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Everything posted by nicolas1998
Ive posted this fact already
:facepalm: the zmobies get stronger
Im aam tryng it right now with a glitch ( Im offline I HATE GLITCHES) Im on round 70 right now I left it on all night. Ill tune you in later today
Me, I use the stoner69 w/ ExtendedMag. and Red Dot haha. with the ballistic knife to really piss them off, plus the tomahawk to x2 piss them off
Instead of a UAV what about A ZOMBIE COUNT LEFT for example you will know when to make a crawler or how many zombies are left.
The Grimreaper is everywhere...literally! Any idea's?
nicolas1998 replied to TheOneAndOnly's topic in Black Ops
OMG I see them too! I always thought of them as a person holding a knife! -
Ignore that, thats not the reason! It the decoded Message! remember: Ascension blah ..... it decodes to the words the man says!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EfYfFHy ... re=related UPDATE* Listen to the words he says! Ascension 7 15 1 2 19 7 25 6 13 6 7 15 14 0 11 24 11 1 7 19 20 10 14 2 3 19 0 8 11 22 21 5 17 17 0 10 2 23 1 8 11 25 22 9 4 12 9 23 1 12 0 12 16 6 12 8 4 1 6 2 10 2 1 24 18 10 15 9 13 18 14 11 11 2 14 23 3 17 24 17 21 2 15 4 5 7 13 4 24 6 3 4 24 1 9 23 17 10 2 10 23 24 14 5 25 TRANSLATION WHAT HE SAYS IN VIDEO! Transcription~ "This one was broadcast to Ground Zero. It has to be the trigger." If your family was ripped apart... Would you? If your life was turned upside down... Would you? If your heart was ripped from your chest... Check this video out JUST REALEASED WHAT DO YOU THINK ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so you know samantha's room right? (The good one) Well the chess set, the teddy bear has KING MATE on the other players just to let you guys know! :lol:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFIe6LEVXGs very good find, Im not owner, but would like to share this
All I want for christmas is you! xD all I want for call of duty 9 is....... :shock: :shock: :shock: So what do you guys want to see? xD pretty early right? hahah just post some cool ideas of you'rs. I have a few. I want a full game, of zombies. Just like 20 zombie maps, and maby missions? ;)
The word ASCENCION translate to english in the word RISING, i dont know what lang. it is though because I just did detect language.?
thunder went with the surrondings in numbers, proboly winter could be in project nova mission ?? or the other snow levels??
We all know qbout the thundergun in numbers, but WHAT ABOUT THE WINTER GUN!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: We will have to look further into champain :!: :!:
Maby can you make me one with my current photo, or just a photo a kenny in it.... kenny (from south park)
me haha
Murder your Maker (activision viral site for vga)
nicolas1998 replied to Elesar's topic in Black Ops
Bioshock 3 Infinite, is coming out soon -
Murder your Maker (activision viral site for vga)
nicolas1998 replied to Elesar's topic in Black Ops
I think its way too early following with the law suit with mw2. Murder you master, does sound like a bioshock 3? hmmmmm -
Murder your Maker (activision viral site for vga)
nicolas1998 replied to Elesar's topic in Black Ops
I DID FIND !M.w3 is that what I think it is!!!! ahhh anither one for those who did not go on web here is the whole thing, sorry might be long... and yes its supposed o look weird. :::.... /* SWFObject v2.2 is released under the MIT License */ var swfobject=function(){var D="undefined",r="object",S="Shockwave Flash",W="ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",q="application/x-shockwave-flash",R="SWFObjectExprInst",x="onreadystatechange",O=window,j=document,t=navigator,T=false,U=[h],o=[],N=[],I=[],l,Q,E,B,J=false,a=false,n,G,m=true,M=function(){var aa=typeof j.getElementById!=D&&typeof j.getElementsByTagName!=D&&typeof j.createElement!=D,ah=t.userAgent.toLowerCase(),Y=t.platform.toLowerCase(),ae=Y?/win/.test(Y):/win/.test(ah),ac=Y?/mac/.test(Y):/mac/.test(ah),af=/webkit/.test(ah)?parseFloat(ah.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/,"$1")):false,X=!+"\v1",ag=[0,0,0],ab=null;if(typeof t.plugins!=D&&typeof t.plugins==r){ab=t.plugins.description;if(ab&&!(typeof t.mimeTypes!=D&&t.mimeTypes[q]&&!t.mimeTypes[q].enabledPlugin)){T=true;X=false;ab=ab.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/,"$1");ag[0]=parseInt(ab.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/,"$1"),10);ag[1]=parseInt(ab.