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Everything posted by thezombiekiller

  1. Just to clarify, Takeo said the facebook quote, not Nikolai. I just played solo and heard him say that.
  2. No, it was definitely takeo, I was playing solo :3
  3. On ascension, I was pack a punching my ray gun when takeo said "bah, I keep forgetting to update my facebook page" I loled
  4. This right here. It sounded good until I realized :P
  5. I really doubt it, that thing is way too OP
  6. I just tried this again with a couple of friends, the room didnt shake :/ Its a shame, it looked like it would shake from the video
  7. I upgraded the china lake as a joke. It SUCKS.
  8. Mod tools! That might keep us pc players busy :D
  9. To be honest, I would like to see the amm-o-matic. I could represent bandolier :)
  10. I havent seen that before, I have to have a look as well. It could be part of the last step. hmmmm.... interesting. Anyway, have some yummy brains for the find [brains]
  11. Great theory, but I have to agree, I think that it was just a REALLY bad pun.
  12. You speak of the legend of the fourth lander. :D
  13. I don't really like the dreamland theory either, but I think that 3arc is going in this direction.
  14. Don't be too hard on him :/ But yeah, this is a re-post. Use the search function next time.
  15. That is so full of win :D
  16. That's what I love about zombies, almost nothing is what it appears to be... All this speculation is making my [brains] hurt
  17. I understand why you would think that the next map will be there, but I don't think it will. I think someone found a game file called zombie_zm_Cairo or something like that, so that would point to egypt. However, compared to the evidence pointing toward area 51, Egypt is little more than a guess.
  18. About a week too late. Sorry :(
  19. That's it, dead on. If this isn't screaming dreamland, I don't know what is.
  20. The fly trap might not do anything for us, but it is just another way to remind us that Sam is screwing with us. I also agree with the person above me, 3arc respects this community, and I do not think they would mislead us unless they had a VERY good reason.
  21. It actually fits very well. Brains to you for an awesome theory [brains]
  22. Yes, Dempsey says something similar to that. This is pointing to the dreamland theory?
  23. We wouldn't be allowed to kill sam before she had her powers, the ESRB are far too strong :3 I agree with the person who said that it's nice to know that, but time travel is kinda screwy :P
  24. Errm...... To put this like a true man of the Internet, "Lul wut?"
  25. I agree, there is too much left unexplained for it to be over.
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