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Everything posted by Tac

  1. Go straight down from "Off Brand" and it says "Oct 2 1962" at the bottom. I was mistaken about the explosion, that was incorrect. However, the only important thing about Oct 2nd was the nuclear explosion. You're correct, however, that the stamp could insinuate the document is from another time and it's unrelated. If I remember correctly, the Vietnamese writing on the Shangri-La crates is actually talking about rockets and propellant (the monkey shooting into the sky) and doesn't say nguy hiem, but I may be wrong. I personally don't think it could be the Cuban Missile Crisis, because not until October 14th was it known that any missiles were in Cuba. You may be on to something with the Nacht screen, though. Good thinking.
  2. Tac

    Hey Everyone!

    Welcome to the site!! The Technical Support probably answered number one for you, and I'm sure there are lots of people here that would love to play. I don't really play that often otherwise I would As for number three, we are having a blast talking about it! The first thread I'll link at the bottom is our discussion about it and I apologize for it being so long but I highly recommend reading through it, and the second is our discussion about a zombies only game. Enjoy reading and I hope to see your contributions! http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178522-future-zombies-treyarch-hints-from-dice-chat/ http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178512-what-if-there-was-a-game-dedicated-to-zombies/ If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask
  3. He saying that it's good to go back and relook at things... Have a fresh set of eyes, with new information taboot. That's why your post about not looking at these things earlier just didn't really make sense.
  4. Hey there! Welcome to the site, if you have any questions be sure to ask!!
  5. Don't forget these unimportant members! Dr. Mikhail Ivanov - Computer Systems Engineer Dr. Gavril Petrov - Launch Facilitator Dr. Stefan Fedorov - Chief ICBM Weapon Directive Executive Dr. Viktor Vasiliev - Dr. Boris Titov - Nuclear Fission Engineer The numbers are also from the Gersh devices, don't forget that. The Gersh devices and FIVE Teleporters work on very very similar technology.
  6. I definitely don't think that Clarke is the Thief but the post was interesting nonetheless. I was sold on Yuri at one point and something turned me away from it so I'm not entirely anymore. I don't remember what it was, but I'll try to.
  7. I'm curious if the arm eating could actually be interpreted as The Flesh and maybe not a zombie eating an arm.
  8. A straight up campaign would go against the essence of Zombies, but I think there's a way to make it similar to a campaign and have that feel of a continuous story. However, I don't think it should happen until a long ways down the road when this story has been completed, most of the secrets deciphered, and a good story is established by the community. Then they essentially make a game/"campaign" that walks us through the story and maybe even introduce some more hints to the secrets we have yet to find. That's what I'd like to see. Then they can start on a new story or something, but even if they don't, I want the zombies game to be the final installation of this story.
  9. Good call @MrRoflWaffles, it's always good to have these files back in the forefront and discussion on them. The Thief has always evaded us, I hope we can get to the bottom of this.
  10. Tac

    Hello All!

    Good to have you here! The Treyarch story is kinda my forte, it's all I work on, so I hope to see you in those sections in the coming months to help us out Like @Lenne said, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
  11. Tac


    Welcome to the site! You can join the chat once you have 5 or more posts, so only a little more to go If you have any questions be sure to ask!
  12. That's an impressive statistic, congratulations! You'll fit in just fine haha. Welcome to the site!
  13. Those quotes are awesome haha! I think what would be cool is if you're playing in Berlin, killing zombies, and one of the Easter Eggs is to knock down the Berlin Wall and when you look across the street, you see Kino der Toten! That would be sweet to me, maybe even go inside or see yourself in the past
  14. No one has been able to make good sense of this note.
  15. Wooooooooooo!!! This is what I like seeing. YEE YEE!
  16. Haha I actually did some homework Thanks for getting it back up, much appreciated!
  17. @Tattoo247 @Nightmare Voyager @GRILL @Matuzz When one of you said that the "Origins Richtofen" has vanished and that something weird is happening in time, plus the portrait in Kino, I can't help but think about the note in Kino from 1975 that says "Be wary of the Doctor." I don't know how it ties in for sure, but if Dr. Richtofen is going through time, this could help further that.
  18. Here's the crossed out version for you, but I haven't seen the scratched out version.
  19. @Tattoo247, is that the correct link? It links to an Exo Zombies guide
  20. I suppose the thing I want the most is a gritty feel. I don't play enough for me to really care about gameplay, but I do really dislike buildables so I'd like an option to buy them instead of make them. And of course a more historically-driven story. Always love that.
  21. The red text near the MPD sign is "CONFIDENTIAL." Also, I always thought the skull drawing was an explosion but now that you mention it, that makes a lot more sense. Good get.
  22. Welcome to the site! We're glad to have you and if you've got any questions, be sure to ask
  23. Tac


    Haha I like that answer! I'm a pretty heavy story guy so that's where I spend most of my time. Hope to see you around those parts
  24. Someone say filing cabinet? Paging @Tac Haha I forgot you knew about my Zombies cabinet xD
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