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Everything posted by Tac

  1. Damn you I was so hoping there was no UFO's in this. The only thing is that the UFO's are Nazi and the Submarine is Russian, that just doesn't add up to me ya know?
  2. Yeah, I mean we don't know it in the future though. I think he meant more along the lines of farther than where he wanted to end up. BUT! If he did mean too far in the future, than it would be March 17, 2012, and would set Moon up perfectly for Doomsday of the Earth.
  3. Lol it's such an old thread and mods have had to deal with it a couple times, I no longer think they care about this thread.
  4. I don't really think that we can include the weapons in the time period. Again, guns made in like 1988 are in Kino, that's not possible, but we go with it. It's just something in the game, not really included in the time line.
  5. This thread is STILL here? Jeez, let it go already ahaha
  6. Tac

    FIVE and importance

    Indeed. I really do hate the search bar though, I NEVER can find what I'm looking for even though I know it's there. I can't figure out if I'm just an idiot or there's more to the search function.
  7. Tac

    FIVE and importance

    I'm not talking about when we are there, I'm talking about which outbreak happened. So I'm not talking about Moon, I'm talking about Area 51 and FIVE.
  8. I think that they recognized that Edward was back to fulfill his plan, so they followed him to the Moon
  9. Regardless of the characters, the time period effects the story greatly. But the characters do matter to the time period. I mean we aren't going to have JFK and them on CoTD because they died, see what I mean?
  10. No one knows. There are no hints anywhere as to whether the Vril-ya are dead or still living. I think they are alive since they teleport the Shangri-La pyramid to the Moon.
  11. Tac

    FIVE and importance

    How can we tell which came first between Area 51 and FIVE? We truly can't. And the Americans got Element 115 from the Chicora Meteors in Pennsylvania and sent them to Area 51. But with that, we still can't tell which happened first, but I do assume Area 51.
  12. He means the Vril-ya gave it to us as a sacrifice I think.
  13. true. idk i think COTD's EE was very well done towards the storyline. we figured out what VRIL was from it we figured out where the heros went. we did alot becuse of that EE. Shangri la we found out richtofen was in the jungle B4 shangri la due to the shrine. we also found out some theroys about maxis and the eclipse. i disagree good sir i think the EE's are starting to elaborate more on the stories. . . atleast for us people here on CODZ Well like I said, the end result gives us information, but nothing before that usually. While the theories are getting more elaborate, it doesn't mean that they are making each step make sense like you imply. I mean in the Shangri-La Easter Egg, Call of the Dead Easter Egg, and even Moon, nothing makes sense until the end when we get the end result of acquiring the pieces.
  14. Tac

    FIVE and importance

    Fair enough. It is indeed possible that they started in Area 51, and moved to FIVE. Who knows, we can't tell.
  15. I wouldn't mind for them to make another one, but I don't think they will. It was generally accepted with like a 50% approval rating. Half didn't like it because there isn't much story, half loved it because it's simple and user friendly
  16. Well does the number 2/3 effect it. Could it still be 11.5 depending on which that number is?
  17. Haha if only we could apply this to the Kino :arrow: Ascension mysteries lol. But yeah, I think that the Vril-ya/Illuminati were aware that Ed was heading to the Moon so they just went there first. No need to go to Area 51 with them. Can't be sure how they got from S-L to Area 51 though. That's a mystery too.
  18. Ya know, the whole Shangri la pyramid temple teleporting to the Moon thing. That event. ref. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=15764 Ok dude enough with the /facepalm's please, I apologize I don't always understand exactly what your saying. Anyways, the teleportation. Got it. I think that the Teleportation happens while they are in Area 51. The gang leaves Shangri-La so the Vril-ya teleport to the Moon for whatever reason. Just my theory.
  19. :o I agree that it supports my theory! I'll run this through my mind for a bit and get back to you! My initial thoughts don't yield anything sadly. :cry: Anyways, [brains]
  20. By "this event" you mean what? You mean the making of the pyramid in the picture? If so than I agree it occurs way before Moon, before the story even. I think the Illuminati = Vril-ya. VRIL Energy = 115. It's all connected
  21. xD I see that bot all the time and I am just like WTF!? :lol:
  22. No no, I get the significance of a Pyramid on the Moon, and how that's super-duper-coolio and stuff. I just meant, other than the fact that there is a Pyramid on the Moon, is there anything else we can conclude from this that would alter our story.
  23. Welcome to CoDz! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
  24. I am going to have to completely disagree on what those plates are for. They are used for the Casimir Effect, not a telescope The typical example of the Casimir Effect is of two uncharged metallic plates in a vacuum, without any external electromagnetic field (like being on the Moon ). In a classical description, the lack of an external field also means that there is no field between the plates, and no force would be measured between them. When this field is instead studied using quantum electrodynamics, it is seen that the plates do affect the virtual photons which constitute the field, and generate a net force, almost always an attraction. This creates Casimir Pressure. Because Casimir force between conductors is attractive then the Casimir pressure in space between the conductors is negative. Applying this to the VRIL Generator, I'm assuming that the then negative energy inside the conductors fuses the Focusing Stone with the VRIL Generator, thus making them work.
  25. I think the image is fake and I'm not sure whether Treyarch has even seen it, so other than the fact that there is the picture itself, I no longer see its relevance to the story or any research we are conducting.
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