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  1. Missing you Paolo hope you're well
  2. Hello everyone! Treyarch has announced that this Friday (July 15, 2016), "around" 10 AM PST, a new game mode is coming to multiplayer: Fracture. David Vonderhaar says that first and foremost, this game mode has been in the making for a while now and they're ready to release it and get feedback. It'll be debuting in the Bonus playlist, but they want advice on what to tweak so it can go to the Core playlist. In designing the mode, they thought about how as in Safeguard and Hardpoint, two teams focusing on a single objective is fun. Take that and add it to Kill Confirmed, and you get Fracture. When a player dies, "he's going to drop what we call a 'core file,'" says Matt S (all of their core files, to be specific). However, as opposed to Kill Confirmed where the player collects one dropped object and that's the end of it, this time you can collect up to 10 and you must transport them to another location. That location is the Fracture Site, which changes roughly every minute and is random after the first one, totaling about four per game. When on the Fracture Site, Vonderhaar says it's "about a quarter second per core file, so you don't just get to run [over it] and then that's it. If you go there and you have a lot, it's very satisfying." David says "it's 25 score per event," though in the video it was 25 points to collect a core file and 50 points to deposit it. He says that at the time of release, the mode has "a ten minute timer and 60 fragments," stressing that the games are the normal Call of Duty time everyone is used to. While that's how the game mode works currently, they all urge the community to have their input heard on the future of the mode. One "knob that can be turned," so to speak, is the random or linear debate regarding the Fracture Site. In Hardpoint and Safeguard, you'll recall that the objectives are linear, in the sense that the order or path is the same every time. They wanted that "structure" to exist in those modes so you could set up your defenses, but they decided to go against that for this mode, which really adds to the fun and makes big point swings possible in games. One developer, ... , also points out that this mode "forces you to play with your team, ... because if you die and drop those core files, you've essentially given it to the other team." David speaks to that as well, saying he likes "the pack-hunting mentality. I like when two or three of us kind of roll together, pick up each others messes." If the community doesn't like that though, it can be changed. "Normally we go in and we're pretty confident, like 'this is the roles the mode should have,' 'this is the score limit,' 'this is how the spawning should work,' and we're confident here too, ... but there's the dialogue. I think the fun part now is after 8 months of Black Ops, you can actually have a conversation with people about, 'what are they experiencing...'" So, people, what are you experiencing? When the mode comes out on Friday, let's "have that conversation!" Don't forget, though, it's an ongoing dialogue! Your opinions will likely change, so post them as they do!
  3. Hello everyone! Treyarch has announced that this Friday (July 15, 2016), "around" 10 AM PST, a new game mode is coming to multiplayer: Fracture. David Vonderhaar says that first and foremost, this game mode has been in the making for a while now and they're ready to release it and get feedback. It'll be debuting in the Bonus playlist, but they want advice on what to tweak so it can go to the Core playlist. In designing the mode, they thought about how as in Safeguard and Hardpoint, two teams focusing on a single objective is fun. Take that and add it to Kill Confirmed, and you get Fracture. When a player dies, "he's going to drop what we call a 'core file,'" says Matt S (all of their core files, to be specific). However, as opposed to Kill Confirmed where the player collects one dropped object and that's the end of it, this time you can collect up to 10 and you must transport them to another location. That location is the Fracture Site, which changes roughly every minute and is random after the first one, totaling about four per game. When on the Fracture Site, Vonderhaar says it's "about a quarter second per core file, so you don't just get to run [over it] and then that's it. If you go there and you have a lot, it's very satisfying." David says "it's 25 score per event," though in the video it was 25 points to collect a core file and 50 points to deposit it. He says that at the time of release, the mode has "a ten minute timer and 60 fragments," stressing that the games are the normal Call of Duty time everyone is used to. While that's how the game mode works currently, they all urge the community to have their input heard on the future of the mode. One "knob that can be