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Everything posted by PuLsExEdGeZ

  1. i have watched some leaked footage....but not that much...but i still watched it....wish i didn't..
  3. Ya what he said....now i must destroy every copy of modern warefare 2 that i have in celebration of black ops hahahahahaha!!
  4. ahh man...eh theres always next time...GamerTag is: IC IL Ii IP IZ
  5. I no exactly how you feel...some idiot sent me a message and in that message was a "leaked" video of zombies...the horror of leaked footage.
  6. I preorder at gamestop and all i got was a receipt and a game case or disk case or whatever its called..currently its standing proud on top of my tv XD
  7. What ever we do, i'm glad to help in anyway possible!
  8. I will not deny it QS was cheap it was the piece of "Fiction: in MP, but even if Treyarch does manage to completely get rid of QSing somehow, who's to say that someone won't find another piece of "Fiction" in MP..you take something out and it just gets replaced with something else...
  9. Love the video but have to disagree with the whole quick scoping is gone...just because it will take a second for people to line up the cross hairs doesn't mean ya still can't quickscope...
  10. i'm pretty sure being able to scope in for one second and then hitting your target will still be quickscoping. i do it all the time.
  11. alright yes quick scoping can be cheap...but really now take out something that was fun for (some) people...there's always gonna be a way to quickscope no matter how CHEAP it is.
  12. Don't most quickscopes require to be "scoped" in for one second, in my opionion it wont matter as long as the kill is killed as quick as possible so it may only take a second to see the cross hairs but someone out there will quickscope....if not then there will be a new trend some one will make and there are many possibilities like the cross bow...people are gonna be making lots of montages with the cross bow....
  13. no i wouldn't want it to be like the spas 12 but come on how long has quickscoping been out since call of duty 2 no? there's always gonna be a way to quickscope no matter what..its unavoidable,unless you take out the sniper rifles for good.
  14. Why? is it so hard to find a guy in a ghillie suit while he's running around with a darn sniper rifle seriously its not that hard to kill them....but for some people it provides a serious challenge....sad....but people are still gonna quick scope....there's always a way to do it....
  15. Meh im playing the new need for speed hot pursuit demo and just beating what autolog recommends i should beat pretty fun!
  16. Xbl: IC IL Ii IP IZ
  17. I love Quickscoping its fun, especially when using marathon instead of sleight of hand and still going positive....such memories, but still if you can't kill a quickscoper pointblank or at least from the distance then that tells you something, stay the heck away from him and go after people who aren't quickscoping...plain and simple..Bump?
  18. PuLsExEdGeZ


    Hey guy's whats up? so yeah i have been following this site for awhile now but never had the courage to like actually sign up lol, anyways i want to help in anyway possible okay! peace! P.S. i am not a HL fanboy if you guys would have thought of me to be one of them, i basically find all that plain nonsense. so yeah..uh..toodaloo :lol:
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