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Everything posted by thezombiekiller

  1. So... Jump into a black hole while holding one in your hands? I could try that :P
  2. Yeah. I was in the middle of getting my gun to go save my friends, so I wasn't really listening :P
  3. LOL I posted another one of these quotes five minutes after you did xD great minds think alike?
  4. This might have been posted already, but I wanted to type this out anyway. I was pack-a-punching my ray gun when dempsey said something along the lines of this= "I cant remember much about takeo before shi no numa, hell, I cant remember anything before then." not the exact quote, but thats what I remember. I believe this would support the dreamland theory, correct? THIS QUOTE IS FROM ASCENSION, MAKING IT RELEVANT :D
  5. Just because an idea looks somewhat unlikely does not mean that it is stupid. I like it as well..
  6. I just tried, it didn't work. I was very disapoint. Yes, I meant to screw up the grammar.
  7. I usually do this ^ It works better than you would think it would.
  8. Sorry man, that makes four of us with that aussie guy. There are some other teams being assembled though, you should check them out.
  9. Lol, then what do I call you, mate?
  10. I need to find xbox players who would be willing to search this map inside out and backwards with me to find all the Easter eggs. Gotta say, there's nothing more fun than kicking zombie ass with some friends reply with your gamertag if interested.
  11. Sam and maxis using the teleporters would make sense... Why didnt I think of this. /facepalm No matter, [brains] for you (when I can)
  12. Welcome! BTW I am pretty sure that everyone here loves zombies. I know I do ZOMBIES = LIFE
  13. he is correct. BTW its takeo who says that.
  14. The last one you said has nothing to do with zombies, it has something to do with the numbers. However, you may or may not be on to something with the first two.
  15. Welcome to the zombie filled paradise known as codz :D
  16. First off, I am really sorry if this has already been posted (not that it matters, just more space for threads). As the majority of us know, Treyarch has told us that we are "missing something right under our noses". Now, this is a thread for speculation of that quote. To be honest, I would put good money on the fact that it is on five. Now, I know that it has nothing to do with the storyline.... Or does it? 0_o I bet that we are looking for that secret so hard in kino, that we are completely ignoring five. Does anyone agree with me? (if so, feel free to give me brains )
  17. as he said before, welcome! Ill give you some brains to start you off :)
  18. Yeah, I watched it for a while, but only to yell through the comments and enjoy some music ^_^
  19. Yeah, I watched it for a while, but only to yell through the comments and enjoy some music ^_^
  20. As you could guess from my huge amount of brains, i'm fairly new to this site. I was thinking about donating, but...... what does donating do? Does it give you anything? Not that it matters, but i'm just curious.
  21. Interesting idea........
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