turned," so to speak, is the random or linear debate regarding the Fracture Site. In Hardpoint and Safeguard, you'll recall that the objectives are linear, in the sense that the order or path is the same every time. They wanted that "structure" to exist in those modes so you could set up your defenses, but they decided to go against that for this mode, which really adds to the fun and makes big point swings possible in games. One developer, ... , also points out that this mode "forces you to play with your team, ... because if you die and drop those core files, you've essentially given it to the other team." David speaks to that as well, saying he likes "the pack-hunting mentality. I like when two or three of us kind of roll together, pick up each others messes." If the community doesn't like that though, it can be changed. "Normally we go in and we're pretty confident, like 'this is the roles the mode should have,' 'this is the score limit,' 'this is how the spawning should work,' and we're confident here too, ... but there's the dialogue. I think the fun part now is after 8 months of Black Ops, you can actually have a conversation with people about, 'what are they experiencing...'" So, people, what are you experiencing? When the mode comes out on Friday, let's "have that conversation!" Don't forget, though, it's an ongoing dialogue! Your opinions will likely change, so post them as they do! View full news
  4. Looks like this is happening with the Contracts, and 2XP offerings. They're trying to open up parts of the game to people who never play it, like getting Shotgun kills of 2XP for that Flags and Bombs playlist they had. You're a man ahead of your time DG ;)
  5. I was just clarifying that that's exactly how the first Weapon is determined; the kill that sends you over the threshold (not that it likely wasn't obvious, but to be on the safe side). Yup, both the first Ability you receive and any one you gamble to are random (according to their blog post). I hope the "Specialist deck" is just a fancy name for what you're talking about haha.
  6. Damn, you beat me to it! I was about to publish it haha :p Should be noted that all contract expiration times are 10am PST, and Weekly run Monday-to-Monday. The Specialist you kill as your power meter goes from not-full to full is the Weapon/Ability you receive. For Gambler, the available Abilities you can re-roll to are determined by what Abilities are in your "Specialist deck," whatever that means.
  7. I'll start by saying great job on the thread. Glad you finally got it out! I think it is rather presumptuous to say this. I don't think anything about those quote quickly debunk anything. You say that there's no science behind souls being energy, but there's simply no evidence for that. This quote seems to very clearly show that souls actually are energy, as "residual" means "remaining after the greater part or quantity is gone." By that, we can see that whatever energy going into these eggs and boxes are actually from the soul, not from something else.
  8. This morning, Activision announced that the Call of Duty Experience (CoD XP) has returned for 2016! In 2011, Infinity Ward showcased their then-upcoming Modern Warfare 3, and they appear to be doing the same this year for Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare: Remastered. “Set to be the biggest gathering of the global Call of Duty community,” Call of Duty XP 2016 will take place at the Los Angeles Forum in California from September 2-4. Just like in 2011, there will be a slew of fun activities to participate in, from Nuketown paintball to Zombie laser tag, as well as an exclusive Virtual Reality experience from PlayStation! But wait, there’s more! It wouldn’t really be a game reveal without letting those who traveled play it, so attendees will be able to get early access to Infinite Warfare (both Multiplayer and Zombies), Modern Warfare: Remastered Multiplayer, and even Black Ops 3’s final DLC! It’s unclear if the final zombies installment will be included, but we’ll keep our fingers crossed! Other playing opportunities come via competitive 6v6 matches, which can be accessed through the 500+ gaming stations. And as if that wasn’t enough, the Call of Duty World League Championships will take place while you’re there! Set to give out more than $2 million, the top 32 teams will compete for the title of Champions! There are three ticket packages available: Enlisted - $49; access to hands-on gameplay and activities, the World League Championships, and digital content for both Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare Veteran - $129; Enlisted + Care Package, Studio Q&A, and the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition Prestige - $199; Veteran + Premium Championship seating and Meet and Greet, both VIP and Scheduled hands-on gameplay and activities, Reserved Parking Pass, VIP lounge access, and Infinite Warfare Digital Deluxe Edition (will replace Legacy Edition from Veteran Package) Tickets go on sale Saturday, June 11, at 10PM PST, at callofduty.com/xp. I know I’ll be doing everything in my power to go, will I see any of you there? Source: Activision Blog, Call of Duty
