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Everything posted by Tac

  1. As a heads up Lectric J-Dawg, it's spelled Marlton, and he isn't the one who can hear Richtofen The man who can hear Richtofen is Samuel I believe, otherwise known as The Professor/Engineer. He's the one wearing the white shirt and has glasses.
  2. No maybe not specifically, but about the maps and mechanics inside some of the maps. My point is that there are too many threads discussing how they don't like Zombies, TranZit, the characters, Nuketown, etc., and it's looking cluttered IMO.
  3. I'm really bad at survival and felt like relaxing, so I put the game on Easy and got the Knuckles. One hit kill until 14 I believe, and I managed to survive until 18.
  4. We've got four threads now about how people don't like TranZit. Please look for posting and post all future concerns about TranZit in this thread viewtopic.php?f=100&t=25004
  5. Is it possible for you to post a picture?
  6. If the TranZit bus really comes from TranZit, then Green Run is in Colorado. What exactly do you mean?
  7. I made a note of it, but it seems like it may not be actual location.
  8. I could see us join up with Richtofen, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai for an epic 4z4 grief game mode.
  9. I think that the sheer fact that H.A.A.R.P. was mentioned yet again means 601 could be coming back. Eek this is exciting!! You show Nevada on the world map, and something occurred to me. All this time, I had thought that the TranZit crossbones were Southern California, but based on the location of the Nevada atom symbol, TZC (TranZit Crossbones) definitely appear to be in the northwest, aka Washington. Thank you for the image! I think you should edit that last picture as well Rissoles, the last 3. It looks so majestic! And we could totally get PINNAZ in our Inner Circle Fun time in there.
  10. I don't have Nuketown Zombies so I'm unable to knife the bunker :(
  11. Ascension monkeys come from space, therefore they are Space Monkeys. Shangri-La is literally in space, therefore they are Space Monkeys. (refer to link in my signature about Shangri-La)
  12. Nothing conclusive, from what I have found, has come from the comic strip. I can't seem to find a lot of people you are consistently saying the same thing or arguing a same point.
  13. I have not personally heard the voices in the Fallout Shelter on Nuketown, but this theory makes great sense if it does indeed turn out to be our crew. We know for a fact that TranZit is after Nuketown, and this is the only theory I've heard about the honking bus. Great theory, keep up the good work.
  14. I'm pretty sure he got his information and documents from Call of the Dead itself, since it did possibly serve as a Group 935 headquarters. I think they show the Der Riese door as a flashback to show us what the information was referring to.
  15. I found this quote on Der Riese by Richtofen today that I think may help may case that Nikolai either wandered off or was way ahead of the group. Or maybe it doesn't, take it as you wish. "Once again, Nikolai leads from the front!" - response_hero_ohshit_03
  16. What a great thread, fantastically written and portrayed. You touched on how Oppenheimer had a Black Ops Terminal account, but it should also be noted that not only were they discussing business as usual, they even brought up Maxis and how he was a man ahead of his time. This is a way they knew of Element 115 I feel, going through all of Maxis' files. Don't forget also that in Kino Der Toten, there are the marquee letters on the ground that spell out The Manhattan Project.
  17. If I had to take a guess, the ear would be related to the Tower of Babble and languages.
  18. Well PINNAZ, the thing that confuses me is that zooming in on TranZit puts you at a southern point of California, right above Mexico, yet Hanford is in Washington and the H.A.A.R.P. Research Station is in Alaska. Know what I mean?
  19. I was literally just making a thread on this. I'm really really behind on this game, need to catch up. Tonight is the first night I've heard of Green Run as anything outside Zombies, or even the Hanford Site to be honest. I need to get back on top of my game I guess.
  20. Tac

    Two questions.

    1. Constraints on time: viewtopic.php?f=120&t=25103#p242834 2. Custom games do not count: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=25113
  21. The H.A.A.R.P. Research Station was known for the most part, but I'm a bit confused as to how you are connecting the bus drivers' knowledge of zombies to H.A.A.R.P.? Also, what's NDR?
  22. Richtofen, Samantha, and whoever else gets into the MPD are powered by the death of Zombies. That's why he needs them.
  23. I was a fan of PhD Flopper, loved being able to shoot at my feet with the Ray Gun and feel safe. I was playing Town and that damn lava kills me sometimes, especially when I shot my feet with a Ray Gun and it downed me at round 18. I've never used Deadshot Daiquiri, and Mule Kick only once on Nacht Der Untoten when my friend forced me to. All in all, I'm not too disappointed.
  24. I have updated the OP with a summarized version of this, so thank you very much. I plan on do a major aesthetic overhaul on this thread, looks horrible in my opinion, then to back and evaluate all the information again. Thank you again for posting, I always always always appreciate the help.
  25. Its only for tranzit Tac 1 nade is enough. Fantastic, thank you! This will help me tremendously with finding out what exactly is in there.
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