO2 As much as I loved the old storyline, I believe it may have gotten a little stale. I cannot really see anyway Treyarch can coherently keep it going after Moon if i'm honest - think they may have flogged a little to much of a good thing in my own opinion. Maybe they could do some sort of round off to the story though - don't know about anyone else but with earth seemingly destroyed doesn't really leave much room for any future in that particular zombie storyline? Perhaps having a keepsake from this original storyline (aka grown-up Sam?) could be a way forward, keeping the contuinity of the zombie franchise whilst also innovating and moving on to bigger and better things! Therefore I am hoping they introduce a completely new storyline for BO2 - new characters/ timeframe etc etc. Personally hoping for 'zombies campaign' of sorts with lots of context etc rich with all kind of new species of Zombie. With the Treyarch treyarch zombies team given free reign (which they should have had well before IMO) the possibilties really are endless, allowing us all sorts of wild speculation. Really hoping zombies will be mind-blowing come November. Really don't enjoy cod multiplayer anymore and whilst I find the Treyarch campaigns really interesting and good fun while they last, just too short! I am so glad that 3Arc is finally seeing Zombies on par with SP and MP... All zombie DLC fingerscrossed! Sorry for this stream of consciousness post - just very much stoked about BO2 Zombies and hadn't posted in a while! Peace.
  3. I would obviously love this to happen but very much doubt it will...we don't pay to use the Playstation network..why should they pay us for a couple of weeks not being able to get on, there isn't really a logical argument unless you think it would be compensation from the personal details being leaked :?:
  4. By the sound of things, we are going up against the actors who also have become 'zombified'. If you watch in trailer, there are some zombies that look very human/unlike the other zombies, especially as far as dressing goes..So I think the teeth may be a prop.. Just my opinion ;)
  5. [brains] Nice theory man.. we'll just have to wait and see 8-)
  6. Halfswiss, you always impress me with your graphics man [brains] Keep up the good work!
  7. Raven were not involved in DLC Zombies or any CoD Zombies.
  8. *sigh* :oops: MY BAD. EDITED AND FORGOTTEN.
  9. OKOKOK. I can see how I may have made abit of a sweeping statement.. :roll: Five-Kino-Ascension all have links that connect them (VAGUELY) to storyline. I suppose my point was that those maps didn't shed nearly as much light as SNN and DR. IN MY OPINION it just seems that the newer maps are slowly drifting from the original storyline. Thats all :mrgreen:
  10. Do we think Treyarch will actually give us a pre-release trailer dedicated solely to the Zombie Map? For the First Strike DLC we had a trailer that very briefly touched on Ascension (literally 10 seconds). They then release a longer (yet still pretty insignificant trailer) on the PS3 release. I miss the old WaW Zombie trailers..they were beast Your thoughts? Peace :mrgreen:
  11. Five for sure had story elements in it just most people couldn't get past the presidents so they just discount it as a spin off. If you look around there are zombie plot line evidence everywhere. FFS There's a picture of Richtophen in the PaP room. There's Dempsy/Roebuck clones in the lower levels. There's a Der Reise style teleporter in one of the lower rooms. Woah! Slow down I never discounted that..sure there are little links e.g. Pictures and a DR-style Teleporter, but you cannot argue that Five is the least contextually relevant map.
  12. Hmm I suppose it did..but very vague me thinks? :|
  13. As I said im sure it will be enjoyable! I just want the ol' storyline back that is all!
  14. Im glad to hear im not the only one! We can pray aha!
  15. To keep a long question short and simple: Will 'Call of the Dead' have any reference to the original Storyline or simply be another gimmick, Five-esque Map? IN MY OPINION, ever since Der Reise, Zombies has gone nowhere with regards to its original storyline, leaving all the questions of Area 51 and Dr Maxis behind. I believe this may have something to do the fact that Treyarch have created Black Ops Zombies with the majority of the community in mind aka those uneducated in the Zombie Storyline. Rather than continue with the storyline they have shoved a load of information on the Terminal for us fanatics to decipher. Although that in itself is a neat touch from 3arcs point of view, I am saddened at the poor context of the more recent maps including Kino, Ascension and most of all Five, a gimmick. I am worried that with the original group (Dempsey and co.) sidelined & the group of actors involved: Robert Englund (aka Freddy Kruger), Danny Trejo (starred in 'Machete'), Sarah Michelle Gellar (aka Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Michael Rooker (??? Someone please enlighten me :? that this map to will be some sort of comedic-disaster, with no reference to the storyline, similar to Five. I am not by any means saying I won't enjoy such a map, and for all I know I could be 100% wrong but It just doesn't seem they will continue, and are simply looking to involve 'big names' in their big hit game making some sort of Zombie Blockbuster! :| Please, this is just my opinion though! I hope Treyarch prove me wrong 8-) What do you all think? Peace :mrgreen:
  16. In Treyarch officials release article it says: For Zombies fans, "Escalation" features a unique Zombies experience. We can't wait to take the wraps off of our new Zombies map, Call of the Dead, a very special creation for all Zombies fans. Although Aufruf der Toten would sound pretty legit, it is actually called Call of the Dead 8-)
  17. I think strwsbob posted a topic a month back about the new character and how one of them leaked their involvment on twitter - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beW6OjtZRPE Danny Trejo, Robert Englund, Michael Rooker and Sarah Michelle Geller to be involved?
  18. PUMPED! I don't give to sh*ts about MP maps...only ZOMBIEZ Call of the Dead...bit out of keeping with the other zombies names..?
  19. I agree and they have now patch lander glitch. But you have massive double standards saying they should put the gun glitch back in the game! It removes the challenge completely!
  20. Good thoughts. Would tie in with the 'Giftiger Sturm' project Steiner mentions in Project Nova.
  21. 'Vodka bottles (tanks favourite)' UMadBro? I think you mean Nikolai yah ;)
  22. Nice spot man! [brains] God damn it why can't they just do an area 51 map! Would be epic..and they have hinted at it for soooo long :/
  23. I like this theory because Ive always thought that the SP mission 'Project Nova' and the ship within it would make a great zombie map. It would also tie in with theories regarding New Swabia and The Giftiger sturm project :)
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