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Everything posted by B0UNC3R

  1. Interesting theory I really hope there is a map in Area 51. Would be awesome!
  2. GT: b0unc3r1337 steam username: bouncer96188
  3. Funny you should type this! The exact same thing happened to me! I think that the servers went down for people in certain areas, or a little server update was put in place. When I was lucky enough to find a game, I played for about 20 seconds then it said "connection interupted" and I disconnected from Xbox Live. I'm not sure what it was :shock: I just turned off my xbox for a little while, logged back in and it's been going fine :D
  4. Yup. Modern Warfare 2 was good times. Had my last match on monday. But Black Ops? much much much better! [brains] [brains] [brains]
  5. Buy a new Xbox. It will of stopped working what with all the jizz clogging up the hard drive 0_o. lol jk. Nah, first thing is im gonna install onto my hard drive, then im gonna hit the multiplayer, then get the campaign. And zombies is gonna fit in there at some point.
  6. I like the sound of the first idea. I would gladly participate :)
  7. Personally, I think that quickscoping is fun, but pointless. Like I always say: "I don't quickscope, I snipe." [brains]
  8. This is my first post, so, appropriately, it is an introduction to myself. So my name is B0UNC3R (not my real name obviously ). I am kind of new to the console gaming world, and to the whole Call of Duty franchise. Previously, PC gaming was my forte, and I was extremely obsessed with games such as Team Fortress 2, the Half Life franchise, and, one of my all time favourites, Portal. I had been coming on CODZ for ages, checking everyday to see if there had been any more posts for the upcoming Black Ops: Dead Ops, and Black Ops itself. I decided to make myself an account, and here I am. I'm going to try and post some updates about it all, but otherwise, I'll enjoy reading all of your posts Hope to post something better soon!
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