  9. This morning, Activision announced that the Call of Duty Experience (CoD XP) has returned for 2016! In 2011, Infinity Ward showcased their then-upcoming Modern Warfare 3, and they appear to be doing the same this year for Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare: Remastered. “Set to be the biggest gathering of the global Call of Duty community,” Call of Duty XP 2016 will take place at the Los Angeles Forum in California from September 2-4. Just like in 2011, there will be a slew of fun activities to participate in, from Nuketown paintball to Zombie laser tag, as well as an exclusive Virtual Reality experience from PlayStation! But wait, there’s more! It wouldn’t really be a game reveal without letting those who traveled play it, so attendees will be able to get early access to Infinite Warfare (both Multiplayer and Zombies), Modern Warfare: Remastered Multiplayer, and even Black Ops 3’s final DLC! It’s unclear if the final zombies installment will be included, but we’ll keep our fingers crossed! Other playing opportunities come via competitive 6v6 matches, which can be accessed through the 500+ gaming stations. And as if that wasn’t enough, the Call of Duty World League Championships will take place while you’re there! Set to give out more than $2 million, the top 32 teams will compete for the title of Champions! There are three ticket packages available: Enlisted - $49; access to hands-on gameplay and activities, the World League Championships, and digital content for both Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare Veteran - $129; Enlisted + Care Package, Studio Q&A, and the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition Prestige - $199; Veteran + Premium Championship seating and Meet and Greet, both VIP and Scheduled hands-on gameplay and activities, Reserved Parking Pass, VIP lounge access, and Infinite Warfare Digital Deluxe Edition (will replace Legacy Edition from Veteran Package) Tickets go on sale Saturday, June 11, at 10PM PST, at callofduty.com/xp. I know I’ll be doing everything in my power to go, will I see any of you there? Source: Activision Blog, Call of Duty View full news
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  10. This is interesting. I'm curious as to why the Rising Sun Facility was "lost." A few things come to mind. One is that the less frequent supply drops somehow spelled doom for the facility, or that this mysterious plane and bright light is the cause. One that I enjoy thinking about, though, is Zombies. Who knows what "the final results" were (I'm sure it could be figured out, but that's for another post), but it involved Element 115 and seems to have taken place at Shi No Numa. I don't know if that means the zombies that Division 9 created (if they did, that is) took over the site but the Emperor was impressed by them? I don't think it is, but I at least want to lay out everything going through my head. As for Takeo, it's really interesting. For some reason he is heralded as a hero by their society, which I assume has to do with his family's very honorable history (see: SNN bios) and his war victories. As for why this would lead to the Emperor being questioned I'm unsure, but I'd chalk it up to general paranoia and not wanting anyone else to be the center of attention. Perhaps his family has a history of causing trouble or something, but at this point it's too much speculation for me to go further haha. I'll look into it a little more and see what I can find :)
  11. Tac


    Don't forget Stronghold. Sitting on the rooftop looking towards mansion gets you longshots for days. Was fortunate enough to get 4 in one game with an HVK haha.
  12. They already visited that place. Right after he says that and they go through the Rift, they enact their "insurance policy" and come back to ZNS, to now make their way to Stalingrad.
  13. What became of Groph? Agreed completely with @Rissole25 and @NaBrZHunter; I think he's dead. Well, we know the Area 51 teleporter does exist. Not that I think he used that teleporter, and he likely did not, but it ought to be pointed out. Is Samantha in Control? I think that Blundell saying the Moon loading screen variant was canon should be considered in all of this. Samantha appears to be a shadow on not the Moon, as before, but Mars (or at least Shangri-La pre-transportation, wherever that may be). What Corrupted the Keeper? I don't think we can say that the Keeper took damage from Groph when above the MPD. We couldn't harm Samantha either, though as a human she too would take damage from these weapons.
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