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Everything posted by TheOneAndOnly

  1. Yeah agreed, old weapons (minus Tommy and Type 100) sound (and feel!) quite different to me - STG and FG42 seem to have loads more recoil but that may just be me getting used to BO guns. I check out bolt crank on ps3 and it was fine :|
  2. Haha good taste man however I don't know if he will give you yellow border/tinge - its for UK Zombies usergroup 8-)
  3. Nice find [brains] However Im not convinced, someone has probably already metioned this but Clark dies in 'Numbers' and as we see from cut scene at beggining of 'Five', 'Five takes place after the cuban missile crisis etc. The evidence seems fairly strong though. I really wouldn't be surprised if it was him and being exposed to the those unstable properties turned him crazzzyyy ;)
  4. Yeah thats what Im hoping, I wonder if one day all the peices of the puzzle will fit together :roll:
  5. Hmm you'll have to play it but it isn't really, just looks similar, in my opinion.
  6. Congrats on UOTM Graffiti you deserve it!
  7. Ok, it seems a little odd to me that since all the hype around GKNOVA6 (even before it actually showed zombies, the early followers of it know who they are ) that it does not seemed to have been 'solved'. The Zombie clips we have seen on it (which introduced the Nova6 crawlers), are not actually present in BO Zombies (e.g. Hazmat suits, 'Re-birth island' etc), so was it simply introducing the idea that a chemical substance (Nova6) created this new crawler type. To anyone who has played the single player it is now obvious that it references Re-birth island, are we meant to believe that Nova6 caused those monkeys to mutate into 'crawlers'? We clearly see Zombies walking through what seems to be a Hospital/Lab corridors, with weapons on walls, perk cola's etc. So are we meant to believe this is DLC material. That in itself is confusing, as I mentioned in another thread as Treyarch have hinted at a huge number of possible maps via the dreamland server already (British Lighthouse, Eiffle Tower, Tunguska, Groom Lake, and even the bl**dy moon!) Please feel free to correct me, but it seems alot of gaps are present. I mean what happened to all the mysterious early GK transmissions e.g. 'Hell is Purple', 'Whats the frequency Kenneth'. I know alot of the numbers where decoded etc. In the livedrop write-up there was talks of 'project leak', more modern experiements, Giovanni, the list goes on. Right now I would like to apoligise if im completely of the mark as I haven't been following much of late, mainly down to the fact it hasn't been updated in a while. I am probably missing something, and someone might completely bring down this little rant :roll: So, although we have alot of information on GKNOVA6, do we really know what it is? GK- Goverment funded research team, Nova6 - Gas. So does Zombies have a larger link to campaign than first thought e.g. The GRIM REAPER on walls in Kino can be seen in the 'project Nova' level. So anyway, can anyone tell me where they think GKNOVA6 is going and what we should understand of it at the moment? Peace Sorry if im completely behind :facepalm:
  8. looks like your going to be UOTM (after seeing the standings after I voted for you 8-) ) Congrats mate you deserve it for the ridiculous amount of work you've done.
  9. I nominate Graffiti Skys - Amazing Avatar work without even a hint of annoyance at everyone (including myself) harrassing him for awesome designs I'd also like to put myself into consideration, a couple of nice theories here and there etc Good luck everyone! P.S. Thank you Juice503! :mrgreen:
  10. Hey Graffiti, Any chance you can edit mine so it has yellow rim/tinge (I am UK Zom ) Thanks again man (definately nominated you for UOTM)
  11. Your a don! Thanks again man :D
  12. Ha no worries man! Whenever you have time :P
  13. Ah man! Awesome work. Any chance I could have one like the 3rd one but with Richtofin and: TheOneAndOnly on it? Cheers man [brains] for your good work (edit: as soon as it replenishes, I seem to be giving alot lol) :mrgreen:
  14. And new easter eggs have been added! see more recent posts about music on NDU and new radio transmission on SNN which explains time travel! :mrgreen:
  15. What? I payed like £10 extra for hardened edition - I think that definately worth the old maps :)
  16. I hear you, but tbh they were never going to revamp them that much, realistically.
  17. So no-one else finds it weird that we think a gorilla in a spacesuit is on top of a theatre..seriously? don't you think the boss may be a little more linked to story line i.e. samantha..(only a suggestion). Does anyone remember uncovering secrets about a huge gorilla in der reise.. :mrgreen:
  18. :facepalm: Are you stupid? That's what this whole thread is about. >_> Ahh Lmao - very sorry posted this on wrong thread - MY BAD :| Sorry again
  19. EDIT: Removed because im an idiot and posted this on wrong page :facepalm:
  20. Had a huge classic map session on BO last night with a friend. I conclude that nothing has changed in a revealing way. Gameplay wise, the engine had been updated slightly which is nice (does nerf the fire rate of semi autos), and the BO weapons can be gotten from the random box (not off the wall) and can be PaP'd into some rather tasty weapons on Der Reise. All the maps have new starting screens (comic-esque similar to Kino der Untoten). A thread has been made on this already: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=3151 NDU starting screen is pretty interesting but I cannot really draw anything conclusive from it? The radio's on Shi No Numa and Der Reise are exactly the same (I tested all of them). The easter egg songs are all activated the same. The flytrap is the same and the boards on SNN and DR all seem the same. The only real change I noticed that was apparent was on Der Reise their is no light from the sky marking the random box's location. I don't particularly understand why this is? Any idea's? However I am not atall saying that There is nothing hidden within them (c'mon its Treyarch 8-) ), just to let you know the changes are not obvious and work will definately need to be done to unlock the secrets. Was planning to go back on soon just to re-check everything and continue to search. I have a feeling that some of the audio may well be slightly different. Will edit this post with further findings, just a quick first look here. Please post and questions about the classics or anything you my have found different. Peace :mrgreen:
  21. Ha - That is abit pathetic someone gave me bad rep. for this. Ah well haters gunna hate :|
  22. As many of us thought the computer used to access Dead Ops has other secrets...In this case another secret mini-game: ZORK. This is not atall related to Zombies and actually references the campaign. Type in Zork on Pc. Will unlock challenge 'Eaten by a Grue'. This I suppose you would describe as a 'text based adventure game'. You basically type in code and DOS (Disc operating system) commands. It is apparently a homage to Infocom's Zork game. Zork describes Itself as: 'A game of adventure, danger and low-cunning. You will explore territory never before seen by mortals. No computer should be without one'. I found this funny as all you seem to do is type commands rather than 'see' anything, although I didn't give it much time, it does reference the campaign prehaps leading to better understanding of the elusive 'Numbers'. Anyways thought it was interesting simply as it confirms that computer has multiple hidden functions. To understand further watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOgK0sV6RLU This describes is better than me! Peace :mrgreen:
  23. Really sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about :|
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