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/,"$1"),10);ag[2]=/[a-zA-Z]/.test(ab)?parseInt(ab.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/,"$1"),10):0}}else{if(typeof O.ActiveXObject!=D){try{var ad=new ActiveXObject(W);if(ad){ab=ad.GetVariable("$version");if(ab){X=true;ab=ab.split(" ")[1].split(",");ag=[parseInt(ab[0],10),parseInt(ab[1],10),parseInt(ab[2],10)]}}}catch(Z){}}}return{w3:aa,pv:ag,wk:af,ie:X,win:ae,mac:ac}}(),k=function(){if(!M.w3){return}if((typeof j.readyState!=D&&j.readyState=="complete")||(typeof j.readyState==D&&(j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]||j.body))){f()}if(!J){if(typeof j.addEventListener!=D){j.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",f,false)}if(M.ie&&M.win){j.attachEvent(x,function(){if(j.readyState=="complete"){j.detachEvent(x,arguments.callee);f()}});if(O==top){(function(){if(J){return}try{j.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(X){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}f()})()}}if(M.wk){(function(){if(J){return}if(!/loaded|complete/.test(j.readyState)){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}f()})()}s(f)}}();function f(){if(J){return}try{var Z=j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(C("span"));Z.parentNode.removeChild(Z)}catch(aa){return}J=true;var X=U.length;for(var Y=0;Y0){for(var af=0;af0){var ae=c(Y);if(ae){if(F(o[af].swfVersion)&&!(M.wk&&M.wk'}}aa.outerHTML='"+af+"";N[N.length]=ai.id;X=c(ai.id)}else{var Z=C®;Z.setAttribute("type",q);for(var ac in ai){if(ai[ac]!=Object.prototype[ac]){if(ac.toLowerCase()=="styleclass"){Z.setAttribute("class",ai[ac])}else{if(ac.toLowerCase()!="classid"){Z.setAttribute(ac,ai[ac])}}}}for(var ab in ag){if(ag[ab]!=Object.prototype[ab]&&ab.toLowerCase()!="movie"){e(Z,ab,ag[ab])}}aa.parentNode.replaceChild(Z,aa);X=Z}}return X}function e(Z,X,Y){var aa=C("param");aa.setAttribute("name",X);aa.setAttribute("value",Y);Z.appendChild(aa)}function y(Y){var X=c(Y);if(X&&X.nodeName=="OBJECT"){if(M.ie&&M.win){X.style.display="none";(function(){if(X.readyState==4){b(Y)}else{setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)}})()}else{X.parentNode.removeChild(X)}}}function b(Z){var Y=c(Z);if(Y){for(var X in Y){if(typeof Y[X]=="function"){Y[X]=null}}Y.parentNode.removeChild(Y)}}function c(Z){var X=null;try{X=j.getElementById(Z)}catch(Y){}return X}function C(X){return j.createElement(X)}function i(Z,X,Y){Z.attachEvent(X,Y);I[i.length]=[Z,X,Y]}function F(Z){var Y=M.pv,X=Z.split(".");X[0]=parseInt(X[0],10);X[1]=parseInt(X[1],10)||0;X[2]=parseInt(X[2],10)||0;return(Y[0]>X[0]||(Y[0]==X[0]&&Y[1]>X[1])||(Y[0]==X[0]&&Y[1]==X[1]&&Y[2]>=X[2]))?true:false}function v(ac,Y,ad,ab){if(M.ie&&M.mac){return}var aa=j.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];if(!aa){return}var X=(ad&&typeof ad=="string")?ad:"screen";if(ab){n=null;G=null}if(!n||G!=X){var Z=C("style");Z.setAttribute("type","text/css");Z.setAttribute("media",X);n=aa.appendChild(Z);if(M.ie&&M.win&&typeof j.styleSheets!=D&&j.styleSheets.length>0){n=j.styleSheets[j.styleSheets.length-1]}G=X}if(M.ie&&M.win){if(n&&typeof n.addRule==r){n.addRule(ac,Y)}}else{if(n&&typeof j.createTextNode!=D){n.appendChild(j.createTextNode(ac+" {"+Y+"}"))}}}function w(Z,X){if(!m){return}var Y=X?"visible":"hidden";if(J&&c(Z)){c(Z).style.visibility=Y}else{v("#"+Z,"visibility:"+Y)}}function L(Y){var Z=/[\\\"\.;]/;var X=Z.exec(Y)!=null;return X&&typeof encodeURIComponent!=D?encodeURIComponent(Y):Y}var d=function(){if(M.ie&&M.win){window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){var ac=I.length;for(var ab=0;ab}}a=false}}}}(); -
Murder your Maker (activision viral site for vga)
nicolas1998 replied to Elesar's topic in Black Ops
I DID FIND !M.w3 is that what I think it is!!!! -
Murder your Maker (activision viral site for vga)
nicolas1998 replied to Elesar's topic in Black Ops
I was look at the soruce page and found this URL: http://www.murderyourmaker.com/includes/js/swfobject.js some strange stuff, idk if it mentions call of duty, i did not read all of it -
SAME!!! I have froze 13 times since 3 days ago. 13 TIMES!!!! 2 of them whil I was in a chopper gunner, i got soooo pissed
PSN ID: x_black_optic_x its bad ass
Possible New Strange person or being on GKNova6?
nicolas1998 replied to Graffiti Skys's topic in GkNova6
It looks like somthing right out of Bioshock